Just some of the books I have read lately. Been a busy reading month! #kindlecovers #booksbooksbooks #stephenkingisawrtinggod
Just some of the books I have read lately. Been a busy reading month! #kindlecovers #booksbooksbooks #stephenkingisawrtinggod
Picked this up on Sunday, started reading last night...wow. Needs to be required reading in training courses for therapists and counselors. Excellent. #riotgrams #currentlyreading #october1
Awful photo...but, cruising the inexpensive/ Kindle Unlimited books, I have stumbled over some interesting gems. Like this one. Odd little book but certainly creepy....
Enjoying this non fiction retelling about the hauntings in a small town in Canada. Very into paranormal tales lately and this fills the bill! #paranormal #ghostlytales #brennanstorr #revelstoke
Makes a nice bookrest #catsandbooks Interesting book- from POV of podcaster doing a series a là Serial about a young man found dead. #podcastandcrime
Snowing for what I hope is the last time this winter...spending my afternoon off deciding what to read next. I think I am about to start my most recent #BOMC pick- love Lisa Jewell so hoping this is as good as her others. #neverendingwinter2018 #bookskeepmewarm #lisajewell
UPDATE: Finished Then She was Gone and was unimpressed. Her writing is good but her character development was pretty weak. And plot “twist”
too obvious!
Princess Jubi loves sleeping *on* things:
Books, magazines, junk mail, bags. Today it is a copy of the new Lisa Jewell - keeping it warm while I finish up my April Kindle First selection, Friend Request. Pretty good and oddly enough it reminds me of a Lisa Jewell novel!
One word: meh. The protagonist was incredibly irritating, I never quite figured out what the bloody hell was going on and the multiple other characters just confused me. That said- I read another of her books (a 2 book series) first and really liked it which is why I picked this one up. So read The Darkest Thread and skip this one! TW: Darkest Thread is about DV.
What an odd but ultimately satisfying book. I almost gave up on it about halfway through, frustrated by unlikable characters and a murky plot. Picked it back earlier tonight and did not put it down until I had finished it. I can tell it will not leave me alone for a bit. I give it a 👻👻👻 rating.
Posted the same@photo on IG that I posted here and this happened....#geekingout #fangirl
Not as good as others by them- seemed a little sparse on plot, detail and....interest? Felt like it was done by a computer...I finished it, did not read the ending while still on Chapter 5 but not sure I can recommend...
UPDATE: Finished yesterday and while it is not even close to a favored read of the last 3 months, it did hold some surprises that made it worth reading. Enjoy!
Latest read. Slow start, suspense began building after about 4 chapters, characters not likable in the traditional sense but do have some depth. I would recommend. It fits in a least one challenge category too!
Love the cover of this book...truth be told it is why I bought it....🐻 Unearthed It today while getting ready for decorating. Starting it tonight. #lovebears
Giving Sophie Hannah another try. This one has a paranormal twist...👻👻👻 #ghostsgoblinsghouls #2017readingchallenge 3 books to go!
About 3/4 of the way through and so far I have found it a little too wordy (not reading it to get schooled on crytpids), moderately suspenseful, more than a little repetitive (I do not need to be told over and over the motivations of one of the main characters!) but engaging enough to hold my attention. Luckily I have read others by Grant so familiar with her style. Do enjoy the discoveries about how the “mermaids” communicate and mimic humans.
My go to for times when I need to travel and cannot make the time or have the money..❤️ this book! #savannah #inmytop10
"Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds." - Anne of Green Gables
When sleep does not come easy, listening to a book helps. Loved the first book, Dream with Little Angels and the reader, Kirby Heyborne (also did the 1st book) is one of my favorites.
NEED RECOMMENDATIONS! I am in a total reading slump. Nothing I pull from the shelf connects 😕 Loved The Night Circus- actually anything related to the circus, carnivals (Loved Joyland too), the Big Top. Thought the photo was appropriate... I work in Baraboo- the summer home of Ringling Brothers back in the day....so it seems right that I need a circus themed book! Help please! 🤡🤹🏻♀️🎪🎠🎡
Just finished this today--- a quick, fun read that has been hiding in my TBR. I have no idea how sound the science is but the combo of post virus and sci fi with interesting characters and a pretty fascinating plot had me reading way past my bedtime. I *hope* he continues the series. Anyone looking for something to get lost in at the beach@or cabin this weekend, this might be what you need.
