In case you needed a study in contrasts today: itty bitty vs. LARGE PRINT. Wow. (The LP is Ferrante's Story of the Lost Child.)
In case you needed a study in contrasts today: itty bitty vs. LARGE PRINT. Wow. (The LP is Ferrante's Story of the Lost Child.)
Unintentionally color matching my book cover happens a lot. #influenced
"But I thank Mother Nature I shall not be alive in fifty years time. When a government begins to fear the mob, it is as much as to say it fears itself."
Well at least now I don't have to write a review. #whyareyourehasingthebookiamcurrentlyreadinginthebookimcurrentlyreading?
When you're 30-plus-blah-blah-years-old but your mom still buys you books. #classics #shelleythearmadillo
Doing some "homework" for the Tire Fire reading at Tattooed Mom's Feb 28 (South St., Philadelphia). Any other Littens going?
Virtual favorite books shelf by my niece. Couldn't fit the end book in my photo (An Everlasting Meal.) #happylittletrees
Kohlrabi hot-air balloon has to be the bitchinest tat ever.
I'm cold and wet from head to toe but I got to see Jeff Tweedy tonight and now I fully intend to dry off, warm up, and burrow down with this memoir. If you get a chance to see any author events at the Free Library of Philadelphia, do it.
"That is one of the many wonders of the sea - that the garbage and bilge water of ten thousand ships is dumped into it every day, and the sea is never dirty." Oh 1940, if only you knew...
I made myself a new reading nook last weekend and someone just discovered it. #catpeopleproblems #readingcompanion
The last line of the book really does say it all. #itsgottabegood #cookbooks
It always freaks me out when one book I'm reading quotes another book I am currently reading (or struggling to read.) I think I unintentionally go through "themes." #coincidence #unexpectedconnections
When you have to stop short after picking up your library books. #passengerside #atleastnoonegothurt
Say what you will about Amazon Vine, as long as they keep me in free books I'm happy! #wheretobegin #toberead #ambition
This is what #nationalpoetrymonth is doing to my work surfaces... #poemaday
For the sake of my knuckles (and their nose) it'd be best if I never find out who did this. #whatwereyouthinking #useyourarm #crimesagainstliteracy
This is absolutely fantastic for sci-fi fans and newbies alike. While the focus is music of the 1970s, film and literature def get their due. I can't stop recommending it (and I def need to slow it down because pub date is June and it's only April!)
Oh, SO the delivery truck. #readingimpaired
Both ends of the spectrum? #basescovered #iwannaberich
I don't know if this is funny or gross. #itsboth
I know just what she means... #betterthaneffbombs #zora #dontinsulttheanimals
"The people in this room tonight could put an end to war....It seems to me God is giving a call to the women of the world to come forward, to stay the hand of men, to say: 'No, you shall no longer kill your fellow men.'" - Carrie Chapman Catt, 1921.
Sometimes I wish more adult books came with the kind of amazing art you find in picture books. #adultslikeprettypicturestoo
Oh my God! I know this guy! (Sometimes I AM this guy.) #whatmakesabadseed
I don't think we have a word that acurately describes that woman's expression. #ww2 #apictureisworthathousandwords
I loved this series already but #3 has turned me into an all-out super fan. Like serious, gonna-force-you-to-read-it-and-not-stop-quoting-it super fan. #ageekisborn
Gone With the Wind? Seriously - what movie?! Alien? Avatar? Star Wars?
Fascinating and strangely inspiring. Add this to your list not only if you like natural history but also if you are a fan of books like Garbage Land, Gone Tomorrow, or Waste and Want.
There is no single "cookbook" that has been more influential in empowering me to embrace and enjoy the process of making food than this one. A book I read/re-read constantly and one I press into everyone's hands (well, a second copy - keep your paws off mine!)
100% bummed this woman is an ecologist instead of an entomologist. #jobpredictingnamesfail
I'm the one in the back... #lawnsareforsuckers #weeds
Is it weird that I feel at peace when my books match my decor? #dontanswerthat #littlethings #kingsolverwouldunderstand
"...or you will die of smoke inhalation." Now THAT'S my kind of cooking! #foodiebooks #burningdownthehouse
This is peach ice cream THAT I MADE! So much for eating healthy this summer...
An amazing set of personal, educational, and intellectual essays. From collecting butterflies, to how we get mail, to American flag fact and legend, (and much more) Fadiman shares a little of herself and tidbits of history you didn't get in school. Just an amazing read whether you read the essays one at a time over the course of years, or blow through them all in one sittting.
"The adventures of a superhero with a social conscience! Whoo boy, does he hate pollution." I don't care what the monetary value is - This. Is. Amazing.