January read
Really disliked this book. The main character did not feel like a Jane Austen character at all.. a very submissive, quiet, conservative girl, contented with whatever sympathy she got, and at the end the love that she wanted was so whisy-washily decided that just made be angry 😅
A book that has helped me go through rough days. So proud of this strong woman for putting out this book.
Not what I expected when I picked it up to read, but ended up enjoying the non-sensical time travel and the Tralfamadorian's perspective of time and death.
Dark, freakish, and cute short poems. The theme reminds us of children's stories, but they may be a tad too dark for them. Loved it.
Loved it, wanted more of it, but unfortunately the end was lackluster, and felt rushed (again I would hope it was a longer book properly finished). All in all, adding Jack Vance to my "authors I need to read more of" list!
This book will be added to one of the #readingchallenge: #dancingwithfantasyandscifi2019 in the prompt "on a different planet".
#scifi #sciencefiction #marune #jackvance
Starting this one now. Off we go into sci-fi :D
#scifi #sciencefiction #jackvance #marune #reading #currentlyreading #dancingwithfantasyandscifi2019 #readingchallenge
I chose this book, starting my first attempt at reading challenges. For my #popsugarreadingchallenge2019 (prompt: a book featuring an amateur detective) and #pwowreadingchallenge19 (prompt: a book I got as a gift).
It is vaguely entertaining. The plot is absurd at times, the characters were annoying and entitled. The best part was the interrogation in Court, but I couldn't wait to finish this. A book I'll be donating to someone else who wants it.
This book is taking me forever. I'm hoping to finish it soon so I can start another one.
#currentlyreading #reading #bibliophile #notintoit #cloudsofwitness #ogatodediamantes #dorothylsayers #colecaovampiro #mistery #detective
I saw this going around and I thought I'd join in!
Anne McCaffrey
Khaled Hosseini
Robert A. Heinlein
Bob Shaw
Jane Austen
Can you tell how much sci-fi I read? :D
Starting this book now from #dorothylsayers, let's see how it goes!
#cloudsofwitness #ogatodediamantes #colecaovampiro #mistery #reading #currentlyreading #bibliophile
This book is basically a compilation of the several dark figures in Tolkien's universe, and their origin/inspiration on actually mythology and ancient history. I believe it would be even better if I knew Tolkien's work a lot more than I do, but even so, very interesting read. The graphic work is brilliant.
Artist: Kip Rasmussen
#davidday #thedarkpowersoftolkien #read #tolkien #fantasy #bibliophile
Evil is nothing but the absence of good.
Artist: Ian Miller
#davidday #thedarkpowersoftolkien #tolkien #quote #fantasy #bibliophile #quotes
Hello guys, this is my first blurb here on Litsy. I am currently reading this book by #davidday. It was a birthday gift, and so far it's quite interesting and graphically beautiful.
#thedarkpowersoftolkien #tolkien #reading #fantasy #currentlyreading #bibliophile