Stacks of textbooks wherever there is space! ~ You know you're in the correct field when books like these fascinate you ☺ ~ September Photo Challenge catch-up ~ #Day5 #WorkplaceBooks #bookphotochallenge ~ #engineering #engineer
Stacks of textbooks wherever there is space! ~ You know you're in the correct field when books like these fascinate you ☺ ~ September Photo Challenge catch-up ~ #Day5 #WorkplaceBooks #bookphotochallenge ~ #engineering #engineer
One more post, and then I'll stop. There's just so much great non-fiction! These are two of my favorite books on creativity. Everyone should read. Because, as Elizabeth Gilbert says, "If you're alive, you're a creative person." #nonfictionlove #workplacebooks #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge
Great book about how to get the most out of yourself and others in the workplace. I'm trying to catch up on the #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept #workplacebooks @RealLifeReading
#somethingforsept #Day5 my #workplacebooks: the stack on the right shows books that actually pertain to my work as the art director/graphic designer for a local women's magazine, most of which are leftover from college. The precarious stack on the left shows some of the books that have been recommended to me by coworkers over the years. I've been fortunate to work with a few other people who also enjoy reading through the years.
Day5 of #somethingforsept is #workplacebooks so here is a bunch of donations that I'm cataloguing today. Unfortunately our college library doesn't buy lots of fabulous novels, but I do occasionally find something really interesting. Like 'The Irish Family', a look at how the Irish family unit has changed in recent decades and how the new Irish family compares to families in other European countries... #septphotochallenge
Day 5: I'm a nutrition educator (hopefully one day a Registered Dietitian) at a hospital wellness clinic. I mostly talk to weight loss patients about making better choices with their food and these are a few of my #workplacebooks #somethingforsept
The Handwriting on the Wall #WorkplaceBooks #day5 #SeptPhotoChallenge #SomethingforSept @RealLifeReading