#forsuchatimeasthis #BookofEsther
One of my favorite books from the Bible ❤️
#forsuchatimeasthis #BookofEsther
One of my favorite books from the Bible ❤️
I finally finished this, it only took me an extra 6 months. I am so pleased with where this book lead me, and how much I learned. I can't remember a time I intentionally read the entire Bible. There were lots of times I read parts for classes and Bible studies l, but not just to read the entirety of the Bible.
Thank you @BookBabe for starting me in this journey.
So last year I started this journey of reading the Bible in a year, using the tagged book. I made it through week 36, September before falling apart.
I have decided to try again this year, but picking up were I left off, in the books of Acts.
I wasn‘t impressed with this Bible reading plan and devotional. I appreciated alternating between the Old & New Testament, but I would have liked some actual explanation of the choices for order, especially the few books completely out of order. I liked that the devotionals were only weekly, allowing me to mainly focus on the Bible itself, but this also meant they didn‘t add much to the experience.
#BibleBuddyRead #Christian
Week 45 scheduled us to read through five short books. If you are interested, Bible Project has an excellent five minute video on the book of Obadiah. https://youtu.be/i4ogCrEoG5s #BibleBuddyRead @BookBabe
I‘ve reached a point where I‘m struggling to keep up with my Bible reading and determined not to give up. Some of these final books for the year are tough going and ones I‘ve never made it all the way through. This morning I caught up on devotionals and realized I have several Psalms to read. I‘m looking forward to reading a few more with my coffee before church.
Anyone else want to check in on progress?
Well, I‘m really behind, but Isaiah was not an easy read! I‘m trying to catch up again while doing some Halloween and fall fun. @BookBabe #BibleBuddyReads
Just finished week 30 in #BibleBuddyRead which was the entire book of John. Such a great book to feel loved. 💛 @BookBabe
Yay! I‘m way behind in week 27 (July 4th- 10th), but… I was able to finish Esther in one sitting because it‘s an amazing story. When I was reading it I related it to when Hitler persecuted the Jews. I wish we would have had an Esther then. What a horrible time in our history, but I‘m glad it didn‘t happen in Esther‘s time. 💛 #Biblebuddyread @BookBabe
Yay! I‘m getting there! I just finished Proverbs and hope to finish 2 Chronicles soon. #BibleBuddyRead @BookBabe
If you have fallen behind on the #BibleBuddyRead today would be a great day to jump back in. We are in Week 30 of 2022 and our reading plan has us in John.
I am so far behind in 1 Chronicles 8. To be honest I got discouraged with researching the names and getting nothing out of it anymore. So I decided to stop researching names so I could get back into just researching what the word is telling me. I‘ll continue studying the names next year from here, but just can‘t find joy in it anymore and stopped reading all together because of it. 😢 #BibleBuddyRead @BookBabe
Well, I wanted to study the names this time around. I‘m getting there, but it‘s slow going in 1 Chronicles #BibleBuddyRead @BookBabe
I‘m in week 23! I caught up a week a day so far to try to catch up. I‘m getting there! Only having 3 kids in summer school left to make up credits sure helps with my reading time. 🥰💛 @BookBabe #BibleBuddyRead
#JoysofJune @Andrew65
#Bookspin @thearomaofbooks
My main goal to get as close as possible to caught up with my #BibleBuddyRead as possible.
May a was an awful month for me, and I felt like all I did was work and sleep. So now I am trying my best to catch up with life.
Hey hey hey! We are connecting some things that I learned in Luke in church today. 😍 #BibleBuddyRead @BookBabe
About 3 weeks late, but I made it past 1 Kings! Whew… there was a lot of good meat in this book. I really enjoyed it. 😊🥰💛 #BibleBuddyRead @BookBabe
I‘m having trouble processing what I just read today in Judges 19. So a husband gives his wife to some men at a town they lodge in, they abuse her all night, she dies, and the husband cuts her up in 12 pieces… ummm what? @BookBabe #BibleBuddyRead
Yay! I finished week 13 today and man did I need that message today. My youngest is sick again and resting. I feel like my work at home and school is piling up. My finances are not where I want them this close to the summer and emotionally that is taking a toll. I am in my Jordan River, but I will be strong and courageous! #BibleBuddyRead @BookBabe
Just finished week 12! I‘m doing my best to catch up by Sunday. I really liked the points to ponder this week. I really thought and wrote a lot down. I‘m happy with my growth while learning this time around. #BibleBuddyRead @BookBabe
Yes! Just finished week 11. Might help with a recent question @BookBabe if you want to revisit what the author talks about. It might help. 💛 I like that it breaks up Deuteronomy with some Psalms. 🥰
Working on catching up a little bit today in my Bible reading. I was able to get all the way through Numbers. I found it the most interesting that Zelophehad only had daughters and to keep the inheritance in their family these daughters married their cousins. #BiblebuddyRead @BookBabe
Cute little coffee shop. It is a bit far for normal visits, but I needed to explore on this rainy day.
