I actually left the house today for this gorgeous kids 5th birthday party At Nurragingy Reserve. He was so excited! I even managed to get a bit of colour & soak up some vitamin d. #happybirthdayTav #birthdayboy
I actually left the house today for this gorgeous kids 5th birthday party At Nurragingy Reserve. He was so excited! I even managed to get a bit of colour & soak up some vitamin d. #happybirthdayTav #birthdayboy
It is Owen‘s 12th birthday today. Here we are last night attempting to take Xmas card family photos. This is an outtake from my sister‘s phone. I should get the camera versions today. Sophie looks less than enthused to be photographed in her jammies. Owen got the tagged book as a bday present and I can‘t wait for him to read it so I can borrow it next. He‘s got two more Gratz books wrapped under that tree. Hurry up Xmas! #catsoflitsy #birthdayboy
Birthday Tradition: Waffles for Breakfast!
Nathan wanted 4 waffles because he's 4 years old. If he keeps that up into his teenage years, I may have to start buying Bisquick in bulk.
#BirthdayBoy #BirthdayTradition #Waffles
We celebrated Little Man's birthday today (it's on Wednesday). So, I haven't gotten much reading done today. Now, the family is all gone, Little Man is in bed, and I may get in a chapter or two before retiring myself. Hope everyone had a great weekend! #sugarrush #birthdayboy #itwasdelicious #readandeat