My mom got this mug for Hanukkah. She doesn't drink tea or coffee, so she regifted it to me!
#wintergames #mistletoemaniacs
My mom got this mug for Hanukkah. She doesn't drink tea or coffee, so she regifted it to me!
#wintergames #mistletoemaniacs
Watching Fruitcake Fraud on Discovery+ this shit is CRAZY.
#mistletoemaniacs #wintergames
Just finished Licking Her Christmas cookies by Alina Jacobs. Turns out I read the last book in a series first... whoops. But this book was an absolute goldmine as far as the #wgwordsearch is concerned with 1,070 Christmas words for a total of 10,700pts.
I'm keeping track of all the points on the worksheet but do I have to post everytime I earn points? 🤔
I have a total of 12,862pts thus far for #mistletoemaniacs #wintergames
First book from my December TBR and I'm having a hard time with it. But I want to finish before my BOTM box arrives.
#wintergames #mistletoemaniacs
The Baking show holiday edition!! Oooo 5pts@
I finished MistleText by Whitney Dineen & Melanie Summers for #wgwordsearch it produced 2,080pts plus 25pts for being a holiday read which absolutely blew my mind!
I need to print the worksheet. But I am admittedly a little overwhelmed. #MistletoeManiacs #WinterGames
Am I doing this right? Lol
Got my buddy read for #wintergames to all #mistletoemaniacs that don't have one already this was only 1.99 on kindle.
I'm excited, this seems like it's going to be just what I need right now since I am home fighting my second bout of covid.
#staywarm #happyholidays
So I tried not to make my TBR too ambitious because there are a TON of super adorable holiday books I want to read.
So I'm keeping is simple:
1. The Perfect Husband (Lisa Gardner)
2. Tear Me Apart (J.Ta. Ellison)
3. How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days (K.M Jackson)
Not pictured
4. A History of Wild Places (Shea Earnshaw)
#wintergames #mistletoemaniacs
Signed up for my first games! #wintergames guess I'd better put my TBR together. I've never done this before, I hope I don't fail!
I got botm credits for my birthday and for Hanukkah so I splurged on this month's box. I'm super excited!
The problem with diagnoses is that they're mistaken for answers.
I loved this book, I watch a lot of Mayday/Air Crash Investigation shows and while those are true stories. This book had the same feeling as watching one of those shows, it was full of tension and I loved all of the characters.
Do you guys have a favorite Audiobook narrator?
I'm addicted to Teddy Hamilton's voice.
#audiobooks #eargasm
It's rare that I can't find something good to say about a book. It was just boring, I didn't like any of the characters, and the repetitive scenes were just annoying.
Something went wrong with my birthday cake... my niece was so upset that the frosting packet exploded and she messed up the face (and didn't get to finish)
My little nerd heart went a little crazy when my boyfriend gave me my birthday present early. A bookcase!
On Christmas eve 2018 we lost everything in an apartment fire, including the bookcases I had just gotten to house my extensive book collection. Replacing books has taken much longer than I thought it would, but I am so happy.
Also, who displays their book of the months by their date instead of alphabetically?
#bookcase #bookcollection
Even though he was gone for good-she was still in love and didn't know what to do with all this love of hers. There was so much of it, and it was so messy: leaking, spilling, tumbling out of her, like stuffing falling out of an old rag doll that was coming apart at the seams.
Listened to this on audible and I really loved it. It was just the right amount of cheesy and sexy and not too long.
There's always something, isn't there? We all have a sob story, but we don't all go around killing people.
I was so very disappointed to see that the new Riley Sager novel wasn't one of the picks for this month but I still managed to get three books lol
Every single character is awful and I loved it! I liked that I wasn't able to pin-point the killer. I kept flopping between two of the characters and I definitely thought it was one of the two and was pleasantly surprised when I was wrong. I don't think this book is going to be widely loved though. It's a bit... camp? I don't know if that's the right way to describe it but think Desperate housewives but more desperate.
