#rereading a darker shade of magic
#fantasy #weird
#rereading a darker shade of magic
#fantasy #weird
Some Sunday afternoon reading in my pyjamas. The Redwall series was one of my favourites as a kid and I'm enjoying re-reading some of the books. Mossflower is the second book in the series if you are reading them in publication order.
#Childhoodfavourite #RedwallSeries #Rereading #MiddleGrade
Update: I managed to read all of part 1! Starting part 2. Perhaps my reading slump is gone
#fantasy #rereading #currentlyreading
Taking it to the beach 🏖 on this 4th. Started this old one I‘ve had collecting dust on this quiet day here on one of my favorite beaches #rereading #oldromance #dianadiamond #beachreads
That one book !!!
mention yours down the comments..
I can't coz : I hAvE MaNy BoOkS WhICh mAke Me LoOse My EvEryThiNg..🙄
The last two months have been absolute hell for me, my anxiety got out of control, my reading focus went to shit, and sleeping on the sofa was better for me then sleeping in bed.
But now, I'm starting to feel better, coming back into reading by #rereading another of my favourite series. I'm finally glad that I'm starting to be able to chill out and enjoy some peace. I cant wait to start #empireofthevampire once I complete my #throneofglass reread
Read the tagged book about a decade ago but it's even better on audio!! Plus, Octavia Spencer narrates; can't wait to get to her part! Seen the movie several times and really want to watch it again soon.
#currentlyreading #rereading #fiction #novels #SouthernLife #booktofilm #paperbacks #booksiown #audionerd
Finished #rereading #Nevernight, starting this gem tonight! Love how the blue matches my sofa ??
Update on the #readingglasses too, got some coming next week! But straight after my opticians appointment I blooming scratched my inner eyelid, still, I shall persevere through my #tbrpile
"I am steel" - Mia Corvere
Continuing with my reread of The Thief series. Love Eugenides as much as ever... #currentlyreading #rereading #meganwhalenturner #thethief