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Ill-Made Knight: This section was huge, but I love that we saw a deeper character arc with Lancelot. He travels the spectrum from hero to lover to madman & finally penitent & proud father. There‘s a lot to process, but 1 thing that stood out was Arthur's realization that forcing people into peace through violence sends the wrong message & isn't sustainable. It‘s interesting he continues to ignore his wife's infidelity at all costs.

AvidReader25 Now here‘s where I am frustrated with the story. In the entire book, so far, there‘s been almost no interesting females characters we get to explore  Maid Marion in the first book actually had a bit of a personality, but we only got to see it for a minute. Guinevere‘s portrayal is completely unrealistic. This queen, who is part of a groundbreaking nation building a new system of law is supposed to be a petulant, jealous, and petty. 13mo
AvidReader25 Instead of showing us a complicated picture of unexpected passion and complex loyalties, we see her pitch fits when she doesn‘t get her way and completely ignore Lancelot‘s moral struggle. It just wasn‘t believable to me. I‘d like to see her story through a different author‘s lens. 13mo
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TheAromaofBooks I've just never been a fan of Lancelot, who always comes across as self-absorbed and masochistic to me, so this book was a bit of a struggle for me. I agree about Guinevere (and I think also the portrayal of Elaine) - both the women in this story didn't feel realistic to me... but then, I didn't particularly like any of the male characters, either haha Also, I've been spoiled by Gerald Morris's Arthurian tales, which I LOVE. 13mo
currentlyreadinginCO I liked this section! This was the turning point for me where I became invested. I don't really enjoy any of the characters, and I agree with the point that I would like to see all of this through another author's lens ... I guess that I like the story and I'm glad that I'm reading it, but I'm not overly impressed with T. H. White's writing. 13mo
currentlyreadinginCO I did like Guenevere, though. She's a mess, but I don't think it's less tongue-in-cheek than the other portrayals. I was compelled by the explanation of her living through wartime and being unable to fight. But yeah, she loves two men that are supposed to be superior to all others, and she's caught in a fascinating mess over it. I would love to see her written with greater depth. 13mo
currentlyreadinginCO And I understand how that's contradictory haha 13mo
Lcsmcat @thereadingreference I liked this section too. But I found I sympathized more with Lancelot. He‘s got this deep-seated need to prove himself, like a little boy who never quite believes that he is lovable. Jenny is a mess, but a believable one. Think Marie Antoinette, married of as a teenager against her inclination and for political reasons. It tracks for me. And I‘m loving White‘s tongue-in-cheek anachronistic style. 13mo
dabbe In some of my research before teaching this, I discovered that T.H. White had a troubled childhood. His parents barely paid attention to him while growing up in India, and he blamed his mother more for that than his father. #gofigure Quite a few critics even labeled him as a misogynist. That “might“ be one reason why few women get portrayed well here. #mytwocents 13mo
currentlyreadinginCO @Lcsmcat definitely! I loved the mentions of airplanes 😂 13mo
Lcsmcat @dabbe Thanks. That childhood makes his portrayal of Lancelot make sense to me. 13mo
AvidReader25 @TheAromaofBooks Yes! Elaine and the other female characters all felt that way, very one dimensional. I need to read the Morris tales! 13mo
AvidReader25 @thereadingreference I didn‘t think about her as living in wartime, but being unable to fight and go on quests. I like that perspective. I can‘t imagine how frustrating that would be. I felt very invested too. 13mo
AvidReader25 @Lcsmcat So true, he seemed so broken. It was so strange that we kept being told he was so ugly, like that was his one defining characteristic. 13mo
AvidReader25 @dabbe That‘s heartbreaking, but definitely explains some things. 13mo
BarbaraJean @AvidReader25 I really appreciated Arthur‘s realization about his methods being contradictory. It felt like he‘d internalized Merlyn's teaching—that he had to keep thinking for himself and evaluate the consequences of his choices. I've wished there was more development of Arthur in these last two sections. 13mo
BarbaraJean @Lcsmcat Your summing up of Lancelot and Guinevere feels spot-on to me. They both felt very realistic (well, realistic within the world White has set up!). I found Lancelot sympathetic, too—he‘s the only one who really seems conflicted about the love triangle! Although this section was much slower, I liked the greater complexity it drew out with Lancelot. But I'm conflicted about Guinevere. (continued ⬇) 13mo
BarbaraJean The portrayal of her relationship with Lancelot felt thoroughly believable: willful avoidance of the moral dilemma, irrational and hypocritical jealousy, and even genuine love for Arthur (though a completely different kind). I didn‘t like her, but I found her believable. Like @thereadingreference, I wanted to see more depth. There‘s so much that could have been fleshed out beyond her relationship with Lancelot, and that‘s almost all we see. 13mo
batsy @thereadingreference I had the same contradictory thoughts about Guenever. I thought White was sympathetic to her but somehow couldn't quite bring her to life in the way he could Lancelot, which I suppose is an interesting look at the author's limitations. Like @dabbe mentions Sylvia Townsend-Warner's afterword describes him as having a troubled relationship with both parents but especially his mother. 13mo
batsy @Lcsmcat I agree, I thought Lancelot was so well-done, with a kind of "fatal flaw" in his character (wanting to be noble to the point of not realising why) that it tormented him. It felt very much like a Greek tragedy at some level, but also fleshed out and modern. 13mo
Lcsmcat @batsy I too read it with Greek tragedy in mind. There are so many parallels! And if Guenever was only portrayed as a foul to Lancelot and Arthur, I saw that as the author‘s choice. Her story would be different, as would Mordred‘s or Gawain‘s. But one must choose a perspective to write from. 13mo
BkClubCare @dabbe - this totally jives with my thinking on THW and I only did cursory look at his background. 13mo
currentlyreadinginCO @batsy so true about Lancelot - you summed it up extremely well! Now I'll be reading with Greek tragedy in mind 13mo
dabbe @Lcsmcat Good point on Lancelot, the ill-made knight. 💙🤗💚 13mo
dabbe @AvidReader25 💙🤗💚 13mo
dabbe @BkClubCare You nailed it! 💙🤗💚 13mo
BkClubCare @dabbe - well, not sure abt that! TY for all your sharing of resources and insights!! 13mo
BkClubCare Big kudos and applause for my cohost who took on most (99%) of hosting duties for this readalong!! 👏🏆🗡️ @AvidReader25 Melissa is such a wonderful person and drama lover and world traveler and book friend. ❤️ Thank you everyone who participated!! 13mo
dabbe @BkClubCare 🥰 13mo
AvidReader25 @BkClubCare 😊 I‘ll do readalongs with you any time sweet friend! 13mo
AvidReader25 @BarbaraJean @batsy I think that‘s my main struggle with Guenever. It felt like we only saw her in the context of her relationship with Lancelot and Arthur. I wanted to see her brought to life outside of that triangle, but you are both right, that‘s not the story he was telling. 13mo
AvidReader25 @Lcsmcat @batsy I loved the Greek tragedy parallels throughout the book. These quests and lofty ideals being brought to their knees by mortal weakness and flawed humanity, it was beautifully done. 13mo
BkClubCare Big kudos and applause for my cohost who took on most (99%) of hosting duties for this readalong!! 👏🏆🗡️ @AvidReader25 Melissa is such a wonderful person and drama lover and world traveler and book friend. ❤️ Thank you everyone who participated!! 13mo
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I bounced between the physical and the audio for this, which I recommend because there are tons of photos in the book, but you‘ve got to hear Mel singing bits of the songs he‘s written for his movies and shows!

