It‘s my turn to pick our book club read and I can‘t decide between American Gods by Neil Gaiman and Sacred Treason by James Forrester.
#bookclub #bookclubpicks
It‘s my turn to pick our book club read and I can‘t decide between American Gods by Neil Gaiman and Sacred Treason by James Forrester.
#bookclub #bookclubpicks
I have a bunch of books that I want to read next month so I have created a page in my bullet journal to help me keep track 📖
The House in the Cerulean Sea finally became available on Libby ‼️ and there are a ton of people waiting so I want to finish before it's due back.
Also excited for The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, which is my friend group's first book club pick of the year 😍
#tbrlist #bookgoals #bulletjournal #bookclubpicks
Book mail is the greatest! A little sampling of this year‘s Graphic Novel Group picks! #bookclubpicks #tbr #graphicnovels
I made #NoExcuses at book club tonight, as I bravely copped to the bail 😉Only one person liked the book, every one else hated it!!! And we finally choose our first half of next year‘s reads...Guess which one was my pick?!?! #BookClubPicks
This was a slow start for me, but I was intrigued enough to continue. Once I was around halfway through, I couldn't put it down and stayed up tonight to finish. Definitely recommend. 8/10 #bookclubpicks
Up next for my book club. Can't wait! #bookclubpicks
🌟🌟🌟🌟 #BookClubPicks #AllTheFeels
I 😄, I 😭 and I 😞 (cringed) some-at the writing.
While the writing isn't great, the message is a very important & impactful one.
Whether you've found yourself in a similar situation (I truly hope not), or know of someone who is/has been, there's no escaping the slew of profound & conflicting emotions this book inflicts on it's readers. Even more so, after reading the special 'Author's Note' at the end. 💔
New Top Chef... FINALLY!!!🤗🔪🍽❤😍
It's the only reality show I watch. I've got my ginger root tea, almond cookies, and my current bookclub book to finish during the commercials....let's do this!!!🤓
#TopChef #GuiltyPleasure #Tea #BookclubPicks
#CurrentlyReading #PhotoADayNov16 #BookclubPicks #AuthorFirsts
My book club meeting is coming up in under 2 weeks so I decided to a get a start on it over dinner at a new local latin spot down the street from work tonight.
Their Lomo Saltado did NOT disappoint...and so far, neither is this book.
It's my 1st by this author but have heard great things about this particular title & that it makes for great book club discussions.