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Literature and Food Studies | Amy L. Tigner, Allison Carruth
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#LitandFood @Texreader https://www.iheartbrazil.com/brigadeiro-recipe/

The link also has a fascinating history to how this candy was created. Political origins. Thanks for setting up the pinterest board.

Texreader Yay! Saved to Pinterest! 3y
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#LitandFood @Texreader


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Ok, I have a question for all my fellow littens who use Litsy for book swaps and book clubs throughout the year. How the hell do you find them? 😂 I use the Android and browser versions of Litsy and they make it so hard to discover this stuff! Are there specific hashtags I should be looking out for? In return for your help, I have enclosed a pic of the ridiculous potholders I have asked my fiancee to get me for Christmas. 😁

Hestapleton Omg I need these 😂 4y
Sleepswithbooks 😂😂😂These are awesome!!! 4y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Love the cat butts! I find the swaps mainly by "word of mouth" so to speak. Here are some Littens you can follow who often host swaps, that will help for sure. @MaleficentBookDragon @LibrarianRyan @teebe @Meaw_catlady @Chrissyreadit @bookish_wookish @wanderinglynn @sprainedbrain @Chelleo @Avanders . Also @LitsyHappenings often shares posts of upcoming swaps & events. 4y
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StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego And @suvata hosts #lmpbc (Litsy Mark Up Postal Book Club) 4y
Chrissyreadit I love your potholders! 4y
Chrissyreadit You might want to follow more people too- and make sure you are following everyone who is tagged above. Also if you go to some of the swap hashtags and follow those people you will be following the people who mostly participate and share swap information. The book clubs and book challenges can be followed that way too. 4y
Chrissyreadit I love LMPBC for “bookclub” feel 4y
BookwormAHN And @Clwojick hosts tons of stuff throughout the year. 4y
witchyreader13 Thank you so much, everyone! Keep them coming if you've got them! Lol. 4y
sprainedbrain I‘m here because I was tagged but I just have to say OMG I need those potholders. 😂 4y
LibrarianRyan I can see why you want those pot holders. I host the #BBRC BIRTH AND BEYONG READING CHALLENGE. I also host the #makerswap. #cardswap is open until Friday. I randomly host book mark swaps and various others. It just depends. You should also follow @LitsySwaps And @LitsyHappenings I know at least one of them is still being ,maintained. 4y
wanderinglynn Those pot holders are awesome. 😆 I mostly find out about events from either host‘s original post or other Littens reposting the event. 4y
Cinfhen Hi!!! Thanks for the shoutout @BookwormAHN I‘ve been a little absent on Litsy lately but I‘ll tag people you should follow for online bookclub ideas and some hashtags to look out for #SundayBuddyRead @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheBookHippie @Librarybelle #LiteraryCrew @Soubhiville #AuthorAMonth #shakespeareReadalong #fellowshipOfTolkien #pemberlittens 4y
Cinfhen If you want to join reading challenges I host one with @BarbaraTheBibliophage and @4thhouseontheleft I recently posted a sign up link #Booked2021 also starting Jan first is #ReadingAsia2021 by two wonderful Littens @BarbaraBB and @Librarybelle 4y
Cinfhen Lots to do here on Litsy... just the more people you follow, the more you‘ll discover and awesome potholders 🥰 4y
Chelleo Be on the lookout for the #BlitsySwap #BlitsyHistoryMonth sign up after Thanksgiving 4y
TheAromaofBooks So when I first joined, I just started seeing who was being tagged as the host for different challenges & then I would follow the host. Most people here are also really friendly, so if you see a hashtag being used & aren't sure what challenge or swap it belongs to, just ask & you will usually get filled in on the details!! December is BIG month for all the annual reading challenges getting posted so keep an eye out!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Also, @Andrew65 hosts a monthly readathon around the middle of each month where you set your own goals. The last weekend of every month is the #24B4Monday readathon... theoretically you try to read 24hrs over that weekend, but most of us set our own goals for that, too haha There are a lot of low-key challenges like that going on where there isn't really a prize or official entry system, just a way of encouraging one another to read harder!! 4y
Librarybelle Love the potholders! Echoing so many others...viewing hashtags and hosts of swaps and buddy reads and other challenges is a good way to get involved. 4y
