6th #darcycoates book in less then a week...
Someone stop me!! 🤣
#obsessed #paranormal #spookyseason
6th #darcycoates book in less then a week...
Someone stop me!! 🤣
#obsessed #paranormal #spookyseason
Absolutely devoured 3 #darcycoates books, loved them ❤
Now starting #Mandy by Shani Struthers with a good cuddle from my daughter (whose slippers are sooo cute btw)
Kicking off the Halloween season 🎃 (a little late compared to others) with a light #paranormalhorror and a good #cuppa
#recommend some of your favourite horrors
The last two months have been absolute hell for me, my anxiety got out of control, my reading focus went to shit, and sleeping on the sofa was better for me then sleeping in bed.
But now, I'm starting to feel better, coming back into reading by #rereading another of my favourite series. I'm finally glad that I'm starting to be able to chill out and enjoy some peace. I cant wait to start #empireofthevampire once I complete my #throneofglass reread
Just had my second covid vaccine, whilst I wait...I read.
I never go anywhere without a book, it was funny to see how many people were on their phones though 🤣
I must apologise for my inactivity on this app
I suffer from anxiety, and years of suppressing it finally cracked.
I spent a week at my mums, I was put on meds that made me worse, my friend lived with me for two weeks. Couldn't sleep in my own bed, couldn't leave the house, Human interaction got too much for me.
Reading unfortunately didn't help, but now that I'm stabling out again, I managed to finish the 9 book #chroniclesofixia series.
You know that one series you read that's always felt like home when you open up the first page of the first book? A breath away from relearning the characters you fell in love with years ago, from watching battles fought and lost, victories and defeats throughout.
After years of searching for that first book with the same cover. I am finally reunited with the series, and I couldn't be more at peace ❤
"Right. Operation Rescue the Bookworms, begins!" Zera, Pg.293
It had me hooked from the first chapter with its hero to villain to Anti Hero arc. The MC an innocent young woman with a hated power, that uses her progression to change her world and the monsters lurking around it. Written in first person perspective to get an inside depth into the character's change to really emphasise the plot and side character arcs within the story. Greed and power, love and acceptance,magic and hate.
A 5⭐ series ❤
"It is odd...how something so beautiful can come out of something so grotesque."
"Then perhaps we should carve a world one day where the strength lies in who you are rather than in what they expect you to be."
"You knew; still you were affected by the charms I wear. Now imagine the subtlety it can wreak on a unsuspecting world."
Let's forget the poorly done characters, the flawed first person perspective the plot holes and the fact it wasn't well written.
And remember the amazing world building inspired by Celtic and French cultures and a twist of magic with a spoonful of romance. A satisfying ending that almost makes you forget everything bad about the story, and the allure that comes with it.
An easy read for between book series, A book to appreciate others greatly.
Let's take a time out to appreciate this #beautifulbookcover
Simple...yet so elegant 😍
3 ⭐
This was a good series to read, I completely devoured it. Although it does drag on, with hard to follow areas, there's an allure to this #duology that gets you to keep #reading. Seen through the perspectives of different families over the course of the years in order to show all the tragedies.
However, it didn't have the thrill factor I was after, the goosebumps from a ghost story, with unimaginable creatures in the night.
Is this horror? No.
#currentread 📖
Comment your favourite #horrorbook #recommendations! Always wanting to read more 📚
#Recommendme 😘
I'm quite enjoying starting this one, it's got the thrill I'm after ❣
Okay...let's talk about this series.
The premise, was great, the setting of a parallel world where the great library wasn't lost, how it effected kingdoms and politics. The idea of 'Knowledge is all,' and the extremes people will go through to be a part of the great library or to get their hands on an actual book to do with what they wish. It's full of action and adventure with elements of steampunk-esque fashion and creations.
Continued below
On my way to get my vaccine! Bringing the last book of the series out with me to take this child free opportunity to read
And on to the next one 📚
I'm already thinking about what series to read next 📚
Its been a while since I've updated due to health concerns but now that testings done I can finally continue reading.
However I'm still struggling to read #TheNovelsoftheGreatLibrary. Which is a look into a world where the #LibraryofAlexandria ruled, an interestingly premise. But bland.
Hoping they pick up at some point!!
Holly Black has created a very satisfying ending to this #trilogy. #TheFolkOfTheAir series is nothing like the Fae that you read in #TOG or #ACOTAR, they are dark and majestic.
I couldn't put this down, it captured my attention from the first page. However, I do feel like it was rushed, some chapters could've had more to them. And the riddles answer was very obvious. With the threat of war, I hoped for more of a battle, felt let down there.
Gerristen managed to combine paranormal and soft erotica in one weird novel, #disturbing. However, I was after a book that truly scared me, a proper horror that this isn't.
Attempting to show that living people are more harmful then the dead, which would've worked if the villain wasn't a bland "nice guy" that you read on reddit.
Enjoyable but I didn't LOVE it, and I probably wouldn't read it again.
Summarising in two words: weirdly disturbing.
Tonight's #reread is book 2 of the #ACOTARSeries
Never been happier ☺💕
Obviously I belong in the #nightcourt 🌙
Okay, hear me out with this. #mysisterskeeper had a great plot. Characters were okay with meager attempts at backstories. But the questioning of ethics and morality in modern science, specifically designer babies, really pulled this book.
