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The Meg Langslow books have become one of my favorite comfort reads. They‘re light and fun and I kinda want her life (the main character, not the author although I‘m sure she‘s lovely.) This book was heavy on farm animal exposition and improbable, but I still enjoyed it.

Murder With Puffins | Donna Andrews
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Love the rainy, hurricane-blustery setting on a remote Maine island! It makes me want to build a fire and be cozy. ☕️🪵 Meg and Michael took off for a bit to have some time to relax at her Aunt‘s cottage - unfortunately it turns out they did not leave Meg‘s lovable, but kooky relatives back in Yorktown. Including Spike.
I‘m on the lookout for the hardcovers of Peacocks and Puffins - the only two I don‘t have!
#2000 for #192025

Librarybelle You cannot have too many more of the series to read! 4mo
mabell @Librarybelle You would think! I still have 9 “new” ones - not including the 2 coming out this year! 😆 4mo
Librarybelle Wow! I guess I didn‘t realize how many are in the series…that‘s awesome! 4mo
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Murder With Peacocks | Donna Andrews
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It‘s been years since I read the early books in the series, so I thought I would mix in a few with the newer ones I‘m still getting caught up on. I just love Meg, Michael and Meg‘s whole goofy family! Things start off pretty differently from what they become in later books, but the wackiness is there! It was also written 25 years ago, so it reads a little differently too. This one was quite a story with A LOT going on!

mabell Example - Meg is Maid of Honor for 3 weddings in 2-3 weeks 😆

#1999 for #192025
Tamra Such cute cover! 4mo
Librarybelle Yay!! 4mo
mabell @Tamra They all (except the original version of these two) have the bright covers of cozies, but they are all fun interpretations of the plot! Complete with titular bird 😄 4mo
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What do a 30 year old jewelry heist, a murder in a columbarium (crypt) and a toucan have in common? More than you would think, as it turns out!

Also, I learned that toucans cannot not talk (I never thought about this before), and they are incredibly messy eaters that adore fruit.

Librarybelle Interesting facts about the toucan! 5mo
mabell @Librarybelle A fun bonus to the mystery! 😄 5mo
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I love that Donna Andrews writes a Christmas book each year in the Meg series! I quite enjoyed this installment. Michael is directing the Christmas Carol production again, except this time the actor playing Scrooge is a minor big-name, who turns out to be temperamental and rarely sober. As usual, Meg is quite busy - trying to keep the star actor in line and then stumbling across an animal smuggling ring - and a murder!

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Meg is in charge of coordinating a charity show house of designers (including her mother). Though each designer has his/her own assigned rooms, Meg has her hands full juggling all their requests - and complaints - especially with a particularly nasty, selfish designer stirring the pot! When murder hits the show as well, Meg tries to get to the bottom of it.
Still a pick, but not my favorite of the Christmas ones - rather darker.

Gissy Love the cover😍dark story? Probably good for me 😂 8mo
mabell @Gissy Maybe not dark enough 🤣 Hers are usually quite lighthearted and relaxing - this one not as much 8mo
Gissy @mabell Ohhh 8mo
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My book club reads a holiday focused mystery every December. Most but not all have been cozies. This was the one we read in 2018, our first year of existence. #sundayfunday

BookmarkTavern That is adorable! Thanks for posting! 9mo
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The Halloween festival has taken over the town & Meg is in charge of the Goblin Patrol, citizen security. Dr. Smoot, the vampire-loving former medical examiner, is back with his home serving as Caerphilly history museum - and haunted house. 😆 Between the vampire LARPers, trouble at Grandfather‘s zoo, and the twins‘ demand that Tinkerbell and Spike have costumes, Meg has her hands full! Then someone starts a rogue scavenger hunt that turns deadly…

Librarybelle Yay!! 9mo
Gissy I will try the first book in this long series 9mo
mabell @Gissy Oh I hope you do! It‘s my favorite modern cozy series! Quirky, lighthearted, and very well-written! 9mo
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The Meg Langslow Christmas mysteries are always a lot of fun. This had less Christmas in it than usual, but I still liked it. Meg ends up participating in a Forged in Fire type show and has to solve first the assault of a competitor and then the murder of a different one. Before I learned more about crows, I might have been skeptical of some of the things they do in this book, but I‘ve read about their intelligence.

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Meg teaches her skills as a blacksmith at her grandmother‘s new Creative Arts Center on Biscuit Mountain. Bothered by a rash of annoying and destructive vandalism, the family rallies round to save new business venture - an immersive art school - from an unknown saboteur.
Meanwhile, Grandfather is throwing trash down the mountain to try to attract rare gulls. 🙄

#2017 for #192025

Librarybelle You‘re moving quickly through the series! 10mo
mabell @Librarybelle Yes, I have caught up on quite a few! It‘s nice to have a number still to go though 😄 10mo
tdrosebud I love this series! I think it us the only one that I'm fully caught up on, with the exception of the newest book which I'm saving for December. 10mo
mabell @tdrosebud I love it too! So well-written with fabulous characters. I have quite a few still to go (I took a few years off), but fittingly How the Finch Stole Christmas is next! In case you‘re interested in signed copies, I preorder her books through Mystery Loves Company. It‘s so fun to have them arrive in the mail. 😄 10mo
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