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Well I had to cheat a bit there with the Q, and I think only 5 of these were ones I had originally planned on in the beginning of the year, but I joined a bunch of great buddy read groups and could luckily replace with a bunch I read with the #OokBOokClub #PratchettPosse #YearOfTolkien #StarWarsBuddyRead and #EarthseedBuddyRead throughout the year. So for me at least, I‘m calling this one finished.


zsuzsanna_reads Love it! 5y
BarbaraBB Congrats! Well done 👍👍 5y
Chrissyreadit Wow! Congrats! 5y
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saresmoore Woohoo! 🥳 5y
BookwormAHN 👏🏻👏🏻 5y
JazzFeathers Congratulation!!!! I've seen this challenge around and almost thought to join. But no. Would never complete it. 5y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BookishMarginalia Thank you for the great challenge, with an added twist this year! I just updated my google challenge list too! 5y
Gezemice Oh very nice! Congratulations! 5y
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Dr. Seuss's ABC | Dr. Seuss
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Only 6 of these were ones I originally had planned on, but I went through what I‘ve actually read so far and replaced the other 20 with other classics that I read through #ShakespeareReadAlong #EarthseedBuddyRead #JaneAustenReadAlong #Reading1001 etc and with that I am counting this #ReadingChallenge complete

And a few also worked for my #MountTBR and #192019 challenges, so that‘s a plus.😉

DGRachel I love when a book multitasks and works for more than one challenge. I don‘t repeat a book for prompts within a challenge, but I do like checking off boxes in multiple challenges! Good for you! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @DGRachel Yes, I completely agree, it‘s a great feeling when that happens. 6y
Daisey Congrats on finishing it with plenty of time to spare! 6y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Daisey Haha, that‘s ok, it just gives me 2 months to finish up the other ones I started. My overall MountTBR, for one, is WAY behind schedule! 6y
Andrew65 Got one more book to go on my #LitsyAtoZChallenge. Congratulations! 🍾🥂🎈👏 6y
Gezemice Congrats! That‘s awesome! I have reworked mine, too, but still have a few to go on it. You are up on it this year! 6y
TheBookHippie Finishing up my LAST ONE!!! 6y
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Parable of the Sower | Octavia E. Butler

“Most people have given up on politicians. After all, politicians have been promising to return us to the glory, wealth, and order of the twentieth century ever since I can remember. That‘s what the space program is about these days, at least for politicians. Hey, we can run a space station, a station on the moon, and soon, a colony on Mars. That proves we‘re still a great, forward-looking, powerful nation, right?”

MelissaSewell I just grabbed this one through Amazon Prime Reading. Looking forward to it. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
Kaylamburson Welcome to Litsy!!! 6y
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CoffeeNBooks Welcome to Litsy! 🎉 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Welcome. I love Octavia! 6y
Jess7 Welcome to Litsy! 📚 6y
Wife Welcome to Litsy!🌹 6y
Not_That_Jem @MelissaSewell Did you start it yet? :) 6y
Not_That_Jem @BarbaraTheBibliophage I do too! This is one of my all time favorites 6y
MelissaSewell @JDormouse yes I did start, but bailed quickly. The story line became very unbelievable to me within the first several pages. 🙁 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @JDormouse It‘s so good! We did a buddy read of it here not long ago. You can find it at #earthseedbuddyread. 😎 6y
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The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood
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We are finally watching Season 2. I couldn‘t start it until I‘d had a chance to recover from our #EarthSeedBuddyRead. Too much dystopia and stress, especially when combined with real life. Did anyone else notice June / Offred‘s husband‘s last name? It‘s BANKOLE!! Like Lauren‘s husband in the Earthseed books. Someone gave a nod to the fabulous Ms. Octavia Butler. ♥️♥️

Lovesbooks87 This season to me was so intense, but so good! 6y
Leftcoastzen So amazing but such a gut punch 6y
That-Bookish-Hiker The first episode tore my heart apart. 6y
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Parable of the Talents | Octavia E. Butler
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Our final discussion goes live today. Thanks to everyone for participating in #earthseedbuddyread. It‘s been amazing to read and discuss.

I‘m thinking of the Patternmaster series next. They‘re all on Kindle Daily Deal today for $2.99. What do you say we do a #patternmasterbuddyread in the fall?

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I have that series already, I was planning on next year, but I‘m pretty sure I could reshuffle my plans. 6y
Leniverse OMG how did I miss this!?! I have been meaning to read the Parable books “next month” for a couple of years! 😅😆 6y
Ingerella Yes! I'm in for a Patternmaster series buddy read. 6y
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BarbaraJean Oh, goodness—I don‘t think I can pass up the whole Patternmaster series for $2.99! #blameitonlitsy, indeed. I would be interested in a Patternmaster buddy read for sure. Meanwhile, I sorely need to catch up on the Parable discussions—tonight! 6y
Skygoddess1 Count me in for Patternmaster buddy read. I loved our buddy read of the Earthseed duology and look forward to more Octavia Butler 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Ingerella @BarbaraJean @Skygoddess1 Awesome! Once I figure out a few things in my non-reading life, I will debate timing for a buddy read. Since there are four books, I might do two in the fall and two in the winter. Not sure ... but open for suggestions, of course! 😍 6y
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Parable of the Talents | Octavia E. Butler
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Maybe Butler was clairvoyant, but mostly she was a student of history who used her brilliant imagination to envision a chilling world in our near future. I appreciated her addition of POVs in this 2nd #earthseed book. The mother-daughter contrast was stark. And the violence was rough to digest. But Talents cemented Butler as a favorite of mine, if not THE favorite.

