Used bookstore treasure- a very early edition of Daddy Long Legs. I know there are many reasons for this story to give modern audiences the Weirds, but I love it without reserve. Judy Abbott forever and ever, amen.
Used bookstore treasure- a very early edition of Daddy Long Legs. I know there are many reasons for this story to give modern audiences the Weirds, but I love it without reserve. Judy Abbott forever and ever, amen.
Three important books in my formative childhood reading years that I associate with my dad, who gave me my love of reading. These were three he read to me and later, read with me. On 7/17 he would have been 99. He‘s been gone a while (almost 29 years) & I miss him & treasure the memories. #FatherDaughter 💙
P.S. This is the 2nd day in a row I‘ve gotten sentimental with these prompts, so I promise not to be sad tomorrow! 🤦🏻♀️
#WondrousWednesday by @Eggs (thanks for the tag ❣️)
1. Definitely the tagged one
2. It depends mostly by the friend! They all have different preferencies!
3. John Boyne ❣️
I tag @The_Penniless_Author @TheNeverendingTBR @Blueberry
New reading! Well... it's almost finished actually, but I'll do it tomorrow as I have to work in the morning 😅
I'm really enjoying this one! 🤟🏻
This was a fun re-read! Here‘s the cover of the 1980 edition I read when I was in junior high. Check out the fashions! That car! (This book was originally published in 1912.) A great #doublespin pick.
Three #epistolary novels: the tagged is my all-time favorite for sentimental reasons. My dad introduced it to me as a child & I miss him very much.💙 Lady Susan is my most recently finished of the genre & Dear Mr. Knightly is sort of a mashup between Daddy Long Legs & Jane Austen.
Day 280.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.
This epistolary novel, published in 1912, is simply charming. It is the story of a orphan girl whose college education is paid for by an anonymous benefactor. I adored the main character. My only regret is that the digital version available to me did not have the drawings.
This book warms my heart. I can‘t believe it was published in 1912. Many of us are still trying to learn how to live in the moment. The more things change, the more they stay the same.😀
@Nebklvr @TheAromaofBooks I very much enjoyed this 1912 YA story. I would have loved reading this when I would‘ve been the target age. Starting the sequel, Dear Enemy, tonight. My library copy had a dreadful cover, so I found a more attractive one online. 4/5🕷s
A sweet old-fashioned epistolary novel which kept me giggling throughout.
I am posting one book per day from my extensive collection of books. No explanation as to why I have this book. I‘ve already crawled in bed before taking a picture of a physics book. Here is one from my kindle. #tbrpile. Day#22
Oh my goodness, this book is so much fun. A series of cheeky letters written by a foundling to the anonymous trustee of her former orphanage who has sent her to college. She has been told that he “hates girls” but sees some promise in her as a writer based on a satirical essay she wrote about the orphan‘s home while in high school. The only repayment he requires...monthly letters from her describing her experience in college.
First epistolary and to this day I don‘t think I have read a book comprised of letters or journals I didn‘t like. Even if the premise doesn‘t sound particularly interesting, I‘ll add an epistolary novel to my TBR stack!
#childhoodmemories is my #decembermonthlymotif
#childhoodread #epistolary
Jerusha Abbot is learning the pleasures of being a college girl after a lifetime in an orphanage, but even "the dizzying experience of owning six new dresses!" can't compare with a favorite book, a cocktail, and a breeze with the very beginnings of a fall chill. #currentlyreading #booksandbooze
Book 8 for #BookSpinBonanza and the first 14 pages for #24B4Monday since that was all the more book I had left to read this morning haha
This is an adorable book full of happy times and just enough philosophy. First published in 1912, it's still quite readable. My edition is from 1918, and I love to think of how many other people have read this book in the last hundred years!
@Andrew65 @jb72 @SumisBooks
I finished this book a few weeks back and just now got a review up. 😅
Review on Goodreads—https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3024103725
#DaddyLongLegs #JeanWebster #cute #romance
I can see 84 books (I think)
I can reach 3
Five green books, including the tagged title
0 points for bookish wear
I actually have 3 books open next to me, because I don't have a problem 😂
No points for Kindle, cup, other person, or library book
“Exhibitionist“ = 13
Total: 133 (I think. Math isn't actually my strong point!)
