Stayed at a Japanese style bathhouse with mom last night. It was perfect.
Stayed at a Japanese style bathhouse with mom last night. It was perfect.
I'm doing a giveaway on my Instagram. Two books, a book sleeve, and a bookmark. Check it out @Readasaurus_rex for more details!
Happy anniversary to Harry Potter. We love you 💛✨
This books started out beautiful but I'm struggling to finish it. It feels just a bit too long to me.
This book was insane. Full review on my blog! Www.bibliographyblog.com
I've been meaning to read Persepolis forever, and when I found that my local library didn't have The Sandman series but did have this, I counted it as a win. So I'm enjoying my day off and educating myself at the same time. Disclaimer: this is not light, poolside reading.
This boooooooook 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 check out my blog for lots of thoughts: www.bibliographyblog.com
This book has me on a roller coaster. I can't make up my mind about it.
"Perhaps the most arresting of quantum improbabilities is the idea...that certain pairs of subatomic particles, even when separated by the most considerable distances, can each instantly 'know' what the other is doing. Particles have a quality known as spin and...the moment you determine the spin of one particle, its sister particle, no matter how distant...will immediately begin spinning in the opposite direction and at the same rate." What the?
I loved this book! Www.bibliographyblog.com for more!
This book was a great, quick YA sci-fi read. I really liked it! More at my blog www.bibliographyblog.com
Not super loving this one. How about y'all?
This BOOK! So beautiful and so sad. Not just for what occurs in the primary story arc, but for the lonely, mundane, intensely relatable existence of a strange, sad girl in a small town high school. Her parents, so odd and cold and unfit--no wonder she attached herself to the mysterious family across the lake, with their warmth and vibrancy. But also their secrets. I highly recommend this book. Can't wait to see what else the author comes up with.
Such are the distances, in fact, that it isn't possible...to draw the solar system to scale. Even if you added lots of fold-out pages...you wouldn't come close. On a diagram of the solar system to scale, with the Earth reduced to about the diameter of a pea, Jupiter would be over 300 meters away and Pluto would be two and a half kilometers distant (and about the size of a bacterium, so you wouldn't be able to see it anyway).
This is the first book in a long time that I read in only a day. It's so fast-paced and thrilling, and yet also tender and sweet. Jason's devotion to his family is out of a great epic romance. The science element was also engaging. I really recommend this one
He would picture himself there, decades and an ocean...away, under a beautiful blue sky, in the impossible silence of being pushed along the road...under the watchful, terrified eyes of dozens of co-tellers, and because he could see it, and because they could, too, in all their different versions, as their lives crossed each other and bound together in what George could only describe as a mutual embrace, that moment...was always still happening.
Good days begin a certain way 👌🏼 I swear I'm going to finish this today.
Currently re-reading Wolfskin by Juliet Marillier. I love the way she crafts her stories around various mythologies.
[not pictured] This book was a major "oh the feels" book. I loved it! Ove is incredibly unlikeable, but that's what makes this story so special. I listened to it on audio, and it really helped with the Swedish pronunciations. I started off really uncertain about this one and ended in happy tears. I highly recommend it.
Currently reading this one. I've been unable to read for a few days due to anxiety and sadness. It's nice to be back.
I really wanted to love this and the cliffhanger ending got me for sure, but I had several problems with it:
-Poisoners. Really? They just love eating poison? No.
-I hate storylines with cheating. It makes me anxious and sad.
-the writing style felt strange at times. Weird words placed where they didn't belong. Not a good flow.
-I felt like there were several holes or leaps
It's an interesting concept with good characters. Will read book 2
This book as great! I wish I'd read a print copy thought because I didn't love the narrator for the audiobook
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz I want to finish this tonight but I'm so tired
I got too many #botm titles this go around
I know this book is supposed to be satire, but even in jest, how could the author write all this?
I am currently reading Hidden Figures on audio for my drive back to Marfa thanks to #mylocallibrary #riotgrams
I feel like a jerk for not loving this book. I recognize its importance and am grateful for the perspective into the experiences of people different from me. I just found it difficult to have any sort of feeling toward it, so "so-so" seems like an apt description. I literally felt nothing from start to finish.
Trying to read this (sort of slow) book under a pile of dogs
"I do not like strangers because I do not like people I have never met before. They are hard to understand." You and me both, kid.
Loving this book. Say hi to George Michael in the background 👋🏼
Brunch is my favorite. And yes, I read literally everywhere
I really like the Dublin Murder Squad books. I've read the first and the sixth, so I ordered the four in the middle 😂 The Trespasser was great. I highly recommend it, and you don't have to worry about whether you've read the others. They are related but they stand on their own.
Beautiful, but slow. Also I didn't know that William Herschel discovered Uranus
When all you want to do after working through the holiday weekend is stay home and read.
Sweet baby Jesus just let me finish a book tonight please. This has been the Thanksgiving from hell and I miss my books 😭😭😭
I forgot the chapter where Harry and Diddykins say goodbye 😭
"Rawlins was lying on his side in the springshot iron bedstead watching him in the dark. The cigarette glowed a deep red when John Grady drew on it and his face with the sutures in his cheek emerged from the darkness like some dull red theatric mask indifferently repaired and faded back again."
"The Dursleys, after quick, scared looks at one another, tried to ignore their glasses completely, a difficult feat, as they were nudging them gently on the sides of their heads. Harry could not suppress a suspicion that Dumbledore was rather enjoying himself." ???
"Not one pair of lovers in a thousand, Gray, has such a chance, and besides the danger to [her], I shall think you very stupid indeed if you do not take it." Swoon