Super interesting read, and a really interesting perspective, focusing on a woman who has been largely forgotten by history
Super interesting read, and a really interesting perspective, focusing on a woman who has been largely forgotten by history
1984 Retellings 👁️
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I honestly not a big fan when someone rewrite or continue somone else's book but in this case I was wrong. This novel is amazing and makes me mad. I really love 1984 and sadly it is slowly become realy (at least where is live). It gives more information about the Big Brother's system and from a woman's perspective .
I bought a few new books this week 😇
My Valentines Day book haul 📚💌
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I don't know what it is, but this is just not capturing my attention.
#Unpopularopinion #HailTheBail
Man, George Orwell does not come off well in this book!
An account of the first wife of George Orwell, the celebrated author of 1984 and Animal Farm, shining a light on his misogyny. The book however transcends beyond just the life of the wife, it brings into light the inherent patriarchy prevalent in our society since times immemorial, with a special focus of male misogynistic authors and their privilege.
A retelling of the original 1984 told from Julia‘s POV. I wish I would have reread the original before getting into this one just to see the character‘s lives intertwining as the story goes along. Definitely was similar to 1984 in its mind twisting and often conflicting stories with the characters. Although I‘m happy to have read it, it certainly wasn‘t a favorite as the story ran in circles and I find it to not need to be almost 400 pages long.