If they were bought the last week of December, it's not breaking a resolution is it? I mean, I can stop buying anytime I want.... #bookmail #notanaddict
If they were bought the last week of December, it's not breaking a resolution is it? I mean, I can stop buying anytime I want.... #bookmail #notanaddict
Stack on the right: books I already had from the library before I ran in to pick up ONE hold. Stack on left: what I came out with. They had a special fantasy display with a bunch of my TBRs! What was I supposed to do, NOT check them out?? #notanaddict #actuallyanaddict #cantstopwontstop #librarylover #ilikebigstacks
I've had some dental issues that triggered one bitch of a migraine, so I'm not doing much reading today. All I can do is gloat over my latest acquisitions, The Easton Press edition of The Hobbit, P&P and this beauty! #notanaddict
My current bedside pile which probably also contains my @24in48 stack. Although I do have a book swap tomorrow, so I'm sure there will be some additions. #notanaddict #itscoolifeelalright