I am going to try and catch up today. I am a full week behind. 🥺
Today‘s reading for the #BibleBuddyRead is Deuteronomy 9-11.
As we have discussed a bit, I can‘t say I‘m especially impressed with this book as a Bible study guide. One of the reasons for me is that it has just one devotional per week and only sometimes a prayer for the week. With that being said, I did appreciate this last week‘s prayer and made a note of it to use again.
#BibleBuddyRead #Christian
Hey fellow #BibleBuddyRead Littens, today is our monthly Zoom at 6pm Eastern Time! Check your email for the link!
You might want to have a cup of your favorite cozy beverage at the ready to make it even more fun and social ☺️☕️
I hope you can make it, looking forward to seeing you later! 🥰❤️
Today‘s reading for the #BibleBuddyRead is Proverbs 8-11.
I hope you enjoy it! 😃
It‘s time for the #BibleBuddyRead‘s #WeeklyWrapUp!
Let‘s discuss below! 👇🏻
What are your thoughts and takeaways from this week‘s reading?
Remember to check the hashtag #BibleBuddyRead so you can see and interact with all the posts!
Today‘s reading for the #BibleBuddyRead is Numbers 10-13. Some great Proverbs coming up tomorrow!
Hey fellow #BibleBuddyRead Littens, it‘s time for the #WeeklyWrapUp! Opening the floor 👇🏻 for discussion about the last week‘s readings! What are your thoughts?
The remaining reading for the week for the #BibleBuddyRead is Leviticus 24-27.
You guys…it is SO hard as a mom to try and focus on anything 😂…for me anyway. The reading I posted yesterday actually was supposed to be today. So today I posted yesterday‘s—sorry about that. 🥴 🤷🏻♀️
Happy Friday everyone! Today‘s reading is Psalms 7-10. Enjoy and have a great day! 😊
I‘m so glad we are breaking up Leviticus with Psalms. I‘m struggling with all the laws and sacrifices trying to find relevance to what I‘m suppose to gain from those chapters. 🥺 #BibleBuddyRead @BookBabe
I wondered why the author wanted to read Matthew between Exodus and Leviticus, but it totally makes sense to me. At the end of Exodus, you read about the making of the temple's veil and how it tore when Jesus was crucified. Then you see how the crucifixion tied to the offerings that the people had to do to wipe out the sin. #BibleBuddyRead @BookBabe
I find this chart helpful in seeing the OT offerings that are described at the beginning of Leviticus, and then comparing them to the NT fulfillment.
Today‘s reading for the #BibleBuddyRead is Matthew 26-28. We‘re finishing Matthew today and going back to spend time with Moses in Leviticus tomorrow. 😊
It‘s time for another #BibleBuddyRead #WeeklyWrapUp discussion! 😃 We‘ve spent this past week in Matthew after weeks in Genesis and Exodus.
Those of you who couldn‘t make it to the Zoom, what are your thoughts on what we‘ve been reading?
And for those of you who attended the Zoom, thanks for coming, it was great chatting with you & seeing you! Was there anything you‘d like to share that we didn‘t get to talk about? 40 minutes goes fast!💁🏻♀️
This has always been one of my favorite pieces of the Bible. It is so fitting for a February read.
I always remember Jesus talking about the faith of a mustard seed being able to mountains.
Today I read this, and never remember the mountain "moving" into the sea. This parable and analogy really hit home today with me.
Saturday‘s reading for the #BibleBuddyRead is Matthew 20-22!
Don‘t forget, it‘s the first Saturday of the month, so tonight is our monthly Zoom meeting at 6pm Eastern! 😃
Ok this is to make my previous post question clearer #biblebuddyread so what‘s the difference between speaking against Jesus vs speaking against the Holy Spirit?
In MT 12:31 I‘m having a struggle with this verse because clearly I‘ve highlighted this in my Olive Tree Bible before but it didn‘t dawn on me until just now … what is the difference between blasphemy against the Son of Man and the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? #biblebuddyread
I need to remember this often. It is so hard teaching this year, even in a Christian school where I can share my faith.
Today‘s reading for the #BibleBuddyRead is Matthew 4-7!
I hope you enjoy it 😊
I wrote these out in my journal and made notes about each in man. I found it interesting how little of them I knew anything about. Only 14, 1/3 if them could I give some fact about.
Well for a pretty big change of pace, the #BibleBuddyRead is moving on to Matthew! Quite a big departure from all the drama in the wilderness with Moses. Today‘s reading is Matthew 1-3.
I‘d like to open up the floor for discussion, hopefully we can hear from some of you that we haven‘t heard from in a while. 😊 Let‘s discuss below! 👇🏻
Yay! I caught myself back up. I was struggling with all the decorating in the last couple of chapters. #BibleBuddyRead @BookBabe