Random book from our home library:
📖 No Unhallowed Hand (The Work and the Glory 7) by Gerald Lund
Random book from our home library:
📖 No Unhallowed Hand (The Work and the Glory 7) by Gerald Lund
Major caveat here: if I didn't have a vague idea of how this trilogy ended, I wouldn't be continuing to the next book. At the moment, I deem it worthwhile to continue, because I think having the full story told in this manner will add to the catharsis/emotional impact of the ending. But, from a 'single book' perspective, Evans has made a bold choice in making the entire work background for the narrative 1/?
Recent acquisitions:
📖 The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
📖 Saint Joseph Prayer Book
Raised Mormon, I'm now a religious Humanist with an affinity for pagan nature worship and Catholic æsthetics who regularly attends progressive high church Episcopal mass with my Christian wife, Amy. Yes, it's complicated. The Mary book is in Latin & English 🤍
“In the quiet of the night, listen to the whispers of your soul, for there you will find the greatest wisdom."
#Family #ChristmasCheer
I‘m beginning to think all these reviewers are drunk. This was better than the first but not great. A lot of superfluous detail which equated to a lot of skimming. The author‘s note says Christian‘s should read the whole series before judging. That‘s because this book borders on heretical 😂 so weird.
#AboutABook #YouGifted
This was everyone's Christmas gift one year; spreading laughter is spreading joy
Completed a fiction and nonfiction from my TBR pile this week 😃
This was my gift from the local church. It passed the censors by being an unimaginative tattoo of the idea that "the Messiah is among you. Choose to make each moment holy." That's not how it works. Nobody cares. I am evil but I could choose to be good. So what? Tell me a story, like... The Five People (YMiH). Give me a vision of how life might work and how my choices affect things. This is a common flaw in "inspirational" literature. No story.