Sunday walk yesterday, discovered a little bookshop in a little village near home. Bought two old books, great day!
To my Sister,
It's my new blog post to be read on Goodreads or on www.gabrielledubois.net!
I have three sisters, and you?
"Time and space seemed to me to be fluid, carrying me on their stream; I was the Wandering Humanity, the aimless Humanity, yet inflamed with ideal: the Humanity enslaved by some laws and yet driven by a rebellious will to break them down, to make an existence free from them ..."
Absolutely fabulous! Please read it, especially if you're a mother, it's heatbreaking!
Please let me know if you read it, I'd like to share this reading.
Novels ambassadors of happiness!
By writing her first novel, the author had a goal: to have fun, to escape from her daily life, to find back smile and well-being.
That's all ?
Yes, and that's a lot, it's even essential because, as the author says:
"When the writer is happy to write a story, the reader is happy to read it!"
www.gabrielledubois.net also thanks readers, maybe you're there!
A woman story by a great woman!
Here‘s another excerpt that touched me:
"She had all her life long been accustomed to harbor thoughts and emotions which never voiced themselves."
My review is on Goodreads...
My #bookstack! What do you notice?
"Life can be so unexpected and wonderful!"
That's what Louise thinks in Mistress Mine, although she has some hard times. Being a heroine is not always easy for a fictional character!
A two parts series
Part 1 Mistress Mine
Part 2 Where are you roaming?
by #gabrielledubois
Hi, female readers!
Maybe you would be interested in my new blog post on Goodreads, the title is:
To my daughter
It's about how us, women, behave unconsciously.
Have a look at @arlenefinnigan review on Goodreads, three sentences, but God! I can't stop reading them again and again! 🤗
#Whereareyouroaming ? from the Louise Saint-Quentin series by#gabrielledubois
Mary wrote a review of "Where are you roaming?" on Goodreads. Oh, you should have a look at it!
Never, never, an author could dream of such a moving review!
#whereareyouroaming? #sequel of #mistressmine historicalfiction by #gabrielledubois
« … the Rights of Woman must be respected, … I loudly demands JUSTICE for one half of the human race. »
Mary Wollstonecraft
I just post my #review of this #absolutelytobereadbook on Goodreads.
#MaryWollstonecraft an #absolutelytoberead #femaleauthor ! 😊
Mistress Mine,
Chapter 37,
The title of this chapter is "Hattie".
I illustrated it with what I could find at home... What do you think?
#mistressmine #historicalnovel by #gabrielledubois
20 years married, today!
Where are all these years gone?
“Louise leaned over towards the bottomless abyss of those troubled waters. Could she get rid of all her suffering by letting it be swept away by those tumultuous waves? And what if she‘d already had all the happiness that was in store for her on earth?”
Where are you roaming? By Gabrielle Dubois
#whereareyouroaming? #gabrielledubois #historicalfiction
"Words are like humans — alone, they are useless; together, they make sense.” Gabrielle Dubois
A #quote by #gabrielledubois #storyteller
#femalewriter #historicalfiction
Reader's humour ...
I was told that I had a problem. So this morning, I went to the doctor's.
'Hello doctor. Here's the problem: each time I open a book, the world disappears around me. Look,' I said, diving into my book ...
'Madam? asks the doctor.
' ... '
'Madam ... ?'
I love this book, these amazing memoirs, this writing, and Sarah Bernhardt!
"It's worth entering life seriously but cheerfully."
My review on Goodreads!
“Louise leaned over towards the bottomless abyss of those troubled waters. Could she get rid of all her suffering by letting it be swept away by those tumultuous waves? And what if she‘d already had all the happiness that was in store for her on earth?”
Gabrielle Dubois, Where are you roaming?
#mistressmine #louisesaintquentin #gabrielledubois
“Content and peace of mind are valuable things:
I could wish, my dear friend,
that these precious jewels were less transitory.”
#Goethe #thesorrowsofyoungwerther #quote
I liked this book, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, my review on Goodreads!
And here they are... my new bookshelves! 🙋
... I already need more! 😂
At last "Where are you roaming?" is available since yesterday! ? (ebook, paperback,...)
And guess what? Yesterday August the 1st was my birthday!
The 2 parts series Louise Saint-Quentin is now complete!
'The sorrows of young Werther' by Goethe, in a pretty edition of 1926. It is wonderful what can be found when one sorts his bookshelves...!
#thesorrowsofyoungwerther #goethe
I need more bookshelves!
"The author, Gabrielle Dubois, develops each character thoroughly. We come to know Louise intimately as she grows both physically and emotionally through the book. Each new character who is introduced is given adequate space in the book so that we also know them, know how they came to be where they are and why they are now in Louise's life..."
More of this amazing and beautiful review by Mackey to be read on Goodreads, thank you, Mackey!
#mistressmine #historicalfiction by #gabrielledubois
Chapter 38,
A Rude Awakening.
