It got weirder.
#catsofLitsy #DannyBoy
It got weirder.
#catsofLitsy #DannyBoy
I just walked out of my bedroom to…whatever this is. #catsofLitsy #DannyBoy #whataweirdo
So far he has wedged himself behind the washing machine, a toilet, the piano (he almost got stuck there), and now he found this little hidey hole. Twice now, and no books knocked over yet but I‘m trying to discourage this hiding spot. Cats are weird. #catsofLitsy
That‘s my cat Thor.
In the dryer.
As I was unloading, he literally hopped OVER my clothes to get back there.
Cats. Are. Weird.
(Note: the door was not ever closed with him inside. He is currently laying in his window seat!)
Wesley is a weirdo but I love him. Hiding under the dog bed is a good idea, until the dog comes and lays on the bed... #catsoflitsy
Whatcha doin? Oh ya know, just feeding my cat graham crackers 🤣
#catsoflitsy #littenkitten #catsareweird
Cats are weird.
Ha! This book looks amazing! Yay! Thank you @MaleficentBookDragon you are the sweetest thing 😘😘 Tesla and I will be reading this together so I can confirm this book lol!
I am trying to take a nap before work tonight and this weirdo has been standing in my doorway for 10 minutes. Not coming in or leaving, just staring #creepedout #catsareweird
#Toots loves to cuddle kitchen roll.... I'm met with this sight most days 😂😂😂 #catsoflitsy
Hi, my name is Eva (aka Meowser). I'm a spry 13 years old and I hate loud noises. My hobbies include vomiting in shoes, peeing on laundry (clean or dirty, it's all great to me!), and meowing really, really loud. My favorite place to sleep is on your chest with my whiskers tickling your face, but if that's not at an option I like spooning too (little spoon of course). Happy #internationalcatday! #catsoflitsy
Bandit - Has beds, blankets, and soft areas to sleep all over the house...chooses to sleep in an empty Priority Mail box in the basement. #catsareweird
Well humans, I had a good run at working from home today. But now the master demands my lap.
..Ruby's a strange girl! She insists on squeezing herself into my knitting project bags #nationalcatday #catsoflitsy #knittykitty #literaryknitter
After an eventful day interacting with his six new older siblings, #Septimus is all tuckered out. It seems fitting that his first time falling asleep on top of one of us is on #nationalcatday! #catsoflitsy
Xena:"I got here first, tough luck", Dean:"But it's for the human baby" Xena: "The human will have to wait his turn"
Such a fun, quick read with cute graphics and good lol moments🐾
My love ❤️😽
I love New York (what is this thing called "low humidity?) but I miss my kitty so much ? He's my favorite reading buddy. Please excuse the bare mattress in this pic; I was 8 months pregnant at the time and I didn't have it in me to fight with a fitted sheet ? #KittenLitten (please use this hashtag, Littens so I can easily stalk all your adorable kitties!) ?