“Goodness is rewarded, and selfishness is punished.”
“Goodness is rewarded, and selfishness is punished.”
The Talking Eggs is a folktale about a kind-hearted girl who helps an old woman and is rewarded with magical eggs that bring good fortune.
This story can be used to teach themes of kindness, generosity, and the importance of treating others well.
My January (tracked) reading. I'm chipping away at my backlog of modern children's books (I try to know what's out there to gift to friends' kids and also for fast URC solutions haha). The only book here I DO NOT recommend is “A River's Gifts“. It plays fast and loose with facts and assumes children are too stupid for nuance. It's also not written by Klallam people and it shows. The two queer romances are both @willaful's fault, thank you. ❤
He read me Arthur Rimbaud's Le Bateau Ivre to awaken my freedom, read me Baudelaire to contain my pain, read me Apollinaire to dilute my distress, read me Leconte de Lisle to rouse in me exaltations he called automatic, read me Saint-John Perse to take stock of the world in the rambling seaspray, he read Faulkner to show me the dark disorders in the head-depths of men...
The opportunity was during one December when City went up in flames. A disagreement between blackmen and france-whites following a tale of some illegally parked bike. Shots were fired. The white man's shot hit. Other Martinicans drinking by the kiosk nearly stoned the white shooter...
The women had to face the rest of life, including the duty of finding food for a swarm of lit- tle ones, and all without a garden. Each mama, you hear me, had to sow in herself a small plot of cunning, and look after the harvest, ill luck or no. Perched by the window, my Esternome would shout, turning to Idoménée, The hills have come down to City, the hills have come down on City, a bloody madness ...