Avanders Lol hilarious potholders 😆 I think what @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego said is spot-on, especially these days. I‘ll add a few hashtags that I check every so often: #litsyswap #litsyswaps #litsyhappenings And note a couple more people to follow ☺️ @Endowarrior21 @ferskner @Mommamanzi @monalyisha 4y
MrsGagnonreads2024 Thank you for the tag @Avanders 4y
BarbaraBB You know everything now 😊. Two more interesting events: @Texreader and @Butterfinger will host a monthly event called #LitAndFood from January and @Cinfhen and I host a #bestbuddyread in February, reading the tagged book. Just check out the hashtags 💕 4y
Clwojick My best friend made these as coasters for my bridal shower 😂 4y
tpixie Fun coasters and great question!! 4y
Butterfinger Thanks for the shoutout @BarbaraBB. Wonderful potholders. I'm sure you will find something to interest you. Litsy has a lot to offer. Has anyone mentioned #LitsyLove @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Thanks for the shout outs @BookwormAHN and @Cinfhen — I would add that if you‘re a nonfiction reader (or wish you were) give @Riveted_Reader_Melissa a follow. She hosts some buddy reads throughout the year, including #shesaid. 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage And OMG I might have to find a pattern for those potholders—adorbs! 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I usually find things by seeing them accidentally while scrolling and then I just look up the tag or ask. I currently follow the #PratchettPosse or #OokBOokClub who are reading Terry Pratchett 1 book a month, #ShakespeareReadAlong which reads about the plays 1 Act a week, the #StarWarsBuddyRead which is reading all the new cannon books 1 a month, #FellowshipOfTolkien which is currently working their way through the histories of Middle Earth, & ⤵️ 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa #NonfictionNerds who vote on 1 nonfiction book a month to read together hosted by @dariazeoli #SheSaid 1 nonfiction books a month by a female author, the #BBBBC a scifi & fantasy book club, they rotate between the 2 reading one every 2 months. There are also a bunch that just spring up, so definitely if you have a favorite author, try checking out there book in a search or a tag search and see if anything pops up... I‘ve seen things like Harry⤵️ 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️Potter chapter a day type group reads pop up often. I know there is an Austen book club the #Pemberlittens I believe, and a King group #LosersClub, and there‘s of course #LMPBC which I know I saw mentioned up above somewhere. (edited) 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Oh sorry, I should have tagged @InLibrisVeritas who runs the #BBBBC that I mentioned above 4y
MaleficentBookDragon I LOVE those pot holders!!! I have to find a pattern for them.
As for swaps, I usually happen upon them by accident.
And, the fact I've done so many I tend to get tagged by some of the hosts (THANK YOU).
I just signed up for the one @#avanders is doing right now.
ferskner Thanks for the tag @Avanders ❤️ and hi @abooknerdsparadise 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Also it never hurts to just search the tag #BuddyRead once in awhile. 4y
Nute Hi! I think that you can get a feel for the community-friendliness of Litsy from the many responses received to your inquiry. Even I learned a thing or two reading the replies!😃 The one thing that I would echo is definitely increasing your ‘following‘ numbers so that more post auto-present to you thus increasing your exposure to what is happening on Litsy. Have fun! 4y
witchyreader13 Thank you, everybody! @nute Yes, I love the community here! I only wish that Litsy allowed the formation of group pages instead of just hashtags, or that they would allow you to follow specific hashtags instead of having to remember them each time you want to look things up. It would make things easier, but despite the app not being as user-friendly as I'd like, the bookish community here makes it so I never think about leaving. 😊 4y
Nute Great ideas! Every now and then a poll-post will come out asking community members what they like about Litsy and ideas about improvements. I‘m not sure what the purpose of that polling post is... if it is creator or user initiated? if the suggestions are considered as future updates? You might reply with your suggestions if the inquiry is made again.🙂 I‘m looking forward to getting to know you! 4y
FlowerFairy Regarding the potholders - several years ago I crocheted a smaller version of that same pattern and made it into fridge magnets🤪 3y
witchyreader13 Thanks again, everyone! For the record, my Mom DID end up getting me a set of these coasters for Christmas. 😅 3y
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