More #LibraryProblems! These were not all supposed to come in so quickly… 😆😩
This brings my current checkout total to 11: with 9 fiction and 2 cookbooks. I have my work cut out for me here…
More #LibraryProblems! These were not all supposed to come in so quickly… 😆😩
This brings my current checkout total to 11: with 9 fiction and 2 cookbooks. I have my work cut out for me here…
Waaaait, not yet!! I need this for June, not May!! #CampLitsy24 #LibraryProblems
These are some of the physical books for which I also currently have audiobooks checked out from the library... which to pick first for my next #ImmersionReading experience? 🤔
When you go to the library and all the books you prepicked are humongous.
Thanks for the add @Manal22
#ilikebigbooks #libraryproblems #bigbooks
I only have 8 days left with this beauty, so I‘m going to have to try and get back on the waiting list (and wait another 6 months to continue reading it) or buy a copy as soon as humanly possible. This book is amazingly good, but wow it‘s packed with info. I feel like I could read it more like a historian if I had a physical copy (which is even harder to get my hands on).
#alexanderhamilton #robchernow #libraryproblems
Detroit‘s Mark Twain library, which was closed in 1996 for renovations and never reopened. Just look at all of the forgotten volumes. It‘s tragic. I want to go in and find them all new, loving homes. The poor dears.
#firstworldproblems #libraryproblems #orphanedbooks #whatbooksdonthavefeelings #youlie #adoptabook #savethebooks
Things I have to request again because I couldn't get to them before the due date. #libraryproblems 😏
Hey guys, no #friyayintro this week. I just got back from Disneyland and I‘m still in post-vacay catch-up mode, I don‘t think I have time to check out all the posts like I usually try to!
But, I just finally finished this awesome book (did not really have reading time in CA as I‘d hoped to), and now I can take my kindle off airplane mode, and download something new! 🙂 #libraryproblems #jesshowreads2018
I forgot to bring my self-restraint to the library today. #bookindulgence #libraryproblems