I find this story so intriguing but the one bad thing about listening to fantasy is that it feels like it takes FOREVER to get to answers about basic world building things. Anyone else feel that way?
I find this story so intriguing but the one bad thing about listening to fantasy is that it feels like it takes FOREVER to get to answers about basic world building things. Anyone else feel that way?
I still haven‘t got a clue what to say about this book. What do you say about a book that‘s technically perfect but made you miserable to read? People look down on romance novels, but my God, there‘s too much sad in the world for you to have to read about it too.
One chapter in and I‘m already feeling all the things. 😬 Jones has beautiful prose balancing all the feels. Also the narrator for Roy has a great voice!
Listening to #Indigo written by the Slayer of Words herself seems like a great way to kick off Black History Month. Also, if you‘re looking for a classic in genre fiction for Book Riot‘s Read Harder challenge, Indigo is absolutely a classic romance!
My #TBR for #FeministLitFeb and #BlackHistoryMonth is full of books I‘m so excited to finally read.
My latest audiobook is one I think should have been required reading in high school. I keep thinking about how little diversity was in my high school reading requirements and have grown increasingly annoyed. But I‘m trying to do better now and read some of the amazing women of color who were left off my school lists.
I‘m actually almost through with this audiobook and I am pleasantly surprised at how much I‘m enjoying this!
Having the worst sort of anxiety night so casually listening to Simon in hopes it will make it better.
Can‘t stop won‘t stop listening to this series. Beyond obsessed.
I love this audiobook narrator, but I‘m a little exasperated by the fact that that Monty is so annoyingly self-absorbed. I‘m struggling because I think he‘s suffering a lot so I get that he‘s feeling a lot of things and trying to hide from his feelings, but it‘s difficult. But yay for narrators with British accents are excellent. 😂
Meant to post this ages ago. You know, like around Halloween? 😂 anyway, these books are gorgeous and Harry Potter will always be home.
This book absolutely deserved the National Book Award nomination. It is remarkably well crafted and beautiful. It became a favorite immediately because once I started reading I couldn‘t stop. #YALit
This book. I agree with Angie Thomas: A must read.
I posted a review on my blog (link in bio) that I‘m actually quite proud of, though it‘s more philosophical than anything else. Have you read this yet? #YALit
Some of my favorite books by women in a black and red aesthetic because I just finished #TheNightCircus and Harry wears red and black at Hogwarts. #readathon #ReadingWomen
This book is bringing up some intense emotions and I‘m not trying to have children or in any kind of a relationship so I imagine those that can identify with either of those things are finding it even more emotional. I think our society does entangle a woman‘s worth and her ability/willingness to have children, but not to the level as Yejide‘s family in Nigeria in the 80s. I for one am relieved because I don‘t know if kids are in my future.
My #Spookathon TBR because Spookathon has begun! I‘m starting with Eliza and Her Monsters and, um, I am 202 pages into this book and I‘m trash for it. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I have one issue with it, maybe two, but they are so negligible it‘s not even disturbing my enjoyment. #YALitsy #YALit
The scene this morning. Loving this book but also mildly terrified of it.
I cannot leave this world right now even though I‘m in the midst of four other books too. So I‘m just going to chill in my comfy chair with a new cup of coffee and my fuzzy blanket. #YALitsy
Broke the spine of this book because I kept freaking out reading it. I don‘t know if you‘re all struggling today the way I have been (seriously, can we agree that no more bad things are allowed to happen?), but I‘m diving into all the romance novels until my heart feels well enough to start writing emails to my Senators and Congressman again. Take care of yourselves. 💕
This memoir essay collection felt like a unique approach to the genre in the way it wrestled with the fact that our own memories and perceptions of events are not always congruent to the others who also experienced the same events alongside us. I struggled to relate to Proctor in some segments, but I always felt the memoir was well-crafted. #nonfiction #memoir
Currently reading and finding it extremely intriguing!
I'm a little more than halfway through this book and it's so fascinating. I love the way Proctor examines and thinks about narrative and how she reflects on the fact that others view the stories about our lives differently based on their own perspective. Non-fiction is not my favorite, but I am enjoying it!
I had an ARC of this one and woah buddy. Thrillers/mysteries aren't my usual genre because I'm a scaredy cat, but I adored the end of this book. I thought the last line was perfect. I would definitely recommend to anyone who doesn't mind being a little scared and won't be triggered by child sexual abuse.