I really loved this. I‘m inspired to check out some of his movies I‘ve never seen (Silent Movie?!), and definitely will rewatch The Producers, which is my favorite of his works (I love both versions.)

A lot of tooting his own horn, ⬇️

Soubhiville But really that‘s fitting with his personality and where/ when he grew up. Plus he‘s 95 and accomplished so much! Pushed so many boundaries, and brought laughter to the world. Thanks Donna, I loved this, and my husband is going to dive into it next. 🥰 1y
AmyG I loved the audio. And his movies are the BEST. Young Frankenstein being my favorite. 1y
ShelleyBooksie Venkman? ♡♡♡♡♡♡ 1y
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dabbe @AmyG That is my husband's all-time favorite; Blazing Saddles is a close 2nd. I showed it once to my sophomore students, and the ONLY thing they laughed at (or got) was the Abby Normal scene. 🤦‍♀️ #gofigure 1y
Soubhiville @ShelleyBooksie yep, that‘s Venkman. I should have tried to get the photo with Igor… but he tends to be under covers much more of the time. 1y
AmyG @dabbe Yeah, kids. Different kind of humor. I, too, love Blazing Saddles. 1y
Soubhiville @AmyG @dabbe all the love for Young Frankenstein! I didn‘t love Blazing Saddles, but I think I‘d like it more after reading this. I also loved Spaceballs, recently rewatched that 🙂💕. 1y
AmyG Spaceballs! I haven‘t watched that in years. 1y
dabbe @Soubhiville Oh, Lordy, forgot all about Spaceballs! Will have to watch that, too!

