So in my GR it says I have read this, I remember nothing about it. So jumping right into this one tonight!
So in my GR it says I have read this, I remember nothing about it. So jumping right into this one tonight!
Just finished this and it was super cute! I think it was a super refreshing read and an easy story to get into.
So glad I got into this book and didn‘t give up because it‘s so good!
This cover is so pretty. The biggest reason why I bought this book 🤭
How will I move on from this. I am feeling the book hangover!
Have to read this because my husband wants to watch the movie. 50 pages in and so far pretty good. No trouble getting into the story at all.
Anyone ever read this? Thoughts???
Doing a buddy read with Skyward! So far really enjoying it, having a hard time stoping. Check this book out!
Trying to fit one last book in to 2018! What is your reading goal for 2019? I want to read more this year, after having my 4th kid I found it hard to find time to read. So I want to figures something out. Goal is 52. One a week. Some day I will get back to my book a day.. 😅
Light reading for a car ride. One of my Christmas gifts. How was you Christmas? Did you get any good books? I got a few!!
So I received an advance readers edition of The Storm Crow in my Fairyloot box. At first glance the cover is beautiful. The book description give a lot of the book away.....I feel. I am on chapter 6 and hoping to connect with the MC but it‘s slow going so far! Check it out on GRs. Comes out 7-9-19
Jumping into this book really quick. I love the art on the chapters. So pretty ❤️
Slowest book I‘ve read In awhile! It took me awhile to finish the first 30 chapters after that it got much better. The ending was worth it.
Still pushing through! I did take a few days off from reading to get the house ready for Christmas! Other wise I think the book is great even with the very slow beginning.
Well this book is coming off a little slow to me. Anyone else have this problem? I did read 13 chapters but I kept putting it down, I normally read about 25 chapters in a day. Please tell me it gets better! 😕
Here we go! I‘m ready, really happy with how Crown of Midnight ended so I‘m jumping right in to Heir of Fire. Do you have a character in a book that everyone else loves and you just don‘t? I do and it‘s a main character in this series....
Chaol I‘ve tried so hard to love him buttttt
Wishing I had more time to read! On vacation in Colorado right night and my only free time I‘m too tired to read!
I wasn‘t disappointed! A lot of others told me this was going to be a hard one to get through. I found that to be completely opposite! I love Sarah‘s writing and am completely dragged in, even if it‘s just a few pages of reading. I read a novella a day but could have finished it faster. The Red Desert was my favorite of all 5. The only thing i can‘t get past is how Sarah pick all these names that are hard to pronounce and then she had SAM! 😂
Starting this today. Trying to add a quick read before I start ToG! Anyone ever read this. What did you think? My mom passed his on on to me.
When I set out to start the ToG series the comment I got the most was that Assassin‘s blade was the hardest to get through, I am finding that to be false. Even know I am limiting myself to one story a day. (Buddy reading) I am finding it hard to stop at one story. I thought maybe character development was going to be bland but I am loving it all! On to the next story today!
Starting today! High hopes 😁