Until the end...
Picoult majorly copped out with the whole "what will happen now question?" Which really, really ruined the whole point of the plot in a disappointing turn of events.
Absolutely devoured #TheShapeofNight
After a long day off taking my two year old to the farm for a play date, use decided to sit down and reread an oldie but goodie #comfortreading #comfortbooks #lovethisseries ❣❣
Fancied a bit of #horror tonight
Hopefully this is good!
As if I've just devoured this book in one sitting
3? 4? Hours...I'm so mad at myself right now 🤣
Finished #mysisterskeeper last night.
Finally going to end #thefolkoftheairseries
Wish me luck 🤞🌙
Last #bookdelivery arrived yesterday along with 6 #newbookmarks
Look at how gorgeous they all are! Finally I'll be able to read the series properly instead of #Sixofcrowsduology first like an idiot 😅
A mock to Epic Fantasy, a love corner that would have worked as a general YA story, worldbuilding woefully completed, laughable character development. A war that lasts one whole chapter in the last book, and a "like steel" change in the MC personality (eye roll).
A seriously confusing Trilogy that struggled with a very cliche love story and a simple plot, when there was one. It would have been a great series, if there wasn't so many issues.
Someone please help me cure my #bookaddiction
Ended up buying #dillycourt 'A Mother's Trust' and 'A Mother's Wish'
Got the #ShadowandBone #Trilogy arriving this Friday, for years I thought #SixofCrows #Duology was its own separate series 😅😅
#sendhelp #bookishproblems #bookhoarder
"Sometimes the enemy is one person who will bring down a kingdom." Sven, pg.346
The only thing good about this series is the #quotes
Very cliche on the first book, picked up a bit in the second. Hopefully the third won't drag ??
After a well needed week at my mums to get my head in to order, I can now finally start #TheHeartOfBetryal
Hot chocolate ✔
Comfy bed ✔
Reading glasses ❌
Crap where are they? Oh, on my head 🙄 #readingproblems #happenedtoomanytimes
Now that I have dragged my way through the #revivalistseries, I am now starting #theremnantchronicles
This has been in my #tbrpile for ages, but now I've finally plucked the courage to start reading 📚
Had some new second hand books arrive today! I always love buying #secondhand as long as they're in readable condition of course!
#mysisterskeeper is a book I've always wanted to read and #sepulchre is being added to my #JamesHerbert collection.
Its so nice to come home a new #bookdelivery, not matter how small
Got my new #readingglasses yesterday! I think the red compliment my hair 🤔
Now where did I put #twoweeksnotice ?? Hmmm
On some good news aswell, I've just finished my last shift at work! Focusing on my daughter and my health, as well as the opportunity to start #writing my own book! So excited for what the future brings!
Happy Sunday and #MothersDay to all the #mumsoflitsy 😘😘
Finally, the plot is so intricately woven throughout the books that when it comes to the end, our questions are answered with surprises along the way.
This isn't a story that romanticises murder or revenge, that shows assassins in a soft light. It's merciless, a road covered with death that it's morbidly beautiful.
I will always praise this series, although the ending was mildly disappointing. Its a story I recommend highly.
With the focus being on worldbuilding, the characters personalities are shown through their backstories.
The main character has a past that shaped her revenge and into an assassin. Along the way to achieving her goals, she not only learns more about herself and the world, but her character arc is amazing. Still she remains merciless and sarky to the very end.
Relating to them is a struggle, but they are still brilliantly done
The Nevernight Chronicles features heavily detailed worldbuilding, leaving the reader in a bit of a haze when they finish the Trilogy. The handy footnotes over the duration of the books help to fill in the gaps of the world's history and how it effected the current timeline, whether it be fighting styles or sayings. Although they can get tedious, some of them involve a bit of comedy and sarcasm that makes you smile.
After finishing #Darkdawn last night (review for the #nevernightchronicles will be up tomorrow) my #spinthewheel app decided I should go back to my teen years where my adoration of #rachelcaine shaped who I became today.
Now, I've read the #morganvillevampires , #weatherwardenseries and the first two books of #stillhouselake
But I have never read #redletterdays or #revivalist series. So let's begin on #workingstiff
#exciting 😍
I'm about halfway through this and oh my god I ❣❣❣❣❣❣❣, I can't believe it's took me so long to read this series. All the fine details, the character arcs. Everything. I will never not sing high praise for Kristoff. The #nevernightchronicles are amazing.
After absolutely devouring #Godsgrave last night, I absolutely filled my #readinglog with the brilliantness of it all.
I cant wait to start #Darkdawn tonight 😫 bring on bedtime 🕗🌛📖📚
Got my favorite #readingchocolate with me tonight. About half way through the book and it's getting so brilliant!
#nighttimereads #mondays
Finished #rereading #Nevernight, starting this gem tonight! Love how the blue matches my sofa ??
Update on the #readingglasses too, got some coming next week! But straight after my opticians appointment I blooming scratched my inner eyelid, still, I shall persevere through my #tbrpile
"I am steel" - Mia Corvere
"If you let yourself fret on me, you'll miss the knife aimed at you" Mia Corvere Pg.147
I've never felt these words ring truer, as someone who has always done whatever possible to help my friends, I always miss the subtle attacks from behind, and the blatant ones from the front.
Never, ever let anyone walk all over you.