#5joysfriday @DebinHawaii
@WildAlaskaBibliophile and I celebrated one year in Alaska this week! Wild flowers are in bloom (I don't think I've ever seen a rose in the wild before), and Black Jack is still Black Jack.
#5joysfriday @DebinHawaii
@WildAlaskaBibliophile and I celebrated one year in Alaska this week! Wild flowers are in bloom (I don't think I've ever seen a rose in the wild before), and Black Jack is still Black Jack.
This beautiful red bush, unfortunately, is an invasive plant. I haven‘t seen them in #mytowninautumn for a while now. This picture is from 2015. #autumnplease
I have had some huge dandelion puffs at my place lately!
5☆ Ages 3-8
An adorable and inspiring picture book about fitting it and supporting each other. First of all these bright illustrations are the cutest thing! My daughter loves all their little faces so much. And learning about all the different flowers was really cool! The message within this book comes across perfectly for this age group. Believing in yourself and holding others up is the best way for all to learn and grow! We loved this one!
A lovely picture-book introduction to dandelions! I've read a number of books from author/illustrator Mia Posada at this point, but this was her debut, and what a solid start it was!
Under the dust cover. Check out the attitude of these Dandies!
Scary Movie #2 “Creepshow.” I forgot what a creep-kabob Leslie Nielsen‘s character was in this.
#creepshow #creepkabob #theCreep #thecrate #cockroaches #weeds #surveillancecameras #badpeople
Day 17 - #StrangeTitle #BiblioMaynia
#HowToEnjoyYourWeeds #AudreyWynneHatfield
I couldn‘t find a description for this book. But from the reviews people enjoyed this book. One person said it was “an absolute gem” packed with info about identifying plants and how they can be used (culinary, topically and medically) a bit of history and all fascinating.