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I'm a little late to the party, but I finally grabbed this from the library so I can read it for the readalong! (Or try to anyway. 😳) It's on my #30in30 birthday challenge list for 1988 so it kills two birds with one stone for me.


SoniaC I really enjoyed it. 7y
vivastory Glad you're joining! 7y
LeahBergen Awesome!!! 👍🏼 7y
sofiaga I started this a couple of years ago and was never able to finish It. I should give it another try. 7y
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Birthday Monsters! | Sandra Boynton
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Hey all! I'm attempting to start a new reading challenge to read 30 books that have been published since I've been born, in celebration of turning the big 3-0 February 2018. 🎉
If you know of any great book published in 1988 and onwards, I'd love a suggestion. Especially in the late 80s/early 90s.
#30in30 #birthdaychallenge

josie281 I'm doing this one as well (but I'm older than 30!) I googled the NYT bestsellers list for those years and check on Goodreads for the lists as well! 7y
Suzze One of my favorites, The Joy Luck Club came out in 1989. 7y
drokka For 1991 you could go with 7y
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Sarah83 I always loved the Grisham novels. maybe you can take this for 1989. 7y
JPeterson @josie281 That's a great idea, thanks! @Suzze I've been wanting to try an Amy Tan, and I have already added The Bonesetter's Daughter (I already have a copy of that). Joy Luck Club sounds great as well! 7y
JPeterson @drokka Yes! That sounds amazing! Added. 😄 7y
JPeterson @Sarah83 Thanks! I've never read a Grisham novel, but I've heard great things! 7y
Sarah83 They aren't all well written but I liked his first ones pretty much 🙄🖒 7y
queerbookreader Check out the early books of The Cat Who mystery series by Lilian Jackson Braun, they were published in early 90s! This one is third in the series 7y
queerbookreader (it was published in 91) 7y
Samwise_Gamgee I'll be 30 in January.... maybe I should join you! 7y
LeslieO One of my favs from '88 is 7y
JPeterson @lemonlime799 I loved The Cat Who series, I would read them with my grandma growing up. ❤ @Samwise_Gamgee Yes! I'm loving how it is helping me go through my tbr backlog, and discovering things I missed! @LeslieO Silence of the Lambs was one of my first horror books, I love it! 😄 7y
Sweettartlaura I'm doing the #birthdaychallenge this year, & #192019 from now until 2019 🙂. I do monthly synopses on what's checked off, so you can peek at my feed at the end of the month if you like 🙂. Also, @Marchpane might have some suggested resources for you, too. Good luck, & enjoy! 7y
Marchpane Ooh, so exciting! This is such a fun challenge 😊 I totally second @drokka's suggestion of Boy's Life 👍 How about The Remains of the Day (1989), The Sparrow or Alias Grace (both 1996) ? If you google 'most popular books of [insert year]' you'll find Goodreads lists for every year to browse through. Good luck! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa If there is a series you'd like to try...try one from the 80's-90's like Discworld...if you like it you might get a good book (or 2) for each year. That might help. (edited) 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa The Color Purple 1982! That's a good one! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Definitely check tags for any year you need, they are popping up more with the #192019 challenge. I just finished Octavia Butler's Xenogenesis Trilogy which gave me a book for 1987, 1988, and 1989 starting with 7y
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Decisions made at 3am while organizing my bookshelves: "What the hell, I'll do the #LitsyAtoZ challenge. I don't have enough on my plate." ? I'm doing the #ReadHarder challenge & #LitsyReadingChallenge, too. Also my #30in30 birthday challenge. Going to cross-use books, though.

So, in the words of Joan Didion, I'm naming 2017 #TheYearofMagicalReadingChallenges. A/k/a: how I'm going to survive the first year of a trump presidency.

