3-1-20: My 17th finished book of 2020! #elsewhere #williampeterblatty 🌟🌟🌟👍🏼📖#️⃣1️⃣7️⃣
3-1-20: My 17th finished book of 2020! #elsewhere #williampeterblatty 🌟🌟🌟👍🏼📖#️⃣1️⃣7️⃣
Part 1
OK, I have a question and quest for all you amazing readers who have read way more books than I ever will. I've been searching for this book for years, 12 to be exact and nobody has been able to help me with a title. I started reading it about the same time my Mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I stopped everything in life to spend every single minute with her, but now I'd like to finish this book.
Went to a thrift store and got myself these books 📚☺️ #elsewhere #thelakeofdream #odettetoulemonde #georgeorwell #eric-emmanuelschmitt
This was barely a pick. I found the idea of the story interesting but more could have been done with it to make a connection with the characters.
Day 3: Book Set Outside of Earth - So Elsewhere is an older YA book that has been on my #TBR list. #Elsewhere is the place you go when you die. While there, you age backward from the age of your death to your birth, when you are reincarnated back to Earth. Sounds weird & interesting, lol. 🌏 #septinbooks17 #bookstagram
"Ma mentre quella meravigliosa processione di persone ti passa accanto, troppo concentrata sui propri affari per lanciarti qualcosa di più che un'occhiata sprezzante, ti rendi conto che siete separati da un abisso."
#citazione #GertrudeBell #ritratti #lettura #elliotedizioni #elliot