Top row: still reading
Middle Row: finished Queen & Seamstress; still reading March
Bottom Row: still reading
#serieslove24 #sundaybuddyread #hyggeread #literarycrew #bookspin #readyourkindle #librarybook #CommissionaireDupin
Top row: still reading
Middle Row: finished Queen & Seamstress; still reading March
Bottom Row: still reading
#serieslove24 #sundaybuddyread #hyggeread #literarycrew #bookspin #readyourkindle #librarybook #CommissionaireDupin
It‘s noon- time for some porch reading. Hoping I spot hummingbirds again 😀 #porchlife #CommissionaireDupin
Enjoyed the Olympic closing ceremonies-sad to say goodbye to this marathon TV event for my family. 📺🥇 Paris is an elegant venue. 🇫🇷
Looking forward to continue my reading with all the books here.
#sundaybuddyread #virginiabloomberries #literarycrew #bookspin #hyggehourread #CommissionaireDupin #readyourkindle
#bookreport June16-22,2024
The first row is buddy reads. I am keeping up with required sections. #adventuresinphilosophy #deadphilosoperssociety #HowtoThinklikeaWoman #ReganPenaluna #hashtagbrigade #Camplitsy24
2nd row: Books in process #aMysteryofAncientIreland #audiblemystery #readyourkindle
Last row: books I finished #CommissionaireDupin #BrittanysRoseCoast #readyourkindle #LadyMonfortMystery #librarybook #audiblespies #serieslove2024