Getting back into this weird, dark, wonderful comic book.
Getting back into this weird, dark, wonderful comic book.
Mark Russell is unbelievable. Just like his take on the Flintstones, this is a brilliant political satire. This is a look at what it means to be an American set against a cold war McCarthy backdrop. In the words of S.P., “There‘s no such thing as a free country without it‘s subversives, radicals and undesirables.”
I enjoyed this reimagining of an old Hanna Barbera character. Despite the somewhat heavy handed delivery of the message and fudging around with historical accuracy, this comic is still a pretty solid pick for me.
Different enough to be interesting, but a bit heavy handed with its message. Too preachy to be very entertaining.
2 💥💥 1/2 out of 5
Book mail is the greatest! A little sampling of this year‘s Graphic Novel Group picks! #bookclubpicks #tbr #graphicnovels
I enjoyed this comic a lot, I liked the depth given to the gay cartoon icon, though I did struggle at first with the realistic art style. My only disappointment was discovering in the endnotes that the historical information wasn‘t as accurate as I had thought - people/places/events had been moved in time or playing a different role for a better story. I can see why they did it and it didn‘t detract from my enjoyment. Exitus sacrna sinistram.
Brief reviews of my top 11 books of January are compiled on my blog: https://lindypratch.blogspot.com/2019/01/january-2019-reading-round-up.html?m=1
A smart, funny & touching mashup of Hanna-Barbera cartoon characters with real life writers Tennessee Williams & William Faulkner, plus NYC 1950s gay scene & the American Cold War Communism scare. Lots of delightful pop culture references in the artwork & dialogue. Heavens to Murgatroyd! I really enjoyed this. #LGBT #comics
It‘s only page 2 and already I‘m loving the quippy humour. (“Pornography for PhDs”!!)
This is one fun mashup. The Red Scare, LGBTQ history, theater luminaries, and cartoon characters all in one place. Heavens to murgatroyd!
Happy new #comics day.
From the big 2 this week:
Astonishing X-Men finishes a story arc.
Justice league kicks off its new series with Scott Snyder at the helm.
Brian Bendis brings us his 2nd (of 6) Man of Steel issue.
Snagglepuse finale.
Captain America.
New Doctor Strange title (I'm not sure about this one yet as the writer is meh).
Weapon Lost is continuing the hunt for Wolverine.
Star Wars Last Jedi movie adaptation.
X-Men Red.
1 of 2.
Happy new #comics day.
From the big two this week:
Snagglepuss continues to be one of my favs every month. 😜
Brimstone is about a dude that makes a deal with the devil yadda yadda yadda. 👹
Punisher is still angry. 💀
Astonishing X-Men is still the best current X title. 🤘
Batman White Knight penultimate issue! 👍
New Mutants mini...really digging the art. Basically buying it for the covers. 🤷♂️