Reading by the “fire” with my 7th graders today! I love teaching using this book!
Reading by the “fire” with my 7th graders today! I love teaching using this book!
I loved the premise of this book, and felt it had such potential. Then it just got complicated with too many conspiracies that don‘t add up. Maybe they are explained in the rest of the series??
As a side note, this is a Lonestar book winner (Texas middle grades) and I haven‘t loved any that have won in the past two years other than When. Not sure what the problem is, me or the books?
Great read for busy Christian moms prior to the holiday season. It is a real, and honest approach to how to deal with false holiday expectations and keeping the holiday centered on Christ. Easy to follow and well- laid out. I highly recommend!
This was a fun read! It had me reminiscing about my freshmen year, weird roommate, and all the fandoms I love.
This was my 2nd Backman novel, and I loved it! His style and humor are so subtly beautiful!
This was not what I expected. It was really slow to start and very confusing. By the end, I was more into the story, but I won't be reading the rest of the series.
This was a fun historical mystery!! I was constantly changing my mind about who was "the bad guy" and loved the glimpse into Greek/Trojan history.
This is a great quick read. Two short stories that were well written and left me wanting more. I loved the main characters, either story would make a great full-length novel!
There was a lot to keep up with for a middle grades book, I can't see my students loving this, but I enjoyed the overall story!
Wow. I read this in 2 days, and I have so many thoughts and yet, no words. Just wow.
This was a wonderful story and the narration made it even better! I can't wait to read another book by this author.
Wow! Loved this story! The alternating point of views sucked me into the story so quickly, I can't believe how fast it went. The sign of a good book- I didn't want it to end!
A very satisfying ending to the Legend series. I see why my students love it so much!
This was good, the characterization and setting were so vivid, I felt like I could see these people on the streets of New Orleans. I still like Sepetys' other books better, but this is still a great read.
50 pages left and I'm going to sleep because I don't want it to end!!
I had to hide out in my car to finish this book. Thankful my husband was home to entertain the kids! So many of these YA dystopian books follow the same plot line and I find myself getting confused with other stories. This one was good, but the last 100 pages are what kept me going. The boys in my classes will love the action!
This was fun! I love Maas' Throne of Glass series, so I was anxious to dive into this one. The descriptions are so well written that I feel I can picture everything! Looking forward to the next one!
Loved this book! Historical fiction at its best.
This was a little slow until the 2nd half, but then picked up quickly. I enjoyed seeing how it all came together, but am not sure if I will read the next book in the series.
I was reluctant to start this despite the many recommendations I received. I am starting lit. circles in my class next week and am offering this as one of the choices, so I figured I had better read it! This book has a ton of action and suspense along with characters that everyone can relate to. I know my students will love this- I'm sure we will end up reading the trilogy together before the year is out!
Loved this glimpse into 1920s and beyond expat community in Paris. So interesting to see the fictional characters interwoven with the historical art community in Paris. A very well written story!
I love stories that try to re-create or explain the classics. This book was so fun, chasing the "original" Romeo and Juliet through Siena in the 1340s paired with modern day "star-crossed lovers". I could totally relate to the main character, her naiveté and desire to be a part of a larger story were absolutely delightful.
I enjoyed this so much! A great mystery and adventure. I love the misfit quality of the group of kids, it will be fun to see their personalities develop in the next books in the series.
Great YA mystery! My students have loved this, there is a waiting list to check it out from the library.
Oh my goodness-the plot twists in this book were heart stopping! How long do we have to wait for the next one??
Who knew I would ever have compassion for a witch? This book is tearing me up!
Loved this book! The friendship, the mystery, the historical aspects... Such a well-written story! I listened to the audio version and the accents added so much! Highly recommend!
Loved this book, it kept me guessing and the characters were so wonderfully written.
8 days until I go back to work/school. Trying to savor every moment.
Loved this! A great perspective on "teaching" the love of reading. There are several things I will be trying in my classroom this year.
This was a great re-entry into the world of Shadowhunters. The book has some great new characters, but also entertwines some familiar friends from past series. A good read!
I must finish this tonight! I leave in vacay tomorrow and this book is too heavy to pack! I've enjoyed hanging out with the Shadowhunters again :)
I don't read a lot of realistic fiction, but this one was wonderful. I laughed and cried, I had to keep turning the pages to make sure everyone was alright.
I read this in 2 days. I love Anderson's writing, and this one did not disappoint. I felt like I was able to live the horror of the yellow fever epidemic without getting sick. The characters are real and heroic, I can't wait to share this with my class!
Have any of you teachers had success with this? I've read the first chapter and love the premise, but am scared to try a new approach!
This book had beautiful descriptions and I loved the main characters, but the middle dragged and some characters seemed misplaced. Maybe I wasn't committed enough to buy into the whole plot line? I don't know, but it had a good overall theme, and I loved the book references!
This book was interesting if you love all things Shakespeare, but it was a little hard to follow at times. I loved First Impressions by the same author and was hoping to love this one as well.
Disturbingly good. This book is an amazing picture of what it's like to live in the mind of someone who suffers from mental illness. The pain and turmoil are so real.
"The scariest thing of all is never knowing what you are suddenly going to to believe." A mentally unstable teen that speaks truth deeper than most adults.
40 pages in and I'm hooked! I'm sure I'll be reading this instead of doing other things on my ever growing to-do list today.
I have a long list of YA books to catch up on this summer so I can recommend them to my students next year. This is a great read! Brave, but real characters trying to escape to West Berlin after the wall divides their family overnight. A real page turner to the end!
This book was great. The author is so descriptive, I could picture every last detail. Such an interesting perspective on the homeless in our country, and the courage it took the author to overcome her upbringing.