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Spin with Me | Ami Polonsky
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My August #Bookspin #Doublespin & #BookspinBingo list is finally done! Scraping in just under the wire again. A mix of new books, some repeats, my usual extra FREESPACES plus a few more easy to fulfill prompts due to my still struggling with a #bookslump Hopefully I can finish a few of these this month🤞

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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The Waste Lands didn‘t pull me in like I was hoping. American Predator pulled me in right away and I‘ve barely put it down since I started it today. I hate that I don‘t remember hearing about this case as it was happening. #americanpredator #maureencallahan #serialkiller #bookslump #kindle #ebook #library

Carrie | Stephen King
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I finished Pet Sematary earlier today. It was not as scary as I was led to believe but it was still enjoyable. Now off to start another! #carrie #stephenking #library #tea #penguin #bookslump

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Phew, #bookslump is officially over! 😮‍💨

I‘ve really enjoyed all of the books that I finished this week, with Matrix and Fresh Water being faves.

Also really enjoying both my ongoing books, although only a couple of chapters into each.

TrishB I loved those too ♥️ 3y
Cathythoughts Oh good #bookslump is for the birds 🙄 .. books looking good 👍🏻💫 3y
Megabooks Glad it‘s over! 3y
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rockpools Yay! Book slumps are rubbish. Did you know Louise Newsom has a podcast? (Don‘t know if you do podcasts, but 🤷🏻‍♀️) 3y
Cinfhen Woohoo!!! You had SOME AWESOME books to beat the slump!!!! 3y
squirrelbrain @rockpools - I don‘t often listen to podcasts Rachel, but I may look hers up as the book was so good. (Made me feel better just reading it and knowing I‘m not going mad!). I hear she has an app too that is supposed to be really good. 3y
LapReader Are you enjoying the night sweats as much as I am? 3y
squirrelbrain That‘s the one (only) symptom that isn‘t too bad at the moment @LapReader thank goodness! Sorry to hear you‘re suffering. 😔 3y
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I‘ve been suffering the worst #BookSlump—my first ever. Can‘t focus, can‘t finish, can‘t force it. Maybe a side effect of waiting for my own to be published, maybe a weird aftereffect of the pandemic. Anyway, hoping this book will break it. 💜📚💜📚💜📚💜

DivineDiana 🤞🏻🙏🏻📚 3y
SamAnne I've had a super hard reading month. Hope you come out of it! 3y
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Been in a reading slump for awhile now. Trying to pull myself out of it. #theinventionofmurder #history #crime #bookslump

The Sun Down Motel | Simone St. James
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Started this morning and about halfway through after being in a month-long reading slump. This isn‘t a genre I normally read, but I am sucked in. #thesundownmotel #simonestjames #bookslump #horror #paranormal #sunday

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#bookreport #weeklyforecast #sundaybuddyread #Libby #audiobook #bookslump

Not very far on Christmas Bells- romance, holiday spirit, present day, Civil War era, historical fiction, Longfellow.
Starting WMID now #sundaybuddyread
Louise Penny, perennial favorite of mine- #Libby

Cinfhen Nice and I love the festive background 4y
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Thank god! A book has stuck with me for more than a chapter! Woohoo🙌 #BookSlump has been averted,crisis temporarily over. Bk5.4😋of #JumpStart2020 is so far living up to the expectations of its predecessor, it‘s full of drama, lies & recriminations✔️After the chaos surrounding the death of Simon Kelleher & his framing of four students for his “murder”, Bayview High has slowly recovered. Until the new texts appear saying “Truth or Dare”.

erzascarletbookgasm Oh I want to read this sequel! I did enjoy the first one. 5y
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