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Wrath | John Gwynne
The fourth in the Faithful and the Fallen series from John Gwynne, an epic fantasy perfect for fans of George R. R. Martin, Brandon Sanderson and David Gemmell. Events are coming to a climax in the Banished Lands, as the war reaches new heights. King Nathair has taken control of the fortress at Drassil and three of the Seven Treasures are in his possession. And together with Calidus and his ally Queen Rhin, Nathair will do anything to obtain the remaining Treasures. With all seven under his command, he can open a portal to the Otherworld. Then Asroth and his demon-horde will finally break into the Banished Lands and become flesh. Meanwhile Corban has been taken prisoner by the Jotun, warrior giants who ride their enormous bears into battle. His warband scattered, Corban must make new allies if he hopes to survive. But can he bond with competing factions of warlike giants? Somehow he must, if he's to counter the threat Nathair represents. His life hangs in the balance - and with it, the fate of the Banished Lands.
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Wrath | John Gwynne
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Time to finish one of my most favorite fantasy series of all time! John Gwynne is phenomenal! #faithfulandthefallen

Wrath | John Gwynne
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Went for an eye test and my prescription glasses will stay the same. Nothing special going on, just normal ageing. So to celebrate, jumping in the final book of the Faithful and the Fallen Saga

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Wrath | John Gwynne
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This was such a good series! I loved it and the final book was my favorite of the bunch. Very hard to put down 💙


#BookNerd 🤓📚💙

Wrath | John Gwynne
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For today‘s title with #OneWord☝🏻prompt I thought I would go with the whole quartet that I am currently reading since they all fit 😊 I‘m hoping to start the final book today 😬🤞🏻

#TemptingTitles ☔️🌸💜

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

TrishB A great series 👍🏻 1y
keys_on_fire I love the covers! 1y
Eggs Gorgeous 🧡🧡 1y
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Wrath | John Gwynne
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I‘m very very very late with posting this and I apologize (after holiday stress with work) but thank you @The.Great.Catsby for my #jolabokaflodswap package. I‘ve never had Gatsby chocolate before so I‘m looking forward to trying it!

The.Great.Catsby I've never had it either, but it just looked so alluring. Let me know if you like it! I also hope you enjoy the book 😊 2y
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There was so much death but some of those felt almost beautiful and that made it so much easier to go through. I also cried. I just say that some villains are such a cowards! And how a crow can be such an amazing character?

I enjoyed so much and can't think when I would find the next series to take my heart like this.

#SeriesRead2022 #aestheticallymatched #ukroadtrip

TrishB I cried at this one too! A brilliant ending. 2y
PageShifter @TrishB Yes it was!! This was really solid series! And made me feel several times, not just sorrow either 💜 2y
TheSpineView Excellent!📖📘 2y
Clwojick Awesome match! ❤️ 2y
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“All of us die. How many really live?”

Wrath | John Gwynne
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This series was perfection. What a journey!

So many characters stole my heart in these books ♥️


Mishu94 So pretty!!!! 😍😍😍 4y
TrishB Agreed, a great series 👍🏻 4y
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Wrath | John Gwynne
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Starting the 4th and final book in what may be my favourite series ever 😳

I already can't wait to re-read this series. ❤️

TrishB It‘s an awesome series 👍🏻 4y
monalyisha VERY into your fashion choices. 4y
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I finished Ruin last night (3rd in the series) and the ending ripped my heart out! Holy cliffhanger, Batman.

Luckily, I have the final book already on hand. I'd be absolutely gutted if I had to wait for it. Looking forward to digging into this and finishing off this series! 🤘

Ddzmini I have to get these books so it‘s a good series??? 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @Ddzmini I've really enjoyed them. This is the 3rd book and so far all 3 have gotten 5 star reviews from me on Goodreads. I started the 4th & final book in the series, Wrath, this morning. I see no reason (unless the author completely flubs the ending) that it won't be a 5 star review as well. 🤷🏼‍♂️❤️ 5y
Ddzmini Yes another series to read 😋📖📚 5y
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Wrath | John Gwynne
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“Today we fight! We‘ve suffered, lost much, had much taken from us. But today is the day we say, NO MORE. We fight for something simpler and more powerful, we fight for those we love, and the truth shall give us the courage we need. TRUTH AND COURAGE!”
—Wrath by John Gwynne

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Me: I absolutely cannot buy any new books until I read some of the books I already have and whittle down #MountTBR
Also me:

TrishB But this series is so worth it! 5y
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Wrath | John Gwynne
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Found this fantasy series on sale at Barnes & Noble! It looks really good, and I love how HUGE they all are! 😍💞📚 #bookhaul

RaimeyGallant Whoa, look at those #chunksters! :) 6y
Yeah_I_Read It‘s such an amazing series!!! I found it a bit slow to start but it‘s so worth it!! 6y
CrowCAH Neat font and spine art! 6y
Branwen @RaimeyGallant Aren't they awesome?! 😁 @CrowCAH I thought so too! They look really nice all stacked up! @Yeah_I_Read Oooh thank you! That makes me ever more excited to read it! 🤗 6y
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Wrath | John Gwynne
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Finally made it to the last book in the series! Interested to see how things wrap up.

