Even if the rest of this series wasn‘t amazing it‘s worth reading all 6 books just for this blurb.
It was an interesting book about the immigration experience. I guess we‘re supposed to be happy because he only beat her once. Why do men who want to rise up not see the hypocrisy of keeping “their” women down. I get that the scene added realism.
Rant over...
Even if the rest of this series wasn‘t amazing it‘s worth reading all 6 books just for this blurb.
Anniversary gift from my person - wanted this book forever but it was crazy expensive...which seems ironic considering the subject matter.
In 2015 a new much cheaper version including all 3 volumes was printed. Read up, comrades ⭐️
If this isn‘t nice - found this postcard while getting tax stuff together. Thank you, Sir.
I tried to read this before my recent hysterectomy and couldn‘t get past the 3rd page because my Mirena IUD turned me into a hormone monster. During recovery I listened to the e-book while cross-stitching. It was so validating and infuriating all at the same time. I‘ve been telling every woman I know that she needs this book in her life.
This is twisted vintage at its best. Raymond Chandler‘s favourite book.
Overcome by germs 🦠 and this book. Told from the creepy stalker guy‘s perspective. 😱😱😱
Third book in this series and I find out he plays Ripley in an adaptation of it. I love Patricia Highsmith‘s books. If you haven‘t read her and love thrillers I highly recommend her work.
Aslan sculptures are everywhere in Italy 🦁
1, Tom Robbins. 2, One Flew Over The Cuckoo‘s Nest. 3, 5‘11. 4, Black like my heart...and all my t-shirts. #sundaysurvey @alisonrose
When you find your favourite book by your favourite author in your favourite city (I love you, Florence). And your bf asks if you‘re going to buy it...like you have a choice!!!🤷♀️
This was so juicy and addictive. I‘d highly recommend reading Bill Hodges Trilogy before this one.
If you loved Mr. Mercedes...getting caught in the rain..ok no rain, but not bad for an after work beer & read
Love his introductions so much. Any day spent reading, weaving and drinking red wine is a good day.
The title caught my eye but the story has sucked me in. The contrast of beauty and oppression in so many traditional cultures is a theme that has fascinated me since living in South Korea for 6 years. Coming from a grey (boring) city in Ontario I was jealous of them, but as the saying goes- Their rice cake always looks bigger than yours (The grass is always greener).
Had to share this here.
Work in progress, kinda looks like her though....
Not really reading this, just seemed appropriate. This was thrown on the road about 15 feet from the trash/recycling cans of a Tim Hortons. Litter usually bothers me but this one made me think for a while about the story behind this eyesore...
I like to share the literary tattoos I do
Nice palette cleanse from all the Stephen King books I can‘t stop reading
The book is even more bat sh*t than the movie...❤️
Have been thinking I should read this series (finally) then did this on a client today...it‘s obviously a sign...
Found this book for 2$ but splitting my time between it and teaching myself to embroider. Don‘t judge to harshly, it‘s only my 2nd attempt ✂️
No snow day on the wet coast, but with a night stand pile like this it wouldn‘t be too bad...
Tattoo Artist, Piercer
Reading, crocheting
Reese‘s anything
Coffee, red wine
Japanese maple
Alice in Wonderland
“...the love of her life, the only man a decent woman has the right to kill without remorse.”
Soooo glad there are 4 more in this series. She‘s ...the ....master .....of ......(wait for it.....).....tension...
Just grabbed this from the tbr shelf for vacation reading...it was terrifying.
Book crush portrait...I‘m probably 2 feet taller but I will make an exception...
This book is so good it‘s now being passed around work like a bong...
Loving these dark short stories when it‘s rainy outside. Also love sketching when it‘s rainy outside
My second Agatha Christie book and I really liked it, I had an old copy called Ten little Indians, I guess they had to update...I googled it to be sure I wasn‘t making this up and found (on Wikipedia ) it was originally published as ‘‘ten little n*****s” *Jaw dropppppp*
I hear lots of people talk about censoring Mark Twain, that it‘s worse than keeping the original historic reality of things...what about this?
I‘m pretty indifferent about video games (except for Tetris) I occasionally play on the ol‘ wii but nothing crazy. But
I haven‘t been this sucked into a book in a long time. It‘s sooooooo good!
My Friday night excitement is split equally between stranger things season 2 and my new reading light...3 dimmer settings...drool...💡
20 pages in and already completely submerged
Got a bit sidetracked by (Canadian) Thanksgiving, a trip to Portland and my birthday but I love this series so much that I don't mind dragging it out a bit. Favorite Stephen King I've read so far.
Awkward title, great story. The energy of talented Mr Ripley and strangers on a train. She was a master of the genre.