Happy Galentine's Day❣️❣️ #UterusesBeforeDuderuses
Happy Galentine's Day❣️❣️ #UterusesBeforeDuderuses
Just look at this beautiful surprise that arrived in the mail yesterday! @Moray_Reads Thank you so very much! To think, my husband almost got the credit for this mystery gift. 🙄 #uterusesbeforeduderuses
I‘m so honored, Moray. I‘m starting it right now. 😊♥️♥️♥️
Wow. I had somehow anticipated i wouldn't like this classic, but on the contrary i am utterly in awe and love with Silvia Plath's description both depression and opression. Striking how little has changed since the 60s, contracaption and all... #imwithher #uterusesbeforeduderuses #litsyclassic
Amazing to see all those pictures of the women's marches around the world! #timesup, bitches! 👩🏻✊️#togetherwecanrulethegalaxy #equality #feminism #standupforyourrights #sisterhood #pussygrabturnspowergrab #emancipateyourself #shouldersbackbreastout #uterusesbeforeduderuses #booksandbreakfast
I'd say my local indie comic bookstore has me pinned. #bewarethekittenholy #uterusesbeforeduderuses #ladieshelpingladies