Why, THANK YOU, Mr. Trollope for introducing me to a truly delicious word I‘d never known existed!
#victorian #learn #vocab #inadvisable
Why, THANK YOU, Mr. Trollope for introducing me to a truly delicious word I‘d never known existed!
#victorian #learn #vocab #inadvisable
"Those first #images, the echo of #words we think we have left behind, accompany us throughout our lives and sculpt a place in our #memory to which, sooner or later - no matter how many #books we #read, how many #worlds we discover, or how much we #learn or forget - we will return."
#CarlosRuizZafon #TheShadowoftheWind #JulianCarax #booklover #bookworm
This book is a must-read for anyone, especially students or parents of students. It does a great job of breaking down how our brains take in information and learn. It is highly accessible and the writer's tone is friendly and highly conversational. #learn #education #advice #selfhelp
A humbling read. So much I didn‘t know and never considered. Definitely provided a lot of food for thought. Environmentalism encompasses so much more than just creating green spaces. A dense, complex read that maybe doesn‘t have the most approachable style, but the information presented is definitely worth the effort.
#nonfiction #nonfictionmatters #learn #learnedalot #learnandlearn #learnandgrow #learnedsomethingnew
This book is tied with the Alchemist as my favorite book of all time. And it‘s for a very good reason. Even though I‘m not a very religious person and I‘m not too sure about heaven, I know things happen in life for a reason. There are lessons you learn in the moment and ones you learn looking back on life. This book reassured my Minnesota move was a good decision and I‘m on my right path. Please read.
#lessons #learn #love #life #mpls #twincities
“Today, an estimated sixty million people worldwide have been forcibly displaced from their homes, a number larger than at any time in history.” #refugees #learn #nonfiction
#lecture Un petit conte léger de @simonsinek sur la gestion d‘équipe et la collaboration, une petite lecture qui fait du bien!
#livrestagram #bookstagram #bookstragrammer #livre #management #corporate #peoplemanagement #together #better #simonsinek #instagood #instalivre #conte #plan #project #? #❤️ #??? #learn #evolve
I absolutely loved this book. I didn't really know anything about Trevor Noah other than he is the new host for The Daily Show. He is wonderful. #ReadThis #Learn #Grow
#BookReview #ThankYou @Jess7 for this book!