I get to help with a production of Daddy Long Legs, the musical, next month. This musical is an adaptation of the novel by Jean Webster. Of course, I love to read the book before a show.
I found it on Audible and guess who narrates it? Megan McGinnis, who originated the role of Jerusha in the Off-Broadway production!
#DaddyLongLegs #JeanWebster #Audible #audiobook
Day 2 for #7days7covers #covercrush
Have you played yet, @Mynameisacolour ? One cover per day, no explanations, and tag someone else every day!!
I read this book when I was 10 and this is still one of my favorite books. This is a romantic comedy type of book rather than a children‘s book. I will try read the original book in English soon.
Just finished the tagged book - such a cute story - written in 1916 and it's just a series of letters from an orphan girl to her mysterious benefactor! Highly recommend!
And finished another book for #bookfitnesschallenge
Next up - The Minuaturist - have had it forever and finally ready to dive in!
An interesting coming-of-age story of an orphan girl who is sent to college by an anonymous benefactor, whom she is required to write letters to as repayment. The entire book is a collection of those one-sided letters, revealing a girl-come-woman with a bit of a predictable ending. Reads quickly, and the format makes it easy to pick up and put down in between other tasks.
Picked it up as part of #popsugarchallenge#nostalgiabook. I probably was driven by how the book made me feel when I had read it in my teens. While I still enjoyed reading parts of it, in totality I found the book predictable and written from a very child like perspective. It has its moments but overall is not a very gripping book.
Many years ago we were living in WV and I took my daughter to a Taco Bell. She was carrying this book and a brown man with an accent told her it was really good. Such a great memory...two people of different ages, genders, and races sharing book love at a random fast food joint! 😂 I have always loved epistolary novels and this is one of the greats. #lovenotes #literarylove
👉🏼 https://www.amazon.de/Daddy-Long-Legs-Do-Chan/dp/3770465164
Maybe I‘d give this modern version a try which seems to have adapted the plot for respectively to the “Generation Internet” because I‘d hope the expectations towards a women are miles away from “be thankful and humble because you as a woman may learn”.
I _know_, it‘s not too long ago, but this attitude makes me sick. Sorry, not sorry.
Yepp, I do believe right away that back in that time the pattern of women growing up and having to deal with adult topics like college, profession and marriage was a genre. As I said these stories were progressively in that time but I perfectly understand how Lucy Maud Montgomery and Louisa May Alcott are named as other genre representatives. They have a similar tune. But I like their stories better if consumed as moving pictures. 🤭🤷🏽♀️
Feeling somewhat betrayed. I let myself be misled by the 2017 publication date but this obviously refers to the _edition_ and not to the book itself.
I know, nothing is worse than belied expectations – but … 🥺
If I had known that the plot originally dates from around 1912 I might not have decided to want to read it. It‘s that picture of women that makes me yawn. It might have been progressive back then but is definitely naive today.
Disappointing. The story doesn‘t fit into today. I expected contemporary literature like Dianne Touchells “Zwischen zwei Fenstern“ and what I got was girlish Broënte-Austen-like romance. ? No, thanks. Wish I knew that before. The first half is interesting but then I skimmed through because nothing really happens.
I really like the edition but could not relate to the story which for me wasn‘t heart-warming but draggingly boring.
Ist das nicht eine erhabene Einstellung? Ah, ich entwickle einen wunderbaren Charakter! In Kälte und Frost erschlafft er ein wenig, aber wenn die Sonne scheint, wächst und gedeiht er um so schneller. (Seite 56)
“Isn‘t it an elevated attitude? Ah, I develop a wonderful character! In cold and frost it gets quite limp but when the sun appears it grows and prospers even faster.”
⬆️⬆️⬆️ Replace “character” with “body” and I know what she means. ?
If I keep on waffling about this book at this high frequency I won‘t progress very much today.
But I really like that the layout and the design of the “paper edition” obviously has with caution been transferred to the “e-book edition”. 🧡
I guess, somewhere in my early teenage years I stopped being an avid diary writer.
But today, decades later, I like the idea of protocolling one‘s learning and personal progress in one‘s own words very much.
But I also remember that at some point in my life I had the feeling of not having enough time in my, dunno 🤷🏽♀️, 16-hours-day to squeeze personal minutes in as well.
This being an assignment would‘ve made a huge difference.
