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Joined August 2016

SLP, journal-happy, & fervid bookbat. 🦇📚💕
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I don‘t often engage with horror stories because I don‘t have much of a stomach for them. This was a compelling read, though; it‘s as much an exploration of the day-to-day discomforts that haunt a marriage as it is an account of the purchase of a haunted house. It‘s truly frightening at times, though less so than, say, House of Leaves or I‘m Thinking of Ending Things. Readers are privy to first POV for both husband and wife- a great choice.

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Currently reading. This pick was on the Chicago Review of Books Best of 2017 as compiled by Adam Morgan; he wrote: “My favorite haunted house novel since House of Leaves.” Though I have my issues with HoL, I was intrigued.

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Eileen: A Novel | Ottessa Moshfegh
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I finished this novel last night and thought it was exceptional. If you're looking for an unsettling deep character dive (maybe for a spooky October pick?) take this one for a spin. It's the story of a young woman (Eileen) written in first POV. You're right there with her in all her sharp, darkly funny, and grotesque glory as she journeys through the days leading up to her hasty departure from her hometown "X-Ville."

Titania David Sedaris was promoting this book when I saw him on tour last year. It sounded very dark and warped. 7y
LastSplash @Titania I'd say those are excellent words to describe it! And it's just so well-written; Moshfegh is unrelenting in her portrait of a twisted (but occasionally relatable!) character (edited) 7y
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Anything is Possible | Elizabeth Strout
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This is a collection of vignettes about the satellite characters surrounding Lucy Barton (from Strout's novel "My Name is Lucy Barton"), which I haven't read. Some chapters resonate more deeply than others, and for varying reasons. 'Cracked' is truly disturbing (especially in the context of Weinstein's sexual assaults), while 'Mississippi Mary' is lighter and more traditionally charming than the others.

suvata I enjoyed the connection to Lucy Barton 7y
LastSplash @suvata I really enjoyed her appearance in this book! It made me anxious to read My Name is Lucy Barton 👌🏼 7y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I am going to stick my neck and say you MUST read “My Name is Lucy Barton”. @LastSplash 7y
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LastSplash @Joyfulmimi @BarbaraBB Excellent advice! Count me in. 7y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I hope that surely she will write other books about these families. Can‘t wait @BarbaraBB @LastSplash 7y
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Sing, Unburied, Sing | Jesmyn Ward
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I'm so ready to start this novel for the monthly book club meeting at First Draft (a bar within a Phoenix independent bookseller, Changing Hands). I've wanted to read it for awhile now!

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About halfway through this one for BookRiot's "2017 Read Harder" challenge. Task 1 for January is to "read a book about sports." I'm actually enjoying it a lot, which surprises me a bit because I'm not a football gal. But from a craft perspective, I appreciate Bachelder's deft handling of multiple POVs. In brief, it's about a group of middle-aged men who meet annually to recreate an infamously disastrous football play.

Redheadrambles Yes ! Planning on picking this up soon for that task on Read Harder and also because of #tob17 7y
8little_paws It's really good!! I listened on audio, it was great 7y
LastSplash @8little_paws I'm going to try listening to audiobooks more this year (I set a relatively lofty book # goal 😅). Do you listen to your books via Audible? If so, do you like it? 7y
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8little_paws @LastSplash occasionally on audible. They have really good sound quality. I mooch off my friend's account, we share it. I primarily use Hoopla digital for audiobooks. I loooove Hoopla. Does your library have it? 7y
LastSplash @Redheadrambles Awesome! I'd never heard of #tob17 before reading your comment! I'll have to dig into that challenge a little bit, too! I've been dying to read "Grief is the Thing with Feathers" 7y
Redheadrambles @LastSplash yeah it's a great sort of bookish conversation that happens in March and it usually throws up some heated and fun debates 😀 7y
LastSplash @8little_paws Ha, per your recommendation I hopped on Hoopla! And Throwback Special is available! Thanks for that insight 😍 7y
8little_paws @LastSplash yup that's how I listened!! 7y
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Happy Holidays, Litsy folk! This is my Christmas Eve pick- I'm starting it tonight. I've spotted it on a few "Best of 2016" lists; apparently the prose is very beautiful. Have y'all read this one? ???

