Quite good account of his life and work in publishing. Kind of like having an old friend remembering. Stories about authors and family, etc
Quite good account of his life and work in publishing. Kind of like having an old friend remembering. Stories about authors and family, etc
Read The Editor for #NFNovember #12booksof2024 #November
Started a book I got for free at a Library sale and I am really enjoying it.
The protagonist June is so self absorbed. This novel is as much about the publishing industry as it is about the addictive nature of social media. Well written - humorous and clever.
#12Booksof2024 @Andrew65 MARCH
I kept seeing this on Litsy and it took me ages to read it. Was I disappointed? No I loved it.
Happy “Stuff Your Kindle Day” to those who celebrate
“Because the future champion of children's books was just a lad.“