Gissy I want to read it! But so many books😊....so little time! 😔I like the cover of arch book😍 6y
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Wrath | John Gwynne
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Wrath | John Gwynne
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READ. THIS. SERIES. 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️

TrishB I have - it‘s awesome 😁👍🏻💕 7y
Yeah_I_Read @TrishB right!!!! There is another series coming out set in the same world. The first one is called 7y
GatheringBooks stacking it now! :) 7y
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TrishB I have it ready 😁 I am trying to finish some other series before I start new ones! 7y
Yeah_I_Read @TrishB I can‘t wait! It‘s being released here in the US next week 7y
TrishB If you‘re on fb he interacts with readers a lot! 7y
Yeah_I_Read @TrishB he actually commented on my post on Instagram lol 😍😍😍 7y
TrishB Cool 👍🏻 7y
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Wrath | John Gwynne
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Possibly my favourite #bigbooks #riotgrams
@minkyb @Cinfhen a few pages here 😀

Ms_T You could build a house with those. 7y
TrishB @Ms_T I know loads of people find them off-putting, I find them comforting 😀 though carrying them round does give me shoulder ache! 7y
Ms_T @TrishB Ha! 7y
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Yeah_I_Read 😍😍😍 7y
TrishB @akc2ngel me too 💜 7y
minkyb There are no words @Cinfhen @TrishB OR maybe too many words 🤣 7y
Lissa00 @TrishB @akc2ngel Me too! I keep meaning to reread it. 7y
TrishB @Lissa00 it definitely deserves a re-read soon! 7y
Andrew65 @akc2ngel @trishB @Lissa00 Sunne in Splendour ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (edited) 7y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen Somebody ensure they calm Cinfhen down with the size of these tomes. 7y
Andrew65 @minkyb 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 7y
Cinfhen Thank you @Andrew65 I'm having a mini #PanicAttack 7y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen Thought you might be! 🙄 7y
Celeste57 I agree with 3 of those 4! Have yet to read Sunne in Splendour, though. 7y
TrishB @Celeste57 it's amazing 👍 7y
RadicalReader @TrishB no better sight than giant books so comforting and make an excellent paperweight! 7y
TrishB @RadicalReader exactly 😀 7y
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It's back to this beast! My reading goal for today is to get to page 110. So far this book is captivating. John Gwynne does a great job of recapping events from the last book and picking the story right back up again. I can't wait to see how this story unfolds, but am so anxious about the road ahead. Who will die? Will there be betrayal? How will it all end???? *dramatic voice*

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I'm really looking forward to getting into this book this weekend. I am determined to read this one by the end of April. I can't let it drag on for months like I did with Ruin!!!

Wrath | John Gwynne
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Finally finished 😀 Don't know why this series doesn't get the hype some fantasy series do. It's brilliant. If you like your fantasy world building, great characters, good v evil, gods at war and full on battles - this is it! Brilliant series and for the last 350 pages of this one I must have said no, wtf, OMG on every page.
So recommended. I cried on public transport at the end!

MeganAnn Well I need to read this now!! Great review! ❤️ 8y
TrishB @MeganAnn I was hoping the love came through 💓😂 8y
Zelma Sold! 8y
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minkyb Stacked! 8y
Bette Wow! Thanks! 8y
Cinfhen Great review and I'm intrigued but it looks like a doorstopper😬 8y
TrishB @Cinfhen all the series are doorstoppers! I read quickly but they are still quite a committment! 8y
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Wrath | John Gwynne
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Determined to finish today! Have a couple of hours in the hairdressers so that should help 😀

Lindy Did you do it? 8y
TrishB @lindy yep 😀 just about to review! It was awesome..... 8y
Lindy @TrishB 👍👍👍 8y
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Wrath | John Gwynne
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Closest book to hand 😀 still reading (it is a big book!)

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So I've gone from a book of short stories to this one! 😀 LOL, probably the biggest one on the pile.

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Wrath | John Gwynne
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Got this stand for my kindle after a tip from @BookBabe best decision ever. It's really an iPad stand but it is PERFECT for my kindle Oasis. #blameitonlitsy #blameitonbookbabe

britt_brooke Perfect! 8y
TrishB Love the John Gwynne books 😀 8y
TNbooklover66 @TrishB I know! Such an awesome series. I'm sad this is the last one. 8y
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TrishB I have it ready on my tbr but don't want to start until I know I have a good few hours to read! 8y
ReadingEnvy I have one of those pyramid pillows that can hold up a device or heavy book 8y
TNbooklover66 @ReadingEnvy I'd like one of those too. I wanted this for when I was at the table eating. 8y
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Wrath | John Gwynne
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New Year's reading...

TNbooklover66 Best way to read. 🐶 8y
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Wrath | John Gwynne
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It's here, it's finally here!

mamaboadicea I like the colour cover! Something I miss about ereaders! 8y
TNbooklover66 @mamaboadicea this one of those cases where I'm actually reading it on my ereader but I had to have the books for my shelves because they are pretty. 😮😂📚 8y
mamaboadicea Yes, your not obsessed 😀 8y
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