Don't you love a cafe that provides a beautiful bookish stack to peruse with your coffee?
Don't you love a cafe that provides a beautiful bookish stack to peruse with your coffee?
One if my fave books of all time. Historical fiction at its absolute best. One of those books that when it ends you're like..."well what do I do with my life now?" It sucks you right into history and the lives and customs of characters you learn to love and loath. Like Phillippa Gregory he heroes females of the past which shows a very different twist on what we think and know #kenfollett #historicalfiction #pillarsoftheearth
Fascinating nonfictional account of the history of hanging. Bit of a macabre topic but was rather interesting to discover the reasons and methods of this barbaric practice. In particular I was surprised to read of the requirement of 'humane hangings' in some places. Aussie crime author #amandahoward certainly delivered a very interesting read #true crime #nonfiction #historynonfiction
20 yrs since Harry Potter was released? Wow! A brilliant endurance of one of the best series I've read. I remember buying the first book so long ago before it was on a best seller shelf... I just liked the sound of the blurb. So glad I picked up The Philosophers Stone on my holiday on New Zealand. It was the start of a book love affair Congrats JKRowling ❤️
Second of the TMI series where we are confronted with Simons reality as well as the questions about the unusual and fraught relationship between Clary & Jace. Loved this probably more than the first bc the whole shadow hunter world starts to blossom. excellent YA urban fantasy series
Back in Phoebe Harkness's world was a nonstop thrill Fabulous plot turns and twists with extra darkness in this one. New creatures were fleshed out and I was left a little flustered but a certain desirable vampire😉 James leaves the reader thoroughly satisfied with how book 2 finishes yet leaves the door wide open with anticipation for another instalment A witty, dark totally entertaining read with a fab strong female lead #faveauthor #jamesfahy
I loved this bittersweet story. A beautiful time slip with characters I immediately loved. It was written so the twists and turns were just out of my reach. I love historical fiction and especially when it has a tad of otherworldliness in it. Highly recommended to snuggle up with u under a blanket on a cold day with a cup of tea #historicalfiction #timeslip #booklove #beckywright #indiebooks
What a find! The indie book world is rich with brilliant stories and this was one of them. A dark fantasy that gave me chills. A unique story of ancient vengeance meets modern day with a delightful twist at the end. I was left very much in love with a certain supernatural someone. Beverley Lee uses words with perfect purpose. Book two was greatly anticipated #beverleylee #mustread #darkfantasy #indieauthor #bookseries
A fresh, witty excellently fleshed out post apocalyptic type dystopian world that finds humans forced to live with a wild variety of new species for their own survival. A new kind of vampire story You have a lovely balance of gore and heart fluttering by a particular enticing character. A story of what happens when humans make a very bad choice and the consequences that follow. highly recommended #vampirenovels #darkfantasy #highlyrecommended
Oh I loved this novella. It was an unexpected chilling treat after reading a much sweeter story from @BeckyWrightAuthor A fabulous tale based in history and present day. A witchy tale of past wrongs coming back to haunt the present. I read it in the middle of the night from beginning to end which added to the scare but also left me rather suspicious of my wardrobe! #mustread #scaryread #novella #fantasy #darkfantasy
About to be inspired by the best of the best #Stephen king #onwriting #amreading #amwriting
And... found my cherished signed copy of Clockwork Princess. A beautiful hardback edition. The Infernal Devices prequel trilogy with its 1800's steampunk yumminess was my fave part of the shadow hunter story. I read this huge book in a day. Didn't get out of bed, stayed in my Jammies until I'd finished it !
Just adding another mention of this book as I found my old copy as I was packing books away to move. This edition has been everywhere with me. I'm all shadow hunter loving at the moment as I'm watching the Netflix series Shadowhunters. Although I have to stop myself scoffing at all the changes they've made it's actually getting better each episode and I'm watching it with my daughter so that's always a lovely thing
Book covers that scare me!! How creepy is this? But.... I love it. I'm packing books to move and found this in a stack of #TBR. I received this autographed book from the author which is fabulous. I live my signed books, they're very cherished ❤️I'm aiming to finally get into it soon It sounds like a psychological thriller from the blurb but if the cover is anything to go by I might have to read it with the light on!
Love love love this dark and treacherous Netherworld where the Fae may or may not be your friend. A beautifully landscaped world of the Fair people Their homes and customs, and the dangers faced by Megan as she is drawn into this captivating place are rich and entertaining
A little shout out to my own books. Awaken and Surrender. A story about Angels that have fallen.... but just a bit different to the story you know!
Loved this book and the subsequent series. A very unique take on the idea of a zombie. Completely not what you're expecting. Set in the beautiful city of Paris, the reader is transported to a very different underground world of good and evil. I became a fan of the heart fluttering phrase by Vincent ..."Mon Ange,"
One of those series I have, busting to read, but the #TBR is almost drowning me. Will get to this soon as I can. I'm positive I'm the only person on the planet who hasn't read it 😬🙄#throneofglass #sarahjmaas #bookseries #wanttoread
Just picked up this lovely book at #supanovasydney Met the author, fabulous guy and had the copy signed to my hubby. Sounds absolutely fabulous In the same genre of action adventure as#matthewreilly I'm sure I'll love it
Read this the year it was released. Bought it purely bc I adored the cover. I loved immediately the allure and darkness of the shadow hunter world. The rich characters with their own sub stories was fabulous and the ending was like...what the? No!!!! City of Ashes was purchased as soon as it was released
An epic read One of my all time faves that starts so far back in time the English continent is still connected to Europe. It's a gloriously detailed read that follows a bloodline through the ages intertwining history and fiction into a meaty and satisfying story. To this day I think of this book every time I hear the word Salisbury or talk of stone masons. Cleverly researched and imagined writing
Book 2 didn't fail to deliver yet another fantastical read with plenty of new twists in Robins adventures into his new life. Totally fell in love with little Woad in this book, an adorable sassy creature! New characters are both intriguing and rather dark The story never gave away what was coming next keeping the page turning going. This is a series I'm looking forward to reading to my kids
I read this a while back and was instantly hooked to its narnia-meets HP feel. It's unique, magical, witty and thoroughly adventurous with characters I instantly adored and loathed. An excellent first book in a brilliant middle grade fantasy book series