Narrated by the actor that played Tench in the Mindhunter TV show 😍
#audiobooklover #audiobook #listenwhileiwork #mindhunter
I have so many questions for Litsy readers...
•What do you like to read?
•How do you like to read? paper books or digital? Both?
•If both, how do you decide which type to buy?
•Do you find you retain audiobooks the same way you would if you had read it instead of listened?
•Do you keep all your BOTM books or sell/trade them?
#100questions #books #reading #inquiringminds #bookofthemonth #botm #bookhoader #bookworm
I don't know what to read next. I slogged through How Lucky by Will Leitch and then sped through The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon, and now I don't know where to go next.
I really wanted to love this book but it was a super slow read and even though the author did a good job helping me to understand SMA, in the end I felt like I didn't really connect with Daniel. I see what Will Leitch was going for but for me it just didn't work.
The world is a terrifying place these days. We're operating right there on the edge of tilt, all the time. This shit can just happen. There are monsters around every corner. Pianos fall from the sky.
Another month where I couldn't choose so I got it all! What did you choose for your BOTM?
Also feeding my other addiction, LEGOS! Two new sets on their way too me. The Space Shuttle Discovery is the largest build I'll have done and I'm so excited.
...and they would be very happy, alone together forever
A while ago for unknown reasons my grandmother gave me a laminator. So now, I laminate my bookmarks. I especially like the ones you can get off etsy and color yourself. So now I have a bookmark collection (mostly botm so far).
#booknerd #bookmarkcollection
On Christmas eve 2018 my boyfriend and I lost everything we owned in an apartment fire, I recently contacted Book of the Month club to see about replacing the books I lost. They sent me the 6 they had in stock for free! I was shocked and so happy.
I'm still missing 9 books, if anyone has a good idea where to find used BOTM books please let me know!
#botm #bookofthemonth #needmorebooks #booksales
Can't wait to get my BOTM box! Any other members out there, what were your picks this month?
#bookofthemonth #botm #morebooksplease
I want to buy all versions of this book, I have been in love with it since high-school. The graphic novel version and the the illustrated version are beautiful.
I tried, I really did but this book is so boring! Halfway through and I stopped caring about any of it. Also, telling the story through someone's letters but not formatting it as a letter is really annoying. Does she find Dracula in the end? I don't know and I don't care. DNF.
Only 112 pages in and I don't think I have ever read a book that has made me cry the way this book has.
Have you ever stared up at the sky and wondered where it was you saw yourself, all those years ago? Which star it was you followed here?
About to start re-reading the Dark/Carpathian series by Christine Feehan, there's been just about 15 books added since the last time I read any of them.
Sometimes I read my books out loud and pretend I'm the narrator of it's Audiobook.
I keep an Amazon wishlist full of books I'm interested in so I can easily find them again when I need a book, but I'm thinking of buying the whole list with my tax refund this year. There are probably 20+ books on the list and just the idea of doing this makes me intensely happy.
My book of the month picks for February. I'd love to try and get at least one buddy read going, I totally failed at that last month.
Also, best suggestions on how to conduct a buddy read. I use Discord and think it would be a great place to have one.
Has anyone read this? Opinions please!
Now I wondered if he was simply tired, if life had beaten him into a permanent slouch, folded him over so no one could get at that soft center.
I first learned about this book through the Criminal podcast, they had an episode that went into this womans story and when the episode was over I wanted more and knew I would have to read the book she wrote.
This book is about so much more than identity theft. It's about secrets, and betrayal, also the blinders we have where our loved ones are concerned. I was sad for Axton, her mother's actions have impacted so much of her life.
She has never known an organization to love an acronym as much as the police, nor to change them so often. She longs for the day some sleepy mandarin comes with the Crime Unit National Taskforce.
So my January BOTM is going to be packed full of awesomeness.
The Dating Plan by Sara Desai
The Guest List by Lucy Foley
Beach Read by Emily Henry
And I also haven't read my December book yet
The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins
Is there anyone who would like to do a buddy read of any of these books over Discord?
#bookofthemonth #botm #buddyread #readtogether