"I dine, I play a game of backgammon, I converse, and am merry with my friends; and when after three or four hours' amusement, I would return to these speculations, they appear so cold, and strain'd, and ridiculous, that I cannot find in my heart to enter into them any farther."
David Hume on #PhilosopherProblems ?
Today's prompt apparently took me back to college philosophy class ??
#HumanNature #MOvember @Cinfhen
After a short introductory chapter on Hume's life, the book consists of transcripts of 4 lectures Ayer gave on Hume and it shows. It is very much Ayer's assessment of Hume and where he agrees and disagrees philosophically with him rather than an introduction to Hume.
Stop 8 on today‘s home-library tour!
Very few people know I have and have read these. I encourage folks to read anything and everything they can and want, but the sentiment is rarely reciprocated. Our #LitsyFamily bucks that trend. 🤗
Do you own or have you read any of these books?!
This is one of my #apologetics shelves. I‘m a nerd. 🙈🤓
I visited the Princeton University campus today ☺️ Soooo many bookstores omg 📚The architecture and art museum were the best! #princeton #cicero #locke #hume #statue #university
Pretty sure my browser is staking me...it knows what I‘m thinking and what I look up at the library. It‘s a little creepy. Maybe it has some ideas on this bloody paper and that is getting dangerously close to pushing into its 3rd year now. #DavidHume #Hume #Philosophy #millionsofwords