Enjoying this book. Only about half way but so far it‘s entertaining. Quick read.
Enjoying this book. Only about half way but so far it‘s entertaining. Quick read.
It was pretty good. This one was very predictable
I am late to the kindle game, did not think I would like reading on a device. Turns out I love it. It‘s so convenient. Really enjoyed this book. Onto the next one.
Not my usual genre but was quick read. I am planning on reading more of her books. I started reading on a Kindle. Didn‘t think I would like it but I LOVE it
Finishing it off today. Entertaining series. I think I need a switch in authors for a few books after this though. I had never read CH until Verity and this 2 book series. Very quick and entertaining reads.
Not finished yet but enjoying it. Thanks to my LDF friends.
Late getting my reading in. I am going to make more priority to do it in the morning. There has been a few things I wonder about. Such as unclean meat? Enoch the only person to never die to go to heaven ? Oh and the giants, I would‘ve liked more talk about them. #biblebuddyread @BookBabe
Day 3! Was surprised I got this accomplished before work. #biblebuddyread @BookBabe
Day 2 check✅ #biblebuddyread
Day 1 complete. Felt good to have this completed this morning. #biblebuddyread
Started out slow but has turned into a good book
Merry Christmas from my family to yours. This is as good as it gets. Crazy kids won‘t take a nice pic...... good thing they are cute lol #litsylove
I‘m an overwhelmed with the love you guys have shown me. #litsylove family you have no idea how much you mean to me. I have had several dark days and getting a card or a tag has reminded me of the positive things in life. I finally feel like I am going to make it. The tunnel isn‘t so dark. Thank you friends. One day I will be the light in someone‘s life like you have been mine. I love you.
We got an amazing surprise in the mail. We can‘t wait for Christmas. This is half the crew. I‘ll update for the whole clan when I get them all home together. Thank you so much @UwannaPublishme
#litsylove has been the biggest blessing to me. My life started “going wrong” July 21 losing my job. August 21 losing my bf, Oct 21 falling.... spending almost 30 days in the hospital. I‘m in a wheelchair now for several months. Frustrating to say the least. The cards, books, and gifts you guys send are amazing. I am way over due on sending letters back. I think the funk is lifting and I will be writing soon. Love you all
This made my day!!!
Loved this surprise box!!! Thank you so much Renee @StayCurious This really made my day!!! I can‘t wait to start the reading The Wedding. Thank you.
Got the best surprise today!!! Totally made my day. I‘m still working at the testing tent and when it calms down I can‘t wait to read this.
Just started it. Excited to see how it goes
This is an interesting and easy read. I have so many mixed feelings about Kellen