Full review at www.TheBibliophage.com

Bookboss I just finished Kindred! Loved it! 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Bookboss I loved Kindred also! And Fledgling. And these two. Now I‘m on to her Patternmaster or Lilith books. 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Ingerella I'm listening to Fledgling now, and just bought the Patternist series. 6y
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Parable of the Talents | Octavia E. Butler
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This novel was eerily prophetic to the point where it was devastating to read. I could not read it before bed. It made all other dystopians look like "Goodnight Moon." It was amazing, but I wouldn't say I "enjoyed" it. I would more say I got a lot out of reading it and the book will stay with me. I've never encountered another author who could make me feel and think so strongly.


Trashcanman 👁️👁️ 6y
Texreader She is an amazing author. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great review! 6y
Nute Great review! 6y
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Parable of the Talents | Octavia E. Butler
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Such a tough but great read, and just a little too prescient in its version of a President who wants to “Make America Great Again” at times. These books will have to go right beside The Handmaid‘s Tale for me, dystopian that is so very close to reality at times as to become truly scary, just one tiny slip and you could be there. Is horror dystopian a thing? Because in this day and age, this book was a truly creepy read. 😬


BarbaraTheBibliophage Great review. I finished it last weekend and still haven‘t written the review. Need to get it done, since I loved the book. Loved the way it challenged me. #reallifehorror 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage Yes, it was a very challenging read. There were times I put it down for a week without picking it up because it was just too much, and times when I couldn‘t put it down at all. So tough to read, but so very worth the challenge. I‘m thinking The Stand by King will be less scary for me in comparison 😂, I‘m hoping to start that one before too long.🤞 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Just how it was for me. I‘m so glad we did the buddy read because it‘s helped to have people to talk to about it. I need to start The Stand also!! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage I agree, it would have been a tough one to read and then just sit on without having anyone else to talk to. Because I definitely felt like I needed to talk about it. I can‘t wait for the discussion next weekend about the ending. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I know! It was a toss up between four and five weeks, and I‘m glad we had five weeks. And then again, I‘m anxious to talk about the end! 6y
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Parable of the Talents | Octavia E. Butler
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Discussion Day!! Some of us are ahead and others behind. Please be mindful of spoilers.

Please feel free to add your own discussion questions.


Riveted_Reader_Melissa 1. I wouldn‘t have to worry about it, I have a chronic illness, if there were meds they‘d be out of my financial reach, so I‘d be gone when things first started going bad. Sorry, don‘t mean to be super dark, but in this dystopian world it‘s the truth. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa 2. Sadly it‘s her 2 babies....Earthseed and Larkin... but isn‘t that true for most of us, our family and our faith... both can be wellsprings of support or used against us. (edited) 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa 3. Survive, no matter what, any way you can, and then go on from there. 6y
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Ingerella 1. I'm a nurse, so I would like to think I could make my living that way, but being a woman makes me think it wouldn't matter that I'm a nurse. Plus, I don't live in a wealthy, walled community so I feel like i wouldn't be well protected either. Also, I don't think I have the same kind of strength Lauren has to survive. 6y
Ingerella 2. I think Lauren's biggest weakness is Earthseed, but at the same time it's her biggest strength. 6y
Ingerella Thinking more about #1. In a Jarrett run world I think I would be in trouble. I'm not religious, wasn't brought up on it, and I would want to help people regardless of how Christian they were. The Crusaders would probably come and get me 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa 4) I think they‘ll have some sort of substitute parent/daughter bond going forward, but in this world...who knows how that will work out. 6y
Ingerella 3. Still thinking.. 6y
DrexEdit 1. I'd probably teach reading and writing like Lauren does.
2. Earthseed and her daughter. Both make her take bigger risks than she might otherwise.
DrexEdit 3. I don't think OB is using sexual assault to demonstrate male power over females. She shows men being used as sex slaves also. I think it's more about showing the ugly side of any kind of out of control power and surviving no matter what others do to you. 6y
DrexEdit 4. I don't know about Len yet. I'm sort of guessing that she will be an earthseed missionary since that is what Lauren said she wanted. 6y
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Parable of the Talents | Octavia E. Butler
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa And I‘m actually caught up this week and ready for it! Yay for me😂 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yay you!! I had to finish ahead, so it‘s a reminder to me not to spoil. I made my little question graphics as I read. 😄 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘m sure I‘ll finish today too, right after this discussion! LOL 6y
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Susanita Overdrive loan expired before I could finish, but I should have it back soon. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Susanita Oh that‘s what happens with a buddy read schedule! Come discuss whenever you can. 😍 6y
Wbabdullah The same thing happened to me @Susanita! I was reading Parable of the Talents in July...then life happened, then the ebook was due back, but I am proud to say that I finished it yesterday! And I only had 100 pages left roughly! But I was a bit disappointed with the ending. It just seemed abrupt and that‘s all I can say without spoiling anything. I definitely liked Parable of the Sower more. 6y
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