Megabooks It's on my TBR! 7y
8little_paws Yes and it was really good. Beautifully written, like stream of consciousness style 7y
BookishFeminist One of my favorites of the year, an excellent novel. I hope you enjoy it! 7y
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Alfoster Have this on my queue! Can't wait to hear what you think! 7y
ForestAvenuePress Some of my favorite readers have recommended it and it's on the Tournament of Books long list. It's on my list! 7y
LastSplash @BookishFeminist @ForestAvenuePress @Alfoster @8little_paws @Ebooksandcooks So...wow. This was just a breathtaking read. Greenwell's narrative style is incredibly immersive, and his ability to render even the most mundane, day-to-day life details into gorgeous, keenly-observed tapestries is amazing! I want to double back and read it again. I loved it! 7y
Alfoster Yay! Thanks!👏👏 7y
ForestAvenuePress I'd better move it up on my list! 7y
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2016 was a year of (largely) great reads for me. I've just finished the "The Lightkeepers," and knew from damn near page one that it was at the top of my list. It's the story of Miranda, mid-thirties nature photographer, who is perpetually mourning a great loss. She seeks solace on a hostile island off the coast of California, where the seasons are marked by different marine life. This story is filled with tragedy, mystery, and unyielding beauty.

Suet624 Sold. 7y
slhbooks Needed a reminder about this one. It is somewhere in my TBR list😉 7y
LastSplash @slhbooks Oooh, excellent! I would recommend moving it up- TBR ASAP! It's impossibly good (IMHO). I'm anxious to re-read it after some digestion. 7y
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Next up... 👍🏼👍🏼

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Hag-Seed | Margaret Atwood
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I enjoyed learning more about The Tempest throughout this book. I thought that the parallels to the play were interesting and thoughtfully developed, though maybe a little clunky at times. The ending was a little too tidy for my taste- no consequences for "Prospero." That said, I appreciated the portrayal of a grieving man working to re-establish meaning in his life (with an eye toward vengeance) after his calling has been wrested away from him.

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Hag-Seed | Margaret Atwood
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I've always been a sucker for M. Atwood's matter-of-fact writing style.

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This wasn't an easy book to put down. The characters were so well-drawn, it was impossible not to be fully immersed in their world (which was a painful experience most of the time, but awe-inspiring in its strength). I think the decision to make the railroad physical was fascinating, but for me it resulted in a partial neglect of the humanity behind the Underground Railroad - the steadfast devotion that many people had toward helping others.

Cortg Good review and I see your point. A childhood friend's house was rumored to have been a stop for the underground railroad in CT. I was always curious to know more about the history, even as a kid. I really enjoyed the book. 8y
DivineDiana I heard Colson Whitehead speak today. He said that the concept of the "real railroad" was the starting point for writing the novel. The concept was used as a device to take the reader to the various states and show the differences in how Slaves and Freemen were treated. 8y
drokka That was my big criticism too. More Underground, less Railroad required. 8y
LastSplash @DivineDiana I'm so envious! I would love to hear him speak. That's really interesting. I definitely appreciate his reasons for making the choice, and it resulted in a captivating story which in many ways achieved his objectives, in my opinion. But I also found myself missing the greater number of individual people who were so integral to the (metaphorical) railroad's function. 8y
DivineDiana @LastSplash He was charming! So interesting to learn about his creative process. 8y
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In a book filled with powerful and heartrending passages, this section was for me one of those that elicited the most emotion...grief, shock, and other feelings very difficult to identify and process.

DoodlesDistractions Oh this part tore me apart!!!!! 8y
LastSplash @doodlesreads Ugh, same 😢 8y
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Uprooted | Naomi Novik
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This was definitely a pick for me! I learned a lot from this book- about adventure, romance, intuition, wild-ness, Nature, inner fortitude... and on a craft level, about writing a fantasy novel & about gradual, mindful character development. I was very moved by the protagonist Agnieszka's loyalty to her family, her friends, her home, and herself. She is unflinchingly true to her principles and her intuition as she endeavors to save her homeland.

