“We are all the same, you and me.“
In the classroom, Pink and Say can be linked to lessons on historical events, particularly the Civil War, as well as discussions about friendship and understanding different perspectives.
In the classroom, Pink and Say can be linked to lessons on historical events, particularly the Civil War, as well as discussions about friendship and understanding different perspectives.
This is a historical fiction picture book published in 1994 and was awarded the Virginia Readers' Choice Award. The story follows a young white soldier named Say and an African American soldier named Pink during the Civil War, illustrating their friendship and bravery in the face of danger as they navigate the challenges of war and prejudice.
I have two that I would use to teach my reluctant reader students in middle school: PINK AND SAY by Patricia Polacco and FAITHFUL ELEPHANTS by Yukio Tsuchiya. The first one occurs during the Civil War, and the second one during WW2. And yes, both are #tearjerkers. 🧡💜💛
This HF book would be a great RA because it tells a beautiful story about two kid soldiers on opposite sides of the Civil War, that meet, help each other, and become friends. It‘s a wonderful story to use to not only discuss the Civil War at an elementary level, but also to talk about friendships and not judging others.
UDL 3.1 activate or supply background knowledge would be perfect to discuss what kids may know about the Civil War, and
I can read this historical novel when I discuss the Civil war! I believe the children would enjoy this because they can learn about the young soldiers who fought!
Pink and Say was written by Patricia Polacco in 1994. This story describes a historical fiction novel about two young boys who meet during the American civil war . I really enjoyed this story!
This HF picture book by Patricia Polacco retells a story passed down to her about the trials and tribulations of two soldiers named Sheldon Russell Curtis (Say) who was a white soldier and Pinkus Aylee (Pink) who was a black soldier that was involved in the Civil War. Say was wounded in battle and Pink found him, brought him to shelter, and helped him recover.
Pink and Say is a HF picture book written and illustrated by Patricia Polacco. I think this book would be very good to use as a RA in a classroom grades 4-6. It won the 1994 Irma S. and James H. Black Award in Children‘s Literature and the 1996 Maine Student Book Award for Grades 4-8.
This is a really touching illustration of the soldier helping another soldier even though it is difficult.
This was an amazing traditional literature book. It was a truly moving story about two different races of civil war soldiers. I loved that is was based on a true story.
Pink and Say is a historical book written by Patricia Polacco. This story has the main characters of Pinkus and Sheldon (Pink and Say). This book gives the real story of war and young soldiers. It is a very emotional book and the details are very in depth.
Historical fiction. This is a wonderful book read aloud. It really draws the listeners in completely.
Pink and Say by Patricia Polacco, 1994. This is a wonderful story about two young boys during the civil war. It‘s emotional and moving and really brings you right into the war and their experiences. It tells of a boy named Pinkus Aylee who died before he could tell his story so his friend Say told it for him.
“This is the hand that touched the hand that has touched the hand that has shook the hand of Abraham Lincoln.”
I read this book growing up and I always liked to read it. It tells the story of how a young black soldier saves the life of a white soldier and shows the reader how unjust and cruel slavery was, and how senseless war can be. Very emotional.
“This is the hand that touched the hand that has touched the hand that has shook the hand of Abraham Lincoln.”
Since the language is a bit advanced and the sentences are longer, I would choose this for an older class.
Such a powerful book that moves people to tears. A great story about the American Civil War. A great tribute to a man who will not be forgotten.
Pink and Say by Patricia Polacco is a historical fiction picture book. Pink and Say won the 1997 West Virginia Children‘s Book award. The characters in this book are loosely based on real people who fought in the Civil War. Pink and Say are two teenage boys fighting for the Union army, and they temporarily take haven at Pink‘s mothers home. They are eventually captured and taken prisoner by the Confederate army.
I don't cry much at books but Pink and Say gets me every time. Some years ago I was reading it to a classroom and warned that the last time I'd read it aloud, I'd cried 4 times. The kids listened raptly and at the end a boy raised his hand and said, "Um, you cried four times again." LOL #somethingforsept #mademecry