Loved the 90s references, loved the humor, loved the theme of friendship. Love the duo behind the book. Loved the book!
Loved the 90s references, loved the humor, loved the theme of friendship. Love the duo behind the book. Loved the book!
This book broke the number #1 rule I learned in my entry level college literature course...show don't tell. We were told throughout the book the children's parents were hippies, but rarely were we shown them being hippies.
The book was more a collection of short stories than a novel with a straight story arc. Some of the stories were better than others. The stories weren't in chronological order and it felt disjointed.
Still working out how I felt about this one. I wanted a good cry, and it definitely delivered, so there's that.
I really enjoyed all the books I read in October. The tagged book is for book club and I finished it in 2 days.
I'm so bored with this book, and I'm only 50 pages in. Does it get better or should I cut my losses and move on?
Oh Calamity!
I loved this book! My husband even remarked how fast I finished it because I could not put it down! The mystery, the characters, the twist at the end....
I wish I had saved this one for my book club. So much to unpack.
The kid is with the in-laws, the hubby is off doing manly things; it's just me, and chip, and a good book.
While heartbreaking at times, I really enjoyed this book. It opened my eyes to the struggles of immigrants, especially those from Latin American countries. As a native born, white woman, I have not experienced a lot of what these characters have, but the universal experiences of guilt, loss, and first love speak to all.
So. Freaking. Good. A nearly perfect way to wrap up the series. Rarely have I enjoyed sequels more than the first in a series, but this is my favorite of the trilogy. More action than the first and less uncomfortable love scenes than the second.
I loved this book so much better than the first! I loved Feyre in this book so much more than in the first. I have issues with this being labeled YA though. The reading level might be YA, but the material was a little mature for teens in my opinion. Overall, I loved this book and can't wait to read the third book in the series.
#wonderouswednesday @Eggs
1. 3 - Canada, England and Scotland
2. Coastline. I'm a beach girl. There are too many bugs in the mountains.
3. I would love to do a historic roadtrip of the US East Coast - Boston, DC, Philly, Salem, etc.
4. Hmmm...probably the UK. Although I get super excited when books are set in my home state of Ohio.
Quiet morning with a book and coffee...
1. Tagged
2. Book haul from a user book store including The Fall of Crazy House and A Court of Thorns and Rose's trilogy
3. Too hot for fall! I'm ready for hoodie weather!
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
The pacing was a little off for me. At times I couldn't put it down, and others I couldn't pick it up. Overall it was enjoyable enough for me to want to read the rest of the series but I can't give it more than 3 stars.
Well crap. I really liked Tamlin until he said that...
This is my current view. In the madness of each day, I try to carve out some quiet time to read.
I love when hubby drives! It's a great time to catch up on my reading 😉
1. It's been awhile but I remember the conservative jokes annoyed me
2. The Ranch
3. Lunch 😂
4. Eastern
5. Hot Pink Roses
I really enjoyed this book! Ove was so endearingly grumpy. Ove and his wife Sonja remind me of my husband and me. The relationship between Ove and the two girls is sooo sweet. This was an enjoyable, sentimental book and I absolutely recommend it. The only thing keeping me from giving it 5 stars is re-readability. I loved it, but didn't feel the need to immediately start reading it again as soon as I finished.
#currentread for my book club. Ove is a crotchety old grump, but I kinda like him. He kind of reminds me of my husband 😂 He says what annoys him, whereas I only think it.
So good. It's been awhile since I've read a book that has sucked me in like this one! Kind of dark fairy tale, kind of mystery, all kinds of amazing prose. With limited time to read, I rarely want to reread books, but as soon as I finished this I wanted to start it over.
1. Loving it so far! Can't wait to finish but don't want it to end!
2. Sleep??
3. Chocolate Chip cookie dough
4. Used to play piano but haven't in years
5. Will do 😉
This fantastical YA retelling of Jane Grey's nine day reign is So. Much. Fun! It's silly, and obviously not historically accurate, but it was a lighthearted, enjoyable read. Highly recommend if you just need an escape and a good chuckle.
Rashad is absent again today.
This book had been on my tbr forever! I'm so glad I finally got around to reading it. It is right up there with The Hate You Give. It should be required reading in high school. Another great example of a story told in alternating perspectives, it tells about Rashad's brutal treatment at the hands of a white police officer.
Love. Love. Love this book! It's a historical fiction murder mystery with a female forensic detective!! It checks all my boxes. Fighting against the patriarchy, Adelia is racing to solve the murders of the town's children. To see my full review go to https://www.goodreads.com/reading_in_the_meadow
This was a book club pick and I wouldn't have chosen it on my own. I guess it was good for what it is, a beach read romance. I was disappointed in the "mystery", but I enjoyed the alternating narratives. The setting was amazing though. It has more good than bad going for it. At it it's core it was a love story and that's not my preferred genre. If you like those kinds of stories, you will probably like this book.
Slow vendor events are great places to catch up on some reading. Still loving this book! #ireadanywhere
This was not my favorite book of the year, but such an important one. As a white woman, raised in a two parent household, I acknowledge my privilege. I have no personal experiences to relate to those of the characters in this book. That is why, even though at times I didn't particularly enjoy it, I think it is such an important book to read. #diversereads #booksaswindows
I'm about halfway through this book and loving it! It's been awhile since I've read anything that has me as hooked as this book does! Who is the little girl who came back from the dead? Why has she lost the ability to speak? So many questions I can't wait to find out the answers! #unputdownable