LeahBergen I have to do my list still but I chose to go by title, too. And I'm also doing the Litsy Reads one. I'm thinking there will be overlap! 8y
LeahBergen Make that the #LitsyReadingChallenge. Oops! 8y
LeahBergen I've never tried #ReadHarder so I may feel the need to toss that one into the works. 😂 8y
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NovelGirl82 ??? "How I'm going to survive the first year of a Trump presidency". I feel you on that! I haven't chosen any challenges to do for the new year, beyond how many books I read (which I do every year), so I may join in the AtoZ. 8y
WanderingBookaneer Is the 2017 Read Harder List out? 8y
NovelGirl82 Oh what the hell?! I'll join in on the #LitsyReadingChallenge as well! Might as well join the fun! 8y
BookishMarginalia Love the hashtag! And yes, crosspollinate the books among and between the challenges 👍🏼👏🏼 8y
jessberk13 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
KarenUK Me too... going to try all those challenges too! Love the hash tag.... let's hope it is magical year of reading! 😍 8y
Theresa I'm going to do 3 of the 4 you're doing - skipping #30for30 because my #s would be quite a bit higher than 30. 😂 I want to see if it's possible to do all 3 from books I already own & with as few crossovers as possible. I wish the #ReadHarder list would come out already!! 😆 8y
Graciouswarriorprincess I am doing the same challenges except for #30for30 because I am like @Theresa. 8y
Soubhiville I was just trying to decide if I could cross use books to do multiple challenges at once, or if I should do one challenge first then start another 😊📚 I'm impressed with your list! Have fun! 8y
TheNextBook 😂😂😂 You will definitely have to cross read and there is nothing wrong with that. I need a break from challenges mext year. I'm still doing #keepingitshort and I'm challenging myself to clear the books I own that I havent read. 😏 That's going to be really hard when I'm constantly buying books. 8y
shelf-improvement Some great titles here! An amazing goal. Good luck. 📚 8y
RealLifeReading I just love your list! So many books there are already on my TBR!! I should make mine too 8y
Dvmheather I would never be able to stick to a plan like that. I get too distracted! 8y
Chessa Yessssss! 🙌🙌🙌 8y
DrexEdit In for a penny, in for a pound. By the end of this year I will either love or hate reading challenges! 😊 😊 👏👏👏💜 8y
Minispok Awesome list! 8y
avalonlovelee A visit from the goon squad 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 8y
Shortstack The second I saw this the Zelda book jumped to mind. I'm just debating if I want to commit to this or not. 8y
Shortstack If I do, I'm going to label my I as Infinite Jest 8y
AAdamson You're going to love A Constellation of Vital Phenomena! 7y
BookishFeminist @Shortstack You know you want to commit to this ? it'll help you push for your reading goal! And good call on Infinite Jest for "I"—I just grabbed books that are already on my shelves for this list but I'm sure there will be substitutions throughout the year as it progresses! I can't wait for our infinite jest readalong 7y
Shortstack @BookishFeminist oh, I already gave in. Also, I vote #InfiniteReadalong for our Foster-Wallace book since it reflects both the title and the length. 😂 7y
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Finished 1st book of my #birthdaychallenge (idea credit: @TheNextBook ). I'm relatively new to Vonnegut; this book certainly shows the satire/dark humor he was famous for. Eliot Rosewater is a rich drunk who heads a foundation where all he does is hand out money to anyone who asks for it. He's a fan of the sci-fi writer Kilgore Trout. As I understand, Trout shows up often in other Vonneguts. The summaries of sci-stories penned by Trout are 🙌.

TheNextBook Yes! I'm glad you started. I like Vonnegut but I've never read this one. I'll give it a shot! Have fun with your #birthdaychallenge! 8y
britt_brooke He has a lot of recurring characters and locations. Kilgore Trout shows up a lot in Breakfast of Champions; one of my favorites of his. 👍🏻 I've been reading a lot of Vonnegut lately in hopes of eventually getting to them all. 8y
SharonGoforth This is my favorite Vonnegut! 8y
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LitHousewife What is the #birthdaychallenge? Are you reading books published the year you were born? 8y
ValerieAndBooks @TheNextBook @britt_brooke @SharonGoforth the only other Vonnegut I've read was Cat's Cradle a few years back. I'm definitely keeping an eye out for his others! 8y
ValerieAndBooks @LitHousewife it's something @TheNextBook was doing, which is to read a book published from each year you've been alive. Her hashtag was #30in30 (I think), but she also came up with the more general one which is good because I turned 51 earlier this month. Hence the 1965. This challenge may take a while for me😊. Next up, 1966, was the year of Valley of the Dolls but I last read that a few years ago so I'll read Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. 8y
LitHousewife @ValerieAndBooks @TheNextBook Fun!!! I will now spend the rest of my night researching books published from 1971 on. 😂 I need to do this now before I get any older. 8y
kspenmoll Sounds like fun! 8y
BeththeBookDragon I love Vonnegut 8y
ValerieAndBooks @LitHousewife I had so much fun doing that! I put down at least 2-3 for each year and now have the list in my purse for when I hit used bookstores or thrift shops (because of my age I'd bankrupt myself if I bought all of them new), to save for when that year comes up. I want to read in chronological order. Of course the library too. @kspenmoll maybe you'll want to do this too 😉? 8y
ValerieAndBooks @bethfriedman906 my local used bookstore told me they can't keep him in stock. Must be for a good reason! 8y
TheNextBook @LitHousewife yes! Looking for books was half the fun! I asked for recommendations and really let loose with this challenge. I stayed away from books I hadn't read and tried to read as many different authors as possible. I hope you enjoy and have fun. 8y
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The next book on my list is... Starting this today as my 2010 for #readingthrough30. I've heard incredible things about this book and it has been on my tbr list for way too long. Here we go.

becausetrains @BookishFeminist told me about your #30in30, and it sounds like a great idea! I'm going to start on my own, though it'll really be #33in33 😎📚 8y
TheNextBook @becausetrains yes!!!! Do it! Have fun with it! I have! 8y
becausetrains @TheNextBook :D I think I'm starting with 8y
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TheNextBook @becausetrains That sounds super interesting! 8y
8leagueboot This is one of my all time favorite works of non-fiction. I hope you're as blown away as I was! 8y
Lillie Loved this book! Loved the alternating chapters of her life/her family's life and the science. 8y
TheNextBook @NorthEastofEden @Lillie So far so good. I dont want to put this down... 8y
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