My contribution to #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth last month!!! Free with Kindle Unlimited. Accepting reviews and feedback! www.amazon.com/author/latoyagetershockley
My contribution to #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth last month!!! Free with Kindle Unlimited. Accepting reviews and feedback! www.amazon.com/author/latoyagetershockley
“I wish I had a hundred years, she said, very quietly. A hundred years I could give to you.”
The original author of this novel Siobhan Dowd passed away from breast cancer at the age of 47 before she could start this novel... Her agent gave her idea to Patrick Ness to complete. 😓😓
My grandmother was a breast cancer survivor... Mammogram scheduled for January.
“‘An impressive feat…an immensely entertaining, moving, and believable read‘ (Atlanta Journal-Constitution), this debut novel in the bestselling tradition of P.S. I Love You revolves around a young woman with breast cancer who undertakes a mission to find a new wife for her husband before she passes away.” #breastcancerawarenessmonth #spooktober
@Eggs #spooktober For #breastcancerawarenessmonth my pick is author Frances Burney, who had breast cancer in 1811 and had a mastectomy - without anesthesia. She went on to live for another 29 years and wrote about her experience.
Developed from the blog started by Clare Wise when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013; when she became too ill to maintain the blog regularly, her brother Greg updated it instead. For such a sad subject, this is a surprisingly humorous book at times.
#Spooktober @Eggs
Man Puts On A Pink Tutu And Travels The World To Bring A Smile To His Wife Fighting Breast Cancer
Cancer is a thing no one would ever dare laugh about. However, with all the difficulties surrounding the illness, laughter can be the best medicine. The greatest example of this approach is The Tutu Project, a fun and simply endearing effort of a man who wanted to make things easier and funnier for his wife after she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
I‘m a BC survivor, so I say “suck it” too to BC💪👊🏻
Day 3 - #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #Spooktober
I had breast cancer 27 years ago. Don‘t forget to get your mammogram! I‘m getting another one on October 18! It could save your life for early detection! It saved mine!