For a minute I thought we hadn‘t gotten any new ornaments this year, but then I remembered the ones we got from Mickey‘s Christmas Party! So fun.😁 #wintergames #ghostsofxmas @BookwormAHN
For a minute I thought we hadn‘t gotten any new ornaments this year, but then I remembered the ones we got from Mickey‘s Christmas Party! So fun.😁 #wintergames #ghostsofxmas @BookwormAHN
Second set of ornaments: you wished were life-sized, with a frame, makes a noise, represents baseball, homemade, bigger than my palm, characters on it, a bookish ornament, blue is my favorite color. #ghostsofxmas #wintergames @BookwormAHN
Ornaments for scavenger hunt: an animal, something sparkly, from my sister, my reflection in it, rememinds me of my grandma, North Pole character, good enough to eat, a date on it, represents our wedding ❤️🎄 #wintergames #ghostsofxmas @BookwormAHN
More ornaments for #OrnamentHunt. #WinterGames #ReindeerGamers @LiseWorks Handmade by my daughter but Santa lost his eyes at some point, noisy bell, sporty ornament, would love a life sized rocking horse reminds me of one my nan had. Date on, this was made for my daughter at nursery her name is on the other side and a dragonfly new this year.
The next 8 ornaments for the hunt: Special occasion, one I wish was life sized, picture frame on it, makes noise, represents sports, homemade, too big to fit in the palm of your hand, character on it (Disney, Marcel, tv, etc). #TeamEvergreen #WinterGames +81 points
Finally posting my ornament scavenger hunts! First up (clockwise from the upper left):
1. Ornament that sparkles
2. Ornament that reminds you of a family member
3. Ornament with an animal on it
4. A gift from a family or friend
5. Ornament you can see your reflection in
#wintergames #SantasBookshELVES
Lights and balls and things that hang
#DecemberDreams #Ornaments
Searched the tree for the ornament hunt and found a few good ones. Sorry some are hard to see but I didn‘t want to post 16 times 😅 #wintergames #snowflakesquad
1. Homemade
2. Makes noise
3. Reflection
4. Sparkles
5. Bookish (it‘s a book tree!)
6. Reminds of family member
7. Picture frame
8. Good enough to eat
9. Animal
10. Big
11. Oldest
12. Character
13. Date on it
14. North Pole character
15. Special occasion
16. This year
Day 18 of the #wintergames Photo Challenge - Ornament
Photo 1 - I made this ornament a long time ago. I dipped my fingers in paint and put my fingerprints all over the ornament. It looks really cool.
Photo 2 - My mom put these decorations out for Christmas. She put Santa on a grass thing with lights that no longer work and then put ornaments around it. The ornament I made is in there because it‘s too big to put on our tree.
Okay, here comes the #WinterGames #ChristmasOrnamentHunt pictures! First 6 are #OrnamentThatSparkles #OrnamentWithAnAnimalOnIt #GiftFromFamily #OrnamentYouCanSeeYourReflection #OrnamentRemindsYouOfFamilyMember #OrnamentWithANorthPoleCharacter!
#TeamEvergreen 61pts
Another new ornament…this one from Pandora which also came with a charm!
#wintergames #ornamenthunt #boughtthisyear #candycanecrushers
Wish this was life sized! #wintergames #ornamenthunt
Tangled is my favorite Disney movie and so I have 2 Rapunzel ornaments.
#wintergames #ornamenthunt #withacharacteronit #candycanecrushers
My husband is originally from Indianapolis and rooted for them growing up, hence the Colts snowman. My maternal grandparents were die-hard Cowboys fans, so I grew up rooting for them. Back in the day when the Troy Aikman Hallmark ornament came out, I bought one for me and one for them.
#wintergames #ornamenthunt #representssports #candycanecrushers
Good enough to eat ornament. #wintergames #ornamenthunt
Here‘s my jolly old North Pole character! #wintergames #ornamenthunt
Reminds me of a family member! My dad used to work at this ski resort near Traverse City, Michigan. I have fond memories of growing up as a hotel brat there! #ornamenthunt #wintergames
Here‘s my “gift from family” ornament.
#wintergames .
These are all my new ornaments! At least all my new ones so far. 😂
#ornamenthunt #wintergames #candycanecrushers
Next up #GhostsOfXmas is the #WinterGames #ChristmasOrnamentHunt You have all December to scour your tree and other trees (like Walmarts?) 🤷🏼♀️ to find them 🎄
@Read4life @kelli7990 @LocalTXLibrarian @TheDaysGoBy @TheQuietQuill @PaperbackPirate @Charityann
@Clwojick @StayCurious
@Catsandbooks This is the picture I was talking about for my Retro craft project for January for #LitsyCrafters .