Today is July the 14th, it's Bastille day, thank you very much @arlenefinnigan for your kind post. 💕
A pray is supposed to go up to heaven, to touch God or his angels, and fall back on you in grace, strength, or hope. But sometimes it fails, and that gives this beautiful quote: "I prayed, but the words fell to the ground, without meaning." #gabrielledubois #bookreview on #goodreads
#widesargassosea #jeanrhys
#historicalfiction #bookworm #jamaica #creole #book #bookstagram
#painting by #martinjohnsonheade #19thcentury
Currently reading and enjoying, even it's not usually the kind of writing I like. Some very good quotes, I'll send my review soon... I'm glad I read this author for the first time.
#widesargassosea by #jeanrhys
Mistress Mine,
Chapter 36, you'll land in a port, but which one?
#mistressmine #historicalnovel by #gabrielledubois
Small by its length, but so great by its strength!
Jettatura, the bad spell in Napoli.
The ruthless jettatura will mingle with this simple but beautiful love story by the sublime Théophile Gautier. By sowing destruction and death, the jettatura reveals the strength of love.
No moral or useful purpose, only beauty in writing and feelings — the highest and most noble in human beings.
It's beautiful, it's strong, it's #theophilegautier !
Mistress Mine,
Chapter 35, you'll meet this determinate little guy!
#mistressmine #historicalnovel by #gabrielledubois
Mistress Mine,
Chapter 34,
A French lady, an art dealer, a painting, a client, will all meet in Sydney, Australia... but what for?
#mistressmine #historicalnovel by #gabrielledubois
Mistress Mine,
Chapter 33,
Where we're introduced to a wonderful new character... and how not to like him?
#mistressmine #historicalnovel by #gabrielledubois
Mistress Mine,
Chapter 32,
An Art Dealer's Hard Deal
What's a donkey's got to do with this chapter?
#mistressmine #historicalnovel
"Oh, but in a bitter wind to have nothing on and know there never will be anything on and you going to get colder and colder till at last you die of it—that's what it was like, living with somebody who didn't love one." That‘s why Lotty Wilkins decides, one day, to use her savings to take holidays in Italy, near the sea, and share the rent of this wonderful place with three other English women whom she meets them by newspaper classifieds.
Mistress Mine, Chapter 31...
Oh, what an unexpected chapter, this one! 😍
#mistressmine #historicalnovel by #gabrielledubois
Mistress Mine, Chapter 30, The Northern Pass to Papeete...
Oh, this #historicalnovel will take you so far away from home and from your daily life!
#mistressmine by #gabrielledubois
For the pleasure, an excerpt of a rare beauty:
"When children start to see, they smile; when a young girl glimpses the feeling in nature, she smiles as she smiled as a child. If light is the first love of life, isn‘t love the light of the heart?" #Balzac #eugeniegrandet by #HonoredeBalzac
My review is on Goodreads!
Mistress Mine, Chapter 29,
Welcome on board...
I'm glad I made many pics few weeks ago, when I was a little less busy... May and June are such exhausting months at work! I just have few minutes per day to post.
I can't wait July, to breathe a little bit and I wish one day I'l can afford to only write and read! 😏
I hope you had a pleasant day reading, guys!
#mistressmine #historicalnovel by #gabrielledubois
Mistress Mine, Chapter 28, The Grand Departure.
Question: which 3 books would you take on a desert island?
#mistressmine #historicalnovel by #gabrielledubois
"... and the angels were so angry that they flung me out into the middle of the heath on the top of Wuthering Heights." Emily Brontë
I'm going to reread this novel I read 35 years ago... And don't think I'm old: a reader's never old!
#wurtheringheights #emilybronte
Mistress Mine, Chapter 27,
Sometimes, a summer changes your life...
#mistressmine #historicalfiction by #gabrielledubois
Mistress Mine, Chapter 26,
Only twenty-four hours in this chapter, but for what?
#mistressmine #historicalfiction by #gabrielledubois
Mistress Mine, Chapter 24,
A big resolution will be taken in this chapter...
#mistressmine #historicalfiction by #gabrielledubois
Mistress Mine, Chapter 23,
What's the connection between this man and Louise, Mistress Mine's heroine?
#mistressmine #historicalfiction by #gabrielledubois
Italy 1860, monasteries and convents are numerous, Garibaldi's revolutionaries are organizing.
"Soon it would be dark, convents became the despots of the panorama. It was against them that the fires in the mountains were kindled, fanned by men who were entirely like those who lived in convents, equally fanatical, equally closed-minded, just as eager to power, that is to say, as usual, idleness." Wonderful book, reviewed on Goodreads!
Mistress Mine's illustrated chapters,
Chapter 22
#mistressmine #historicalfiction by #gabrielledubois
Who could believe I made this little statue in clay when I was a teenager!
Mistress Mine's illustrated chapters,
Chapter 21
#mistressmine #historicalfiction by #gabrielledubois
It's not so easy to illustrate each chapter of this novel, with the main theme of the chapter and only with things I can find at home!
Mistress Mine's illustrated chapters,
Chapter 20
#mistressmine #historicalfiction by #gabrielledubois
Mistress Mine's illustrated chapters,
#mistressmine #historicalfiction by #gabrielledubois