WhatDeeReads I have about 175 pages left in this. Hoping to finish this weekend. 8y
LastSplash @Lucky_Ladee Ooo very curious to hear what you ultimately think of it! 8y
raeintheworld I loved this book! It was a bit out of genre for me, but I couldn't put it down. 8y
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adeebee Good to hear! I just picked up a copy of this today. 8y
brilliantglow This is one of the best books I've read in the last couple of years 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I really enjoyed this book too! 8y
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Uprooted | Naomi Novik
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"Uprooted" has been my camping companion in Moab, Utah ⛺️?

Melkyl Beautiful! 8y
[DELETED] 1250735911 What a good choice!! 8y
Kerouacthedog Perfect setting. 8y
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TNbookworm Wow, beautiful! 8y
clconn17 I love Moab! ❤️ 8y
annahenke Are you loving it? Audio or print? 8y
stacybmartin Beautiful picture! 😍 8y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Stunning scenery! (Great book choice too) 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Beautiful photo, great book! 8y
Bookzombie Gorgeous setting! 8y
Zelma Beautiful view. I would have a tough time reading and not just looking at my surroundings. 😍 8y
Dragon Lovely spot! 8y
LastSplash @clconn17 It's our first time here- what an incredible town! 8y
LastSplash @annahenke I did love it- it's an amazing novel! I read it on my Kindle (easier for me when camping). 8y
LastSplash @Zelma Totally. I primarily read it at night, although even that was tricky because the view of the stars near Moab is phenomenal ✨ 8y
mcctrish We ended up in a motel ( actually 2 different motels) in Moab when we were camping because of heat and water shut off at campground ( renovations) loved every minute of our time there 8y
LastSplash @mcctrish That's a bummer! I'm glad that you still had a great time, though! We thought we were going in "off season" but it was practically impossible to find a camping spot 8y
mcctrish We were camping up to and after Moab so it was no biggie to sleep in a bed 😂 8y
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This book is so beautifully written, as evidenced by this lovely homage to that most scrumptious of beverages ☕️

Gayan This is exactly how I describe coffee. ❤️ 8y
Louise_B I just finished this book. Wow! I loved it. 8y
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Woohoo! It's here! Just in time for my 8 hour road trip to Arches National Park tomorrow 💕🚙🏞📚

rachelm Pictures from Arches please!! 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess Safe travels and happy reading!📚 8y
LastSplash @rachelm Yes ma'am! @Graciouswarriorprincess Thank you!! I'm so excited! 8y
kspenmoll Enjoy the Park & yes, pictures please! 8y
BeththeBookDragon Jealous!!! Enjoy the Park! 8y
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Jane Steele | Lyndsay Faye
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This is the story of a young woman who attempts to assert control over her circumstances by murdering men who try to overpower her and those she loves. As mentioned in a previous blurb, I loved the use of figurative language here. The heroine is sardonic and full of spark. I didn't love the parallels to Jane Eyre, though- I didn't understand their narrative purpose. Overall, though, it was an entertaining read with an engaging protagonist.

sprainedbrain I adored this book! ❤️️ 8y
MrBook Great review 😊👍🏻! 8y
PenguinInFlight I loved this book!! ☺️💜 8y
BibliophileMomma Loved this book! 8y
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Jane Steele | Lyndsay Faye
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May or may not be reading between sets at LA Fitness 😏🤓 Nerd girl alert (...and proud of it!)

