As a woman working in healthcare this hit hard. Not usually a reader of non-fiction but this is so well researched and written. I couldn‘t put it down. #pick #unwellwomen #healthcare
As a woman working in healthcare this hit hard. Not usually a reader of non-fiction but this is so well researched and written. I couldn‘t put it down. #pick #unwellwomen #healthcare
As a woman diagnosed with hEDS in the last 1.5 years, this book is so validating. It also explains so much of my own experiences with medical professionals. The EDS explains so much of my life history. This book is such an important starting point, this should be required reading for any medical professional to be licensed in the 2020s.
I found my way to this book via a post by the #shesaid group. I have to say, what a wonderful choice! I am so in love with this book already, and it is exactly what I needed right now. It even ties into How to Think Like a Woman with a wonderful discussion of Mary Wollstonecraft‘s horrific death.
#ElinorCleghorn #UnwellWomen #audiobook #MaryWollstonecraft