Looks to be a cute and quick historical romance helping to guide me into #jinglebellathon and #winterreads!
Looks to be a cute and quick historical romance helping to guide me into #jinglebellathon and #winterreads!
"When Elves Attack" Impulse Read=10 points Holiday/Wintry Reads=25 points 5 hours read #ComfortandJoyReadathon #JingleBellathon #TistheReadson #Seasonthon 5×35×5=875 Word Search: 117×10=1170 Total= 2,046 points #2021Wintergames #TeamMistletoeManiacs @Clwojick
Completed the Team Read “ In a Holidaze” 76 points 4 hours read #ComfortandJoyReadathon #JingleBellathon #TistheReadson #Seasonthon =160 points Word Search= 107*10= 1070 points Total= 1307 #201Wintergames #TeamMistetoeManiacs @Clwojick
Reading the team book " In a Holidaze" 199 words found so far. 199×10= 1,990 points 4 hours read last night. One hour read tonight. #ComfortandJoyReadathon #JingleBellathon #TistheReadson #Seasonthon 4×5×10=200 Total points: 2,191 #2021WinterGames #TeamMistletoeManiacs @Clwojick
Read the first of these stories about two disillusioned individuals escaping their professions and finding each other in a ski resort in Denver. It was amusing and had a satisfying ending - just what I want from a holiday short story! #150 #BookSpinBingo #10 #BS #BFC21 #DashingDecember #CSReadathon #RIF #Jinglebellathon #Cosyathon #TheFestiveReadathon #CYO #MERRY&BRIGHT #MerryBookmas #AVeryMerryBingo #AnyWayYouReadathon #Wintercosy #AVeryMerryRead
"The Holiday Swap" 4 hours read #ComfortandJoyMarathon #JingleBellathon #TistheReadson #Seasonthon 4×10×4= 160 points Word Search: 165×10=1,650 points+25 points Total: 1,836 #WinterGames2021 #TeamMistleToeManiacs @Clwojick
#tisthereadson2021 one bingo line completed #bookspinbingo #averymerryreadathon #jinglebellathon #rifholidayreadingchallenge #thefestivereadathon #comfortjoyreadathon #wrapitupreadathon #wintergames2021 #teamgamesleighers 2733 points so far this week
148 points for #wgwordsearch @Clwojick
#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks #averymerryreadathon #jinglebellathon #rifholidayreadingchallenge #thefestivereadathon #comfortjoyreadathon #wrapitupreadathon snow on cover for book bingos
Two hours read #ComfortandJoyReadaThon #JingleBellathon #TistheReadson #Seasathon 2×4×10= 80 points Words Found: 54×10 = 540 Total= 620 #Wintergames #MistletoeManiacs @Clwojick