Jillsandypants Wow...that is commitment!👏🤓💪 8y
Gleefulreader Love it! (And perhaps this is how I can make myself work out. I always think to myself an hour spent exercising is an hour spent NOT reading... so then I don't.) 8y
LastSplash @Gleefulreader I totally empathize!! You should try it, I think you'll find it motivating! 8y
Blueberry I also exercise with my book. I turn on Pandora for a good beat, open Overdrive, and ride the bike. 8y
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A Paper Son | Jason Buchholz
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This is a gorgeous read, and a noteworthy contribution to the magical realism canon. Peregrine, a writer and grade school teacher in San Francisco, is overtaken by an irrepressible writing streak as his city is subjected to day after day of torrential downpour. He submits bits and pieces of his latest work to a mysterious literary magazine and is subsequently accused of plagiarizing the family history of an irate woman whom he's never met before.

shawnmooney That sounds absolutely bonkers! I must read it, and soon! 8y
LastSplash @shawnmooney Oooh please do! You won't be disappointed - it's phenomenal! 8y
Bambolina_81 @LastSplash 💜 the sound of this 8y
Carolyn11215 Just added to my stack as well!! 8y
Posemn Wow, I've never heard of this book and it sounds amazing. Off to put it on my library Hold list! Thanks @LastSplash! 8y
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Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft | Elizabeth Stuckey-French, Janet Burroway, Ned Stuckey-French
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Every chapter of "Writing Fiction" has a few short stories at the end to illustrate the presented concepts. At the end of the chapter on "Characterization" is Tobias Wolff's short piece, "Bullet in the Brain." This is the first time I've read it, and damned if it isn't now one of my new favorites. Ever read it?

Redwritinghood I heard it read on an NPR program once. Great story. 8y
LastSplash @Redwritinghood I totally agree! I was really moved by it. 8y
KimHM One of my favorite stories ever. 8y
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Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft | Elizabeth Stuckey-French, Janet Burroway, Ned Stuckey-French
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Writing characters/living life

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Jane Steele | Lyndsay Faye
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I love the use of figurative language in this book! ?
Other favorites include:
"Aunt Patience had a very wide frog's visage with a ruddy complexion and lips like a seam in stone-masonry." ?

BibliophileMomma I'm currently read this novel too. I'm loving the details and the story line. 8y
Laura317 I've said this before, as have others. There needs to be a sequel. 8y
LastSplash @Tiffness83 The details! Great point- they're so well done! 8y
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Jane Steele | Lyndsay Faye
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Can't quite remember how this one ended up on my TBR list, but I've started it today! 🙌🏼

Melkyl It's good 😂 8y
tmmahaffey Yes!! It's a good one, hope you enjoy it! 8y
PenguinInFlight I really enjoyed it! I hope you do, too. ☺️ 8y
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House of Leaves | Mark Z. Danielewski, Zampan

Well, I'm ashamed to admit that I ultimately had to remove this book from my TBR list without finishing it. There were portions of it that I thoroughly enjoyed, but ultimately the disjointed effect of multiple POVs and styles of narration threw me out of the text. I appreciated the masterful use of suspense and horror, though.

Autumn Ugh! It's on my TBR list too 8y
Crystalblu I tried it years ago and bailed on it. I'm still curious though. 8y
BeckyLeJ My husband and I both gave up on this one. 8y
Abby-J I had a boyfriend tell me that it was the best thing he'd ever read. Our relationship did not last. 8y
Tonton Bought this at Book Soup in LA on a business trip. Loved some parts, slogged through others. 8y
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This book was chosen as the September read for the First Draft book club in Tempe, Arizona. As an epistolary novel, the plot unfolds through a series of diary entries and letters penned by Colonel Allen Forrester and his wife, Sophie Forrester, both of whom are on individual odysseys to find the titular "bright edge". Sophie attempts to come to terms with great loss, while Allen endeavors to survive the beautiful and menacing Alaskan wilderness.

