Some days, I find hope in these words. Unfortunately, most day, I doubt such a ”look” even exists...
Some days, I find hope in these words. Unfortunately, most day, I doubt such a ”look” even exists...
I wear the scars that still cover my body from years of trespassers who assaulted and abused me; and although these scars will always remain, I have found a hope that has set me free.
Learn to enjoy reading...it prevents you from becoming “wicked.” 😉
Let love be sincere. Let love be honest. Let love be that which guides your life in Christ and towards those around you.
Art by: Puung
Interfaith dialogue is sharing the truth on a bridge of tolerance; not hatred or judgment. Even Kennedy understood that...
Life Lesson #1 - You are not your past. So stop letting it define you, and start allowing it to prepare you for the greatness you can become.
There is freedom and knowledge when we learn what our country stands for, and how it was originally meant to be for all humanity. ”We the people...”
#AmericanPride #USA #Framers
Source: Kimothy Joy
Fellow “Litsarians,” I humbly seek your opinion. Do you know of any law books (fictional or even historical) worth #TBR ?
The textbooks are useful...but it would be nice to read something beyond a professors required book list. 😂
The official books that will overtake my life for the next couple of weeks...God have mercy on me! #JurisDoctorate #GotLaw
Just because you label yourself something, doesn‘t mean you ARE that something.
Through my treatments and my pain, I have found hope and solace in losing myself in a book. Why? Because I have been able to dream, imagine, travel, grow, and love in ways I wouldn‘t have been able to before. Thank you @MrBook @BookBabe @Litsy for giving me a community that keeps me going! You truly put the “Lit” in Litsy! Praying for you! 💪🏻😊
“When I get a little money, I buy books. If there is any left over, I buy food and clothes” -Erasmus
This quote and this word perfectly defines my life. 😂
#LitsyHumor #Truth
That moment in life when you get to a certain part in your book and discover a piece of treasure that was left behind from prior owners. It wasn‘t planned or even known! Yet, I have hope that one of these days, such “letters” will be a part of history! 🙏🏻😊
After weeks (okay months) of not being able to log in (curse you forgotten passwords), there are great pleasures in being able to discover (and reset the password) to the place that brings you back home and to where the wild things grow. 🙃
They say a cluttered desk is not a good way to work. Well, I say when it‘s cluttered with books, nothing could be more perfect. 😆 and yes...this is real. 😫#SLUGradStudies #Theology
@MrBook are library desks twice as worse? 😱
In a world that faces cruelty, may we not judge and become like those who start such wildfires. Instead, regardless of what it may be, may we embrace love as if it were war itself; perhaps if it were, we‘d find more life than death. #WarAndPeace #LiveLove
I don‘t know if this would be educational for kids sharing or for something more “intimate”? Plus, why does one kid have a ball in its mouth? Either case, it‘s kind of funny. 🤪 #LitsyHumor
My science teacher used to have a skull on his desk and called him Yorick. It wasn‘t until my senior year were I finally understood his reference. Now, each time I hear it, it is always hilarious. #LitsyHumor #Shakespeare
And as children we asked and doubted how these stories could help us in real life! Psh, how little we know sometimes. 😋🤣
#LitsyHumor #ListenToYourMother
Sometimes words are never enough. However, in Fitzgerald‘s case, they are simply perfect! 😍💕
#LitsyRomance #NovemberReads
Yes, I am an 22 year old nerd mastering in Theology. That doesn‘t mean I‘m not a cool chick who knows how to party like the rest of those my age! Heck, I stay up late reading, have crazy debate parties, and I even sneak some amaretto liquor into my baked goods just to be wild. 😋😂 #DontJudgeMe
I always knew librarians were magical. 😋
@MrBook #LitsyHumor
The dog: "I used to be young and free...now 'this' is what I have succumbed to."
The baby: "Who you talkin' 'bout?"
#MyNiece #Adorbs #MansBestFriend #LitsyHumor
That moment in life when you just can‘t help but use a little #PusheenLove to make the day of #GraduateStudies go better. Particularly as there‘s still 40 more days till winter break. 😩 Oh, how this chapter of sickness is so well said! 😋
So....I seriously thought I found a treasure when finding this at my local thrift.
The good: The beginning is wonderful, the writing is great & historically accurate, and the characters & story flows well.
The bad: After the 1st, and dare I say it, 2nd parts, it just drops. The love story happened too fast, he cheats in the middle, it got boring with business facts, and I simply lost interest. 😥 #WhatGreatMisfortune
That horrible moment when you run into someone who looks familiar and then miraculously find their picture on your Church‘s testimonial page. I pray and wish I knew who you are, oh unnamed man!
#NoName #DestinyOrNot
Not sure of the book...but the movie was simply fantastico! Minus the nasty parts, of course 😋
#JaiCourtney #WW2 #Smexy #GoodReads
That moment when you know it‘s true, but hate it anyway. 😋 #DivergentSeries #TruthHurts
Some days are harder than others, and at times, it‘s hard to carry on. However, what is good about peace is that it is never hard to find and always beside us whether it comes from ourselves or from the loved ones that have blessed us with their presence. #FindingPeace #HopeInFrontOfMe
Sometimes, we don‘t get what we want in life; but that doesn‘t mean we can‘t strive to reach those dreams!
#UnicornGoatsRule #LitsyKidReads
#RupiKaur - Another incredible collection that not only speaks truth, but raw portrayals of life. Will YOU join the journey?
#GoodReads #NextBigRead
When life becomes hard, I have discovered three things in life. First, to pray and learn to adjust your thoughts; second, to help others around you knowing there is always hope; and third, to stop by a bookstore and let your mind take you to a land it wants to explore! #Bookhaul #HopeInFrontOfMe
That moment when you finish a book, look around, and realize that everyone is just carrying on doing their own thing...as though you didn‘t just experience emotional trauma at the hands of a paperback 😩. Any new suggestions for another good series?? I‘m in need of a #BookRebound.
#BookHangover #CanISurvive #GoodReads
I‘ll admit, this one brought a lot of unexpected results, particularly that the fight was not over for these poor gladers. However, a great read that will keep you going to the end; especially with the betrayal and new characters. All in all, it builds from the first one and the leads towards the exciting climax that comes in the last book. #GladersRule #DashnerArmy
Not only did Dashner keep you at the edge of the seat until the end, but he provided a great ending to the series! A lot of twists and turn and a lot of sorrow for who doesn‘t make it. However, it gets you excited and slightly in hopes that there might be a continuation! #GladersCanDream. All in all, an excellent read!
I can‘t tell if this is just simply wrong or hilarious LOL. #DumbledoreHumor 😋😂
There is an odd reality that suggests we are not allowed to be respectfully honest or to ask and be curious about others or our own beliefs, traditions, etc. there is no wrong is asking. There is only wrong when we fail to do so. #BeCurious
As with all alternate worlds, there is a deep respect to the author in creating such a story. The story is a tad difficult due to the slang used, but the details and descriptions bring the book to life. It is more structured and flows better than the movie while leaving you curious and hopeful all the way to the end! A job well done. #GladersRule
No blessing is better than holding a lil miracle in your arms! :) so blessed to have had the chance to take this dumplings 1 week pictures! Love you Isabella Caterina to the moon and back! 😘💕🙏🏻