Let's give it a go!!
Let's give it a go!!
#whenwillfallbehere I mostly enjoy my weekend trips to the countryside where my grandma lives, and this is my absolutely favorite spot to sit down and read! I feel like Heidi in this huge green field!
1. The Chronicles of Narnia
2. Diary of an Oxygen Thief
3. None actually????
4. Fantasy, sorry :(
5. Don't really know if she's beloved or not but I quite dislike Daisy from The Great Gatsby
6. George R. R. Martin
7. YA novels with the repetitive outline of a weird kid in love with another weird but popular kid, and the whole no climax thing during a book
8. The Hobbit
9. Pretty Little Liars (more than the book)
I've had this book sitting on my shelf for about three months now and I finally got to reading it! It makes me think how much we degraded our speaking abilities! Such a beautiful language used and such a beautiful story. You all have probably already read it several times but I felt like I need to post about it anyways. #classicsjourney #prideandprejudice #janeausten
Decided I wanted to do the #bookishwouldyourather
1. Definitely Beer
2. Based on their last pages #oops
3. At a beach, I'm too intrigued to explore forests, I won't have time to read.
4. Only read realistic novels!
Which one should I read next?? #GreatExpectations VS #PrideAndPrejudice
Finished this beautiful book this morning. One of the best books I have read. So beautiful, so full of life. I am speechless
I don't know why, but this stuck on my mind. #JaneEyre #CharlotteBronte #SummerRead #classics
I just can't believe my dearest has turned 20! I will never be able to thank J.K. Rowling for creating this whole new universe I have had the fate to experience. I grew up re-reading these stories, and re-reading these stories made me grow up even more. Forever grateful.
School is over and so my summer reading list begins! Join me on my classics ride..Such a good book! So deep and poetic! #janeeyre #charlottebronte
If you're a classic lover then this is the book for you. If not, you'll enjoy it but it's not the best classic ever. Good for collectors.
HOLY FKING SHIT!!!!!! This book oh my god! I was wondering why isn't there a climax to the book? What is going on! But the ending oH MY GOOOOOD! This book is so good 10/10 everyone has to read it. It'll kill you.
I just started this book. I'm on page 38 and I'm loving it so hard. It's so intriguing I can't wait to see what's going to happen next. As far as I've come, it's a 10/10 would recommend #thecircle !!!!
I literally want to hug this book! I bought it on Barnes and Noble and it's the best Sherlock Holmes compilation by far!
This book had sooooo much potential, and I loved it until, WAIT FOR IT. In the middle of the book, it switches genres and becomes a fantasy novel! I really liked how it started with a great mystery but then the mystery turns around and it just becomes so stupid. I'm sooooo disappointed. :(
This book started out great! It had three of my favorite things intertwined: politics, physics and astronomy. I was absolutely in love with it, until I reached the middle of the book and then it became kind of "meh". It lost its spark and it wasn't interesting anymore. Still a great book though! #november #great #danbrown
I read this book at a very delicate age and it completely changed me. I realized that I should know the importance and cherish the small things in life.
Red ribbon week is here and I want to say:
Cherish yourself and be happy. #theperksofbeingawallflower #stephenchbosky
Call me cliché, but this is my favorite book to read when I'm feeling down. A must. #thegreatgatsby #fscottfitzgerald #great #october
This book is the ideal book for deep quotes, but the actual book all over wasn't that great for me. I like the way Murakami writes but the story itself wasn't that appealing to me. #harukimurakami #sputniksweetheart #october
Can't wait to read this one. Has anyone read it? #iamnotaserialkiller #danwells #october #read #mystery #crime
A must-read. Even better when you're learning German. #october #amazing #thebookthief #cried
One of my favorite books ever, ending with a mind blasting plot twist. The author did a wonderful job on intertwining Dante's Inferno with the book. A great adventure/mystery book, an even greater series. If you're a fan of mystery with a hint of history then this is your book.
P.S. Don't watch the movie. Just don't. It's real bad. Don't. #danbrown #inferno #mystery #october #amazing #adventure #favorite
This book started out GREAT. I loved it, I couldn't WAIT to get to the end and find out who the murderer was. The revelation of the murderer in my opinion was a total disaster and it could've been so much better.
The actual story: 10/10, the ending 1/10.
Didn't buy the sequels because I was so mad at the ending. If you're a mystery/crime fanatic like me, buy it so you'll have it in your collection! #october #crime #mystery #dark #murder
Ah this book. Short and sweet.
If you're up for a quick and easy read, this is the book you're looking for. It'll make you laugh and think deeply at the same time.
I wish I knew who the author was, I'd love to talk to him. #great #october #anonymous
If you're feeling lost, read this book.
Everything will make sense.
#paulocoelho #alchemist #literature #brazilian #amazing #october #read #goodbook
I've been avoiding this book but I finally came to my senses and started reading it... #annakarenina #leotolstoy #october #fall #read