Reason I love Tessa Dare #5630: This quote. But also because her books are so fun and funny and they let you escape when the world just feels like a terrible place. I cannot tell you how much I appreciated curling up with this book and how much better I felt afterward. This book is the romance I needed and I hope it can be that for you too. #romantsy
This book felt like I was reading a combination of two of my relationships and two of my best friends and I desperately wish this book had existed when we were in high school. I hope this book helps people in similar situations. This quote was one in particular that I identified with because it's a pattern I'm still struggling to break. #YALitsy
This cover is absurdly gorgeous. I love it so much. Also, the story inside... I'm already feeling so many things and I'm on page 64. Like... woah. #YALitsy
How did I miss this brilliant book in 2015? I loved everything about this book. Etta has such a unique and strong voice and despite dealing with a lot of really heavy topics, this book is really just about Etta. I highly recommend! #YAlitsy
My favorite quote, making me so excited for Fall, in an excellent graphic novel adaptation of Anne of Green Gables. Though sometimes it felt rushed, I think it definitely hits the highlights of the book, and the art is beautiful. Also, after having read Kindred in graphic novel form, I'm a huge fan of this concept.
This is such an odd book. I have no idea what to think, but I really do not like Yeong-hye's husband. He's the worst.
So thrilled to have an ARC of this and am absolutely adoring it. It's definitely one I'm going to need my own finished copy of though, because I have to know my favorite quotes made it through! #YALitsy
I'm so intrigued by this concept and the writing is so lovely. I feel like I'm the last person to read this book so I'm excited to be able to talk about it with people soon!
This book was so incredible. It packs a lot into less than 200 pages!
I finished this book last night and I'm still so emotional about it. 😭 This book is so profoundly impactful and difficult to process and it's one I think I'll re-read to further grapple with some of the topics it hits on. I cannot recommend it enough though!
Devoured this yesterday and y'all... this is incredible. It was so funny and relatable. Truly excellent.
It took me three bookstores to finally find this book, but I did it! It's here! It's mine!! I'm so excited to read this!
I definitely didn't succeed at #24in48, but considering the bar is on Tuesday/Wednesday, I feel like I still did pretty well! I'm very invested in #TheGoldfinch at this point and have somewhere between 19/20 hours to go at regular speed, I think?
Why can't we have books where lawyers don't make professional responsibility seem like a joke? And books where we don't fat shame people and equate fat to bad? I enjoyed this book overall, but I also have a great deal of frustration with it. So mixed feelings overall. But on the bright side, I'm now past the three hour mark for #24in48. 🙈
Starting this monster on audiobook for #24in48. I've heard so much about this book. This is my first audiobook downloaded from Overdrive too. Thanks to public libraries for this!
I've read these books in backward order, which has been interesting, but this series is excellent! I'm especially fond of Leonie's story (this one), although knowing Clara's story made reading Sophy's much less taxing on my emotions. 😂 #romantsy
Currently listening to The Wise Man's Fear at the beach waiting for it to be time to head to the cruise ship. I can't wait to actually have time to read again thanks to law school being over. 👏🏼
I feel like everyone loves this book, but I am STRUGGLING. Dain is driving me up the wall with his insistence at interpreting everything Jess does as manipulation. It's not unrealistic, but I'm about to throw the book out the damn window if he doesn't start growing up at some point! 🙄 #romantsy
Everything about this book makes it a must read. Mr. Redford is a barrister and has made enemies that want him dead. Lady Clara has been brought up to marry a Duke and is feeling rather stifled by her life when she decides to help Bridget find her brother Toby. The ensuing adventure that brings the hero and heroine together is amazingly delightful. I highly recommend. Also, the cover is gorgeous. #romantsy
I had to take a pause because this book is so intense. I think this book really walks the line between having romance as the genre and mystery/crime/suspense as the main genre. The hero is Reed, a jaded, divorced detective and the heroine is a 24-year-old, Delaney Knox, who works for the Delphi Center. The murder that connects them turns out to be a serial killer and it looks like there's a connection to Laney's attack. So good. 😬#romantsy
Y'all... Today is the one year anniversary of NC's HB2 and also the best day to shove this book in everyone's face. Maria is a trans woman who has this blog that everyone loves about the apocalypse. She's also girly and wonderful and Jay is super judge-y. But then he realizes she's Em. READ THIS RIGHT NOW ALL OF YOU. #romantsy