MrBook Excellent review! 8y
LastSplash Thank you @MrBook ! 😊 8y
Laalaleighh You had me at epistolary. Stacking 📚 8y
MrBook 😆 @Laalaleighh You make ☝🏻️ the best responses! 8y
Laalaleighh @MrBook 😊😊😊🙈 thank you! 8y
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House of Leaves | Mark Z. Danielewski, Zampan
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I've been meaning to read this book for years! I've finally picked it up from the Tempe library. So far it's been a little unsettling reading it alone at home, though! 😳

Kirstin This book is such a work of art! I hope you have fun! 😀 8y
itsbrb I picked this one for my book club next month and some have finished already and hated it. I am still excited to read it! I hope you enjoy it! 8y
LastSplash @Kirstin it's really compelling so far! @itsbrb wow! Have any of them mentioned why they hate it?! 8y
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Scurvygirl I read this years ago. I remember it being really good, trippy and definitely scary. 8y
itsbrb @LastSplash I think the writing totally threw them off but that's the part that excites me about it! 8y
LastSplash @itsbrb I definitely agree- the intercutting between narrative voices really adds to the jarring tone. It's super neat and crafty! 8y
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Ivey, p. 392

Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft | Elizabeth Stuckey-French, Janet Burroway, Ned Stuckey-French
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kammartinez THIS! As a reader I LOVE it when a writer gives me a character I can't straightforwardly love or hate :D. Complicated characters are ❤️. 8y
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A reminder for difficult times- without darkness, we can't fully appreciate the light. (Quote: Ivey, 201)

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Hopefully this wild, goose-desire will settle someday


Hopefully this wild, goose-desire will settle someday

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Discerning meaning from Fitzgerald's use of specific and intentional punctuation...so interesting! 🔎

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I'm anxious to start recreationally writing more often, both for the joy of developing a writing practice and also in an effort to become a better reader! This book was a staff pick at Changing Hands and was recommended because it helped the bookseller improve in both areas. Have you found a book that's helped to strengthen your writing and/or reading practices? I particularly loved Anne Lamott's "Bird by Bird" #writestuffreadstuff

Redwritinghood I've tried to read this one but it was a little dry for my tastes. I have recently tried some of K.M. Weiland's books and they are very good at explaining story structure. 8y
LastSplash @Redwritinghood K.M. Weiland- excellent, thank you! Jotting it down. Is there a particular one you recommend to start with? 8y
Redwritinghood @LastSplash I started with 5 Secrets of Story Structure which was a free Kindle book. 8y
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Earlier in this passage, the character Sophie is writing about bats in her diary. She concludes with..."We catch only glimpses, a burst of movement, a flap of wings, yet it is life itself beating at shadow's edge. It is the unfolding of potential; all of what we might experience and see and learn awaits us." (Ivey, 41) This book is filled with gripping testaments to the characters' sense of wonder- it's lovely.

LisaJo Welcome to @litsy. You will love getting to share your books with us littens. And, we will enjoy sharing ours with you. #booklove 8y
LastSplash Thank you, @LisaJo ! It's such a pleasure to be here!! ☺️ 8y
Redwritinghood I just finished this one and it was wonderful. 8y
Autumn I love bats😍 8y
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Earlier in this passage, the character Sophie is writing about bats in her diary. She concludes with..."We catch only glimpses, a burst of movement, a flap of wings, yet it is life itself beating at shadow's edge. It is the unfolding of potential; all of what we might experience and see and learn awaits us." (Ivey, 41) This book is filled with gripping testaments to the characters' sense of wonder- it's lovely.

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About to begin this novel for a monthly book club at "Changing Hands", one of the local booksellers in the Phoenix area. One of the locations has a bar attached, cleverly named "First Draft", where the monthly meetings are held. I haven't attended a meeting yet and am really excited to finally make it to one. This novel is set in Alaska and follows Colonel Allen Forrester as he guides a contingent of men on a journey through the wilderness ??

MrBook I really enjoyed Snow Child. Welcome to @Litsy 😎👍🏻! 8y
LastSplash @MrBook Thank you! It's so exciting to find another online community devoted solely to literature! Definitely adding Snow Child to the must read list- I'm thoroughly enjoying this one so far. 8y
MrBook It's also the most enthusiastic and the most closely-knit. Trust me. Lol. 8y
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Qemorio I know you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover but this one is so pretty. 8y
LastSplash @Qemorio Right?! It's uniquely beautiful and is so appropriate to the plot... 8y
Ange44 I loved the Snow Child so much, so I'll definitely have to read this one. 8y
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