“War is always about betrayal, betrayal of the young by the old, of idealists by cynics and of troops by politicians.”
“War is always about betrayal, betrayal of the young by the old, of idealists by cynics and of troops by politicians.”
Though Tillman‘s story is important and the ways in which ineptitude and ignorance played into his death was lamentable, this was just not a the well crafted book Krakauer is capable of. Too slow and way too much sports- talk.
This is about how Pat Tillman was killed by "friendly fire," and the U.S. government's disgusting, cowardly attempt to cover it up. It's an important story. I only wish that I didn't have to get seventy-five percent of the way through the book before Krakauer finally got to Tillman's death.
It is the harder because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after your own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.
--From Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay, "Self-Reliance," which is quoted in this book
From Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay "Self-Reliance," which is quoted in this book.
Under the Chernenko regime, the Soviets also increased the use of antipersonell mines. Bombers sprinkled the countryside with tens of thousands of miniature booby traps made to resemble brightly colored toys. Such mines were created specifically to attract very young Afghans; when the kids picked them up, they would explode, maiming and killing the children.
I have mad respect for Jon Krakauer‘s investigative perspective of complex events. This is his only book that sat unread on my shelves because I was never emotionally ready and thought I knew Pat Tillman‘s story. But really, there is way more to his life and this tragedy than I ever understood. The lies are infuriating and the military picked the wrong mom/family to lie to. This book is an important piece of American history.
This book is one of the most difficult books I‘ve ever read. From the horrendous bungling (& subsequent lies to the public) in the Iraqi War to the intentional cover-up about Pat Tillman‘s death by friendly fire, it‘s almost impossible to have any faith left whatsoever in the US military. The myopic decision to go to war in Iraq mirrors the faulty & egotistical optimism of Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine so much you‘d think Putin followed US ⬇️
Serious trigger warning: the descriptions of the attack by the Air Force on Army tanks and troops in the first days of the Iraqi War are brutal At least 17 died in the attack from friendly fire and some of their deaths are described in detail. The troops are identified. I can‘t imagine reading this about a family member but I know the author is trying to expose the poor deadly decision making taking place. #foodandlit #Afghanistan @Butterfinger
The Ukrainians appear to follow Iraqi civilians‘ example in the Iraqi War. It‘s mind-boggling the mistakes the military made costing so many lives: belatedly consulting a gps & ending up in a massive firefight in the wrong place to taking tanks over ground that turned out to be a quicksand bog as a shortcut, to the US Air Force attacking US Army tanks & troops. All in the first days of the invasion.
#foodandlit #Afghanistan
Holy smokes! These events in the early parts of the Iraqi war sound a lot like Russia‘s imagined response from the Ukrainians, and the disastrous result.
#foodandlit #Afghanistan @Butterfinger @Catsandbooks
Pat Tillman became a huge Ralph Waldo Emerson fan while serving in the army. I‘m a big believer in RWE‘s philosophy
#foodandlit #Afghanistan @Butterfinger @Catsandbooks
The first military deaths were “friendly fire” because the soldier didn‘t understand how his GPS unit worked when he mistakenly ordered an air strike on his own men, killing 3 American soldiers. 🙁 The incident injured America‘s pick for the Afghan President Karzai as well. Not one of our finer moments as a country.
#foodandlit #Afghanistan @Butterfinger @Catsandbooks
I‘m also excited to have picked my next ebook. This one is for next month‘s #foodandlit country, #Afghanistan. I know it‘s early but I have a bunch of books I want to read for Aghanistan so I thought it a good idea to start early. And Krakauer never disappoints. This also ticks off another #awesomeapril #readathon goal—to pick my next ebook.
Day 18: I‘m following the idea to post a book from my tbr list from @StaceyKondla and @Cortg
No description or reason for wanting to read it is necessary if you want to join along. #tbrpile
I love Jon Krakauer‘s nonfiction books. Thinking I‘m going to have to buy this one, on sale today.
During Pat Tillman‘s stint in the army he intermittently kept a diary.
Leave it to Krakauer - at the end of his books I always feel equal parts gutted & infuriated. I can't imagine what it's like to completely immerse himself in these events for the amount of time it takes to extensively research & write. I also love that people like Pat Tillman existed & I need reminders that there are people who can be as authentically themselves as he was. I know there are more that never get recognition b/c they were never famous
Alternating between listening to this (almost done!) & reading about serial killers. To be honest, I'm not sure which is more depresssing. It is infuriating to listen to how the US government used Pat Tillman to further a BS agenda and the pain it caused his family. I know many people who have done military service and just the thought of them being used in such a way makes me feel sick 😠
An interesting read! I appreciated how Krakauer showed that Pat Tillman is more than he has been portrayed. He was a real man that was flawed and amazing at the same time.
This is so difficult to listen to for a number of reasons. I recognize that world Peace may be my pipe dream, but knowing that friendly fire costs us lives is horrible. A colleague lost her son in Afghanistan to friendly fire, so the cover up is truly pissing me off. We're supposed to be better than that, aren't we?
I guess we are, because the truth has, once again, come out. So maybe there is hope. Thank you, Tillman family. My condolences.
To clarify: this rating is based on the audiobook. I definitely think the book was well researched and informative. I learned a lot of things and was heartbroken for Tilman's family and all they went through. However, I found it hard to follow at times, but I think this is strictly because of the pace and narration of the audiobook. It's also a lot of terminology that's unfamiliar to me and was hard to keep track of. Still worth the read!
My next audiobook! I'm looking forward to some Jon Krakauer, as I've never read any of his before but have heard great things! Any other recommendations of his or reads that are similar? Missoula is on my radar soon as well.
Heartbreaking and uplifting all at the same time. Another beautifully crafted glimpse into the human psyche by Jon Krakauer. He's yet to disappoint.
I thought I knew all there was to know about Pat Tillman but I was so wrong. This is another outstanding book by Krakauer and I loved Scott Brick's narration.