Hello, Mr. Vivacious Venkman! ❣️🐾❣️
UwannaPublishme Yay! Glad Mel is filling your home with more laughter. I agree, I need to rewatch many of the movies mentioned. Young Frankenstein, High Anxiety and the old version of The Producers are still my favorites. And now I must listen to the audio version! 1y
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Saturn Run | John Sandford
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Very obviously hard-core science fiction. But the way the technology is described, it feels plausible, which to me makes it fascinating. Furthermore, although the technical stuff is a bit hard-core, it is the furthest from dull for me. #gofigure #currentlyreading #sciencefiction 🚀🛸🖤

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#AbbaInAugust When my son Eric was little he used to ask a zillion questions... #Iwonder who‘s faster Superman or a flying cheetah? #Iwonder who‘s stronger my daddy or Jacob‘s daddy?? (Your daddy😉) #Iwonder why snot is green? #Iwonder if clouds taste like marshmallows? #Iwonder why hotdogs are called hotdogs if the don‘t bark? 🤔🤔🤔so we bought him the BIG BOOK OF WHY and he was in heaven...#GoFigure❣️

emilyhaldi Lol. This book is brilliant!!! I wonder if @AnnieD read it as a child... Would explain her accumulation of endless useless knowledge 😆 6y
Mdargusch @AnnieD needs this for her bday @emilyhaldi ! Great pick! 6y
Reviewsbylola This is Genevieve. I usually say I don‘t know, go ask your dad. 😂 6y
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Kalalalatja 😂😂😂 6y
Centique My 8yo is in exactly this phase! He would love this book 😍 We buy and borrow books like this and he devours them, then on the walk to school he‘s teaching me all the fancy facts 😂😂 6y
Cinfhen You‘re such a good mom @Centique calling your son‘s info “fancy facts” our family referred to Eric‘s info as annoying babble 🙄😂😂 6y
Cinfhen Ask Dad is my catch phrase @Reviewsbylola 😂😂😂 6y
Centique @Cinfhen 😂😂😂 6y
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Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell, Pat Conroy
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#shelfie I am already behind on my #riotgrams. 😂😂 #gofigure

I just keep buying more books to add to my TBR.

Aluciddreamstate @Ashley_Nicoletto ur shelves look just like my shelves, stacked, hemorrhaging and still waiting for book mail 😁💪🏻 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto @Aluciddreamstate 😂😂 Always waiting for book mail. 7y
emilyhaldi I see gwtw- are you joining the #gwtwreadalong !? 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto @emilyhaldi Yes! I sure am! 7y
59 likes4 comments
Untitled | Unknown
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My dog sleeps on the arm rests of the sofa! #gofigure

The Windup Girl | Paolo Bacigalupi
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Just some of the books I did not finish. The older I get, the easier it is to give up. 😁 #ReadJanuary #dnf

readinginthedark I bailed on The Elegance of the Hedgehog, too! 7y
mcctrish I initially bailed on Hedgehog but then I picked it up again and I am so glad I did. I ended up loving it #gofigure 7y
Reviewsbylola I LOVED Hedgehog but in my humble opinion, Frog Music was mediocre. 7y
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Jenshootsweddings I agree - I never used to bail but now if I'm not hooked within a hundred pages, I'm out. Life is too short! 7y
Suzze @Jenshootsweddings Mine used to 100, I'm down to 50. Time is flying by. 😜 7y
Bette The older I get...the more I think: I won't have time to read everything! Have to bail faster. 😂👍 7y
danimgill Ugh, Hedgehog 😒 I would've bailed too if it weren't a book I was studying for a class at the time! Life's too short for slogging through books you don't enjoy. 7y
Texreader Me too!! I don't like; I move on. It was hard to find dnf books for me because if I feel strongly about bailing I don't want the book taking up precious shelf space! 7y
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I lived in Portugal for two years in my 20s and learned a fair bit of the language from Cookbooks. My favourite was an Indian cookbook #gofigure

Lindy Cookbooks are a great way to practice language skills. 👍 7y
41 likes3 comments
The Perfect Girl | Gilly Macmillan
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Do you want to guess the title? Finished it last night, stayed up till 2:00am, #BookWorm, needed to know how. Little predictable story at the end. Didn't get what #Sam's character (whom at first I thought was a lady, and Tessa was having an affair with woman). Plot slowly unfolds as you read through chapters. I don't want to say much, read and #GoFigure ;-)

Chocolat | Joanne Harris
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Complete pile of rubbish...

Angela_AVT What?! I LOVED THIS BOOK! 8y
Angela_AVT 😂 8y
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