This is Flint the Wonder Cat, BusterBrown, Mr. Floofbelly. He is the biggest baddest Maine Coon on the block. He will be 2 on July 4, weighs in at 18 pounds and is almost 3 feet when he stands up and stretches. He would prefer that I read...#catsoflitsy
This is Princess Jubi, Miss Fluffernutter, JubiGirl... she turns 3 on Friday and is a delightful girl- smart, funny, and just a little wicked. She loves to climb up in my shoulder when I am reading....she is a true #catsoflitsy
Since April I have had a 50 minute commute one way to work. Audible has become my dear friend! Have listened to excellent books (Inferno)and not so good ones (The Weight of Lies). I think this one is gonna be a great one--- lyrical writing read by the author. So, so good! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 #audiobooksmakethedrivebearable #shermanalexie #memoirsmakethebestlistening
Happy Birthday to the man who made me want to go back to college and change careers! I don't think he is on Litsy but doesn't matter one bit. #themagicians #teamquentin #filloryforever #magicisreal #toptenfavorite #thethreebooksiwouldtaketomyisland
Missed out on quality reading time this weekend so playing catch up during some unexpected time off early. Snacks, guilty pleasure TV and a book that just appeared on my Kindle last night..must have been sleep shopping! #litsypartyofone
1. Somewhere in the southern half of the Cheesehead state 😉
2. A BookRiot article last fall.
3. Murder on the Orient Express
4. Yep--- raised one from a tiny baby snapping turtle to large enough to be released into a small lake up north!
@saguarosally Thanks for the welcome party! #welcomelitten
On to my next read...nonfiction this time. But I also have to put pants on and go to the grocery...ugh!
The whisper of the dusk is night shedding its husk~~The Book of Counted Sorrows. Current situation: Planning to finish Twilight Eyes, then chores, groceries and then back to the TBR pile to chose what to read next. #litsypartyofone #sundaygoals #whereismyhouseelfwithbrunch
Very quick read that I loved! Really like Mira Grant's Newsflesh series so when this floated by my radar I snapped it up. It is not great literature but it is fun, the characters actually were just as I imagined a documentary crew of filmmakers and scientists would be. I am looking forward to the next installment in November! And for the record: this is just pure fun so don't expect a Nobel prize winner! #litsypartyofone
Planning my weekend reading while waiting for my bloody slow laptop to boot up...grrrr....No snacks yet but there are some blackberries calling my name...#litsypartyofone
Have only read one other book by Dean Koontz...really like it but cannot remember the title ( young guy who can only go out at night...I think he had a dog...?) Need a boost in my reading so giving him another try!
Sigh. Another miss for me. This one I actually bailed on after getting just over halfway through. Thinking it was the audiobook narrator, I switched to the book version. Nope. At the halfway point I was beyond tired of hearing about jasmine scented skin, the beastly mother, the mosquitos...and had no idea where any of it was going. (And what was the point of "pie night"?) So rather than slog my way through, gave up. Hoping my next choices works!
H'mmm.....what to say about this book? Maybe my expectations were just too high. Maybe I am just a crab. Whatever the reason just did not like this one. In fact it was a struggle to finish and when I did I was glad I was done. I had heard such good things- how it is a homage to the greats of mystery, how it was a "cracking good read"...while it was in some ways the whole homage thing, I found it...well..boring. Enter at your own risk!
Started listening yesterday... about 3 hours in and still not sure....#reservingbookjudgement
Lazy Sunday afternoon read. So far--- a little slow although I do appreciate the backstory and it does have the feel of a blog, in particular a blog written by Georgia- the woman narrating. Just got to the first "undead engagement". Grant keeps a thrum of underlying tension going that is hard to resist. A ?? for now!
Reading the series is on my bucket list so I'm going in....😳
Is it really wise to start this book with a flash flood warning in effect for the area...during a torrential downpour....h'mmmm....
REVIEW: I wanted to like it, tried hard to like it, didn't like it. I know it was supposed to be a serious story and yet I found myself laughing at the utter pretentiousness of the narrator- he was so stereotypical NYC hipster it was difficult to find anything good. And the rest....as I said, I tried...
AWOL for awhile but back to reading finally. How do you feel about YA fiction? I am usually lukewarm but this one has engaged me from page one. Anyone read it yet?
Flint and I are enjoying some are night fun reading. Found this one on Kindle Unlimited via LitCube (in other words fell down a book search rabbit hole..) and so far enjoying it!
I am loving this book! Picked it up for $1 and it sat all summer, patiently waiting for me to discover the fun within. I have been in such a reading slump...until now! It is a police procedural meets Ghostbusters meets Penny Dreadful meets...oh, just do yourself a favor and read it!
Rainy afternoon if reading and snuggling with Flint the Wonder Cat. Enjoying Emily Winslow's books so far. Well written, more character driven than your average police procedural and the setting in Cambridge is lovely.
Thug Kitchen is just one of the books in this latest Amazon haul...thanks to a gift card from someone who knows me well! 😘📚📖🍷 Better get busy!
This got delivered tonight-- looking forward to starting it when I get done with my current #cozymystery read: Murder Offstage by LB Hathaway. Fun, frothy and just the ticket for mindless entertainment.
No memory of adding this to my Kindle...? Looks like a good "palate cleanser" after my recent mystery/thriller streak that I fell into after struggling with Everyone Brave is Forgotten... Started off well with that one, then just...stopped. SO- hoping after this one I can return and finish EBIF...