👉🏼 http://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1912?amount=35
Jerusha gets $ 35 a month as “pocket money”. From this sum no study fees or boarding wanges need to be paid. Nowadays this seems to equivalent $ 909 which is € 787.
Yeah, you can make a living from that if all your fixed costs are covered.
👉🏼 https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daddy_Langbein?wprov=sfti1
Oh, if Wikipedia is correct – and why should I doubt that❓ – the age of the novel explains why some things on the very first pages seemed weird to me: coaches and cars, that boys seem more valuable to be educated than girls and that Jerusha is kind of “compelled” to become an author. It‘s decided over her head and nobody asks her what she wants to study.
The only #BookishGoal that seems sensible to me is to diminish the amount of (audio)books on my library‘s wish list.
I‘m starting today, on January 1st 2019, with 82 entries. So … Let‘s see if I will manage to read it down to 42.
I just hope I remember to “mark” all the new (audio)books that I will surely add throughout the year.
The few days of “holiday” my significant other and me had, respectively took, are over now – and as always I feel a bit sad and lonely. The – wrong – impression of having to cope with whatever is to come makes me a bit droopy at the moment.
So starting 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣ with a fresh book is definitely a good idea to calm myself. Especially if it‘s one with such a promising blurb like this one.
Dear Littens,
have a happy and healthy 2019. Full of moments to cherish with people you love to have around you.
If necessary set reading goals you can reach and enjoy your reading time. Discover wonderful books that heartwarm and cheer you up when needed. But also books that are so cute that you notice a wonderful, relaxed, sunshiny day with good company a bit more than you might have done before.
In case some of you are interested:
A link to the website (🇩🇪) https://m.carlsen.de/koenigskinder
Bear me, I know it‘s showing off and doesn‘t really matter – but so far I read 104 books in 2018.
I never set myself reading goals. In my eyes this is rubbish and tells nothing about me, my (reading) “development”. Reading for me is to relax, to enjoy, to be lazy – so why would I want to measure my spare time❓🤔
I counted just for fun because I wanted to know if my feeling of being an avid reader is being confirmed by numbers.
It is. 😂
Since I think Anna from https://buchstabentraeumerei.wordpress.com/ strongly recommended all the books from the former “Königskinder Verlag“ to me I put all I could identify on my online library‘s wish list. Usually they are all borrowed (didn‘t put them on hold – overstimulation and inability to make a reading decision) _but_ as I just saw that this one is available I jumped on it before someone else could.
Sophie Jordan needs to wait some more.
I‘ve been living in Daddy-Long-Legs land recently. After watching it on Broadway HD, going to see it at my local theater, listening to it repeatedly on Spotify and then buying the audiobook ... I have a bit of an obsession. It‘s just so lovely through and through! Fans of Anne Shirley will particularly like this one. 💕
NOTE: The musical remixes the format, so if you‘re completely against spoilers, read the book first!
#stupidman #septemberdanes
The musical of Daddy Long Legs at my local theater has the best set ever!! 🎭 #shelfie
2. BBC Sherlock, Modern Family.🎩
3. Nope.
4. Chettinad chicken, crab curry and rice. 💃
5. He reads non-fiction, travel and cookbooks. Also, short stories. My favourite childhood reading memories are with him. I used to love listening to him narrate stories from picture books. 💞👨👩👧👧
#OldCoolBooks #Epistolary
Daddy-Long-Legs is a book I often use for epistolary prompts. It's a favorite introduced to me by my dad, who played the male lead-Jervis Pendleton-in a college production. I think his old playbook is very cool & I have it & his other scripts & programs from school & community theater.
Excuse the recycled photo from a previous challenge. They are worn & old-from the 1940s & packed up & I'm too lazy to unpack them.😆
I was lucky enough to see this musical (based on an #epistolary novel by a #femaleauthor) and ❤️ the #soundtrack. Letters are always nice when there are #milesbetweenus. #maylovesclassics #litsyclassicshost #AdelesMayMashup #readingresolutions #oldcoolbooks #multitasking
I‘ve always loved Edward Ardizzone‘s illustrations.
Here's a very green photo to start May off. Candles are from Lemon Cakes Candle Co. Absolutely love the smell of them!.
"It seems to me that a man who can think straight along for forty seven years without changing a single idea ought